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  1. I'm not real keen on the "new improved" cages anyway, but some of the categories of the types of cars or SUVs or whatch-a-ma-call-it's leave me confused. TV commercials about the best mileage or passenger capacity or cubic feet of capacity or best warranty, then to call a vehicle a "crossover"??? I thought that had something to do with a certain kind of surgery that most people never have. Can someone please explain the differences of van, minivan, SUV, crossover, and/or any others that I'm not listing? Maybe I've just been around too long, but it seems to me that it was a lot easier to understand two door sedan, four door sedan, coupe, station wagon, and convertible.
  2. I have a question, regarding Yamaha's use of part numbers. Is Yamaha consistent with their numbering system, for identical parts, across models and years? If the same part was used in a Venture, VMax and/or Royal Star, during several model years, would the part numbers be the same?
  3. Met a guy on the Easter ride who passed this on to me. Wondering if anyone here is a member and/or familiar with it and if so, can you shed some pros & cons or any information whatsoever. http://www.ibmc.org/
  4. My wife and I are hoping to visit the Napa Valley wine region........and maybe rent a bike to get around on while we're out there. We live in St. Catharines, Ontario, near Niagara Falls.......so we won't be riding all the way out to California. :-) Our plan is to fly in to San Fran and rent a bike there. Just wondering if anyone has done this before/recently and has any recommendations about sources for bikes and/or places to stay......in Frisco and/or out Napa way. Thanks for any help. Mike
  5. captdrac


    Does platium or Iridium sparkplugs work better and/or give better mpg than regular sparkplugs?
  6. I just received a private message from Bisquit regarding John Nelson (Hipshot). This is all that I know at this time. Please keep him in your thoughts and/or prayers. Just wanted to let you guys know John is in the hospital in Victoria Tx. They're keeping him sedated. They have him on a breathing machine. His doctor has had him on oxygen for several weeks now. He has to fight for every breath. Saw him yesterday, he's resting comfortably. They are running every test known to man as well as taking samples and getting cultures. He's very sick down to 95 lbs a few weeks ago. Hopefully they'll figure out whats wrong and then they'll have a better idea what treatment he needs. He's in ICU so there's a nurse right there. He's being well cared for. Seems like since Jeannie died he's gone downhill fast. I'd appreciate you puttin the word out. All prayers greatly appreciated.
  7. I am considering a set of Khrome Werks pipes for my '08 Venture. Any opinions and/or advice on who may have the best price on them? Thanks
  8. Erika is considering trying out the role of passenger with me. We will wear proper gear. I do understand the adjustments to the suspension of the bike for the extra weight. I have not had a passenger on the back of a bike in about 25 years, and she has never been a successful passenger. Back in her high school days her boy friend took her for her first ride and was showing off and they crashed, it was a bad crash with extended hospital time. So she is understandably concerned. Neither of us are small people and it will be a load for the bike. I am wondering about the best way for us to safely learn to ride together. My thoughts were to find someone that is an experienced passenger to ride with me a few times to let me get used to the extra weight, and higher center of gravity. Someone that already knows the dos and don't of being a passenger. I am sure the handling will come back to me quickly. and/or Have her ride with a friend that has done a huge amount of 2 up riding. Or just load her up and head for some deserted roads and/or my favorite practice parking lot. Any other suggestions?
  9. I'm looking at this to mount my Magellan Roadmate 3045-MU to my RSV. http://www.mountguys.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=RAM-B-149Z-PD2&click=21 Was thinking the standard length (3") would be enough. Wasn't sure if 1) it would mount to the bars with enough clearance for movement and/or 2) once mounted if I could swivel the unit enough on the mount so that I could see it properly. I'd greatly appreciate any advice/suggestions. Bob http://www.mountguys.com/v/vspfiles/photos/RAM-B-149Z-PD2-2.jpg
  10. Just wondering if anyone uses, an additive in there oil to help with the shifting? and/Or make the Engine run smoother?
  11. Black Owl

    Xt 225

    Anyone have any experience with the XT 225? Particulary interested in any information on electrical issues and/or ignition switch problems. Thanks in advance
  12. Ok, I was cleaning up my computer last night and came across this link from several months ago. Just wondering has anyone on here tried this on their bike or know of someone who has? Looks interesting. Might even get rid of the "chirp and/or whine". http://www.efmautoclutch.com/dirt.shtml
  13. Don't want to pull a trailer(yet) but would love to place a larger cooler, in the center and lower on my bike as they can be heavy, not to mention leaky," oh well I guess I did mention that huh?". Question(s) is, Where is the best place to buy a receiver and/or does anyone want to get rid of theirs? Do they come with wiring for turn signal, hazard, stop and "Backup" lights?
  14. Can anyone comment on the site and/or this helmet/Com system ? http://www.aerostich.com/off-and-riding/helmets/nolan-n42-n-com.html
  15. I went and ordered the hitch for the scoot. I already did the thread on whether or not to use brakes on the trailer. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=47141 Now I just need to design and build the trailer. I need to a lot of pricing out parts to see if it is more cost effective to build a trailer from scratch, or to start with something like a Harbor Freight trailer and modify from there. The box needs to be a minimum of 96 x 40 x 20. At this point in time I am thinking of making the box out of marine grade plywood with a one piece hinged lid. Maybe a sloped and/or V nose to help wind resistance. I am still concerned about side wind load in a strong cross wind. That is a big trailer for a bike but what I need to carry is not heavy, just big and fragile. I am open to ideas for the construction of this beast.
  16. (I know some here have Harley's and I have 30+ years on them myself so don't take too much offense!) I just read ediddy's thread about his trip to the H-D dealer and I got to thinking; why do Harley people act like they do? And I finally figured it out. I found this checklist online. At the bottom of the page is the title of the paper it came from. Some points don't fit but most do... The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law. Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished. Mind-altering practices (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, and debilitating work routines) are used in excess and serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s). The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel (for example, members must get permission to date, change jobs, marry—or leaders prescribe what types of clothes to wear, where to live, whether or not to have children, how to discipline children, and so forth). The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s) and members (for example, the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar—or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity). The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society. The leader is not accountable to any authorities (unlike, for example, teachers, military commanders or ministers, priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream religious denominations). The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members' participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group (for example, lying to family or friends, or collecting money for bogus charities). The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt iin order to influence and/or control members. Often, this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion. Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before joining the group. The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members. The group is preoccupied with making money. Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group and group-related activities. Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members. The most loyal members (the “true believers”) feel there can be no life outside the context of the group. They believe there is no other way to be, and often fear reprisals to themselves or others if they leave (or even consider leaving) the group. Characteristics Associated with Cultic Groups (Cults)- Revised Janja Lalich, Ph.D. & Michael D. Langone, Ph.D.[/b]
  17. Well, the Kumho was a champ on the Dragon last week. I rode from Dallas to Vogel at high speeds, in rain, at low speeds, on interstates, on back roads, and on the twisties. I had absolutely no issues with wobbling and/or tar snakes. Cornering was great. I am settled in at 38 psi for now. It seems to be a good pressure for me.
  18. Help?! Maybe some of you technical folks could offer some suggestions?? A friend of mine has a brand new (2008) VSTAR 1100 Classic - only 5,100 miles - purchased 3 months ago. She has been experiencing several mechanical problems - all of which (in my opinion) the dealer may be blowing incorrect information to her - and/or just not knowledgeable on this type of motorcycle. Thought I would ask if any of these mechanical issues sounded familiar - or may have thoughts on what to specifically say to try and get these issues resolved (other than blowing off the dealer). I did a copy and paste of her e-mail: These things don’t happen all of the time which makes it hard to diagnose and then fix, but they happen often enough to be frustrating, irritating and annoying. The gear(s) issue is what worries her the most because we like to ride twisty mountain roads. popping sound from exhaust – this happens on acceleration and/or deceleration - level and hilly (high elevation) areas. The dealer told her it was the “air injection system”. It wasn’t “blocked off” before which allowed too much air to come through the exhaust causing the back-firing and popping noises. it’s not shifting into neutral on a “regular” basis. First gear and neutral having problems. The bike originally had issues with getting into neutral. The service tech lowered the shifting lever; it work(s)(ed) a lot better. BUT, it’s still not 100% all of the time. I can’t always get the bike into first gear; it wants to stay in neutral or like Sunday, going around a corner, went into neutral. I am being told that this problem is common with this bike – and tends to go away on / after 7,000-8,000 miles on the bike. Hard to start: when they blocked the air injection [section or whatever it’s called], this may “fix” that problem. Didn’t matter whether it was cooler temps or warmer, I was having problems. Again, it doesn’t happen all the time. Thanks, anyone - for any ideas and/or suggestions which I may pass on to her.
  19. OK folks, I've added a couple of new features to the forum. Some of you may find them helpful. There was a request for a place to view the most popular threads over the past 7 days or so. If you are away from the site for a few days and want to see the most popular of what you have missed, there is now a way to do it. If you scroll to the bottom of the forum home page, there is a new section that shows the "Hottest" threads. If you click on the drop down menu that says "View More" in that section, you will get a more complete list. I have also added a new feature to the search menu. You will find a link there that will bring up your latest posts and/or threads that you started. This will make it easier to find a question that you have posted and/or a post that you have added. That's about it for me today. I'm at another hotel and the Internet service is awful. I will check out of here tomorrow morning and try to find one with better Internet.
  20. We will make the Cody, WY rally, awesome ride from here to there that time of year, anybody else going to Cody rally from NW, maybe we could hookup. If enough I could bring my big trailer enough room for 6 Ventures and the ex-cab F250 we could ride and/or trailer have loads of room for extra baggage and FULL set of tools with some spare parts in case we experience any breakdowns. I live close enough to Vancouver Island BC - Seattle - Portland that anyone could coordinate and meet one of those 3 spots is more than welcome to share the bike trailer and/or ride along. It's an outstanding ride from NW to Cody that time of year, could hit snow in the upper parts of the pass coming and going but it shouldn't be heavy and having the trailer available would negate any worries over the white stuff. Give me a call should be some BIG fun Jim 360-775-7741
  21. I just tripped across this in my web travels......neat idea, tho somewhat pricey! Mufflers have a "butterfly" in them......can electrically switch from quiet to loud depending on your mood and/or location! Sorry first genners, they fit second gen only! http://www.peacemakersexhausts.com/images/N41310_XVZ1300TF.jpg http://shop.nationalcycle.com/perl/cycle/nresults2.html?search_model=ym-082
  22. Am I jumpin the gun or did I miss something.....Does anyone know the cost and/or do where do we register for the actual rally?
  23. I discovered the other day that my left side blinkers weren't blinking, Checked the bulbs front and back which were good. Then discovered that lead (black & Brown) to left rear blinker had been pinched and shorted. I repaired the lead, checked and replaced fuses as needed. Now niether side blinks and no rear lights other then tail light. Front running lights are on but neither blinks, Nor does the blinker indicators on the dash. The hazard switch doesn't seem to do any thing. But it reads ok when doing pin out test. I thought that since I've been caught in several rides lately in the rain that moisture and/or corrosion might be a factor. :lightbulb:oh yea!. Wasn't that the problem that someone else was having on the North Ga 2nd Annual M&E that was covered in detail on that thread last week? :scratchchin:The problem did show up after I trusted 86ers weather report for that ride. Note to self: Go back and reread that thread. I Have taken turn signal switch apart, cleaned and reassembled. I believe I have narrowed it down to the signal flasher relay and/or Canceling unit but am not sure exactly which device is which. Tracing out color coded wiring it appears to me that both devices are combined together within the same little Black box. Is that possible?
  24. I know a lot of you swear by frogg toggs, but.....which model do you use and/or recommend??
  25. Folks...I got an email from one of our members who is looking for an article that was once posted here about installing a fairing on a RSTD. I've done a search and found a few threads but not the one where one of our members actually did it and posted some instructions on the bracket that he made and etc. I'm thinking that it must have been before the "Big Crash of '06". If you are the one who did it and/or know who did, please post again. It would actually also be good info to add to our tech library.
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