i've been hanging around the best oil sight on the net. for a couple of years, www.bobtheoilguy.com . i have been using mobil1 10w-30 extended performance energy conserving in my wing for the last 7000 miles. i'm using 4000mi. oci's on it. i will get an oil analysis in 1000 miles to see how this oil fares in my wing. most guys are using 8000 mi. oci, on the wing. i just can't go that long. in my v-twins, v-star and nomad, i switched to rotella t 15w-40 cj4, at 3000 mi. oci, because of the higher ppm of zddp. i am going to have an analysis done on both of them after two oil changes to flush them of any remnents of the other oil that was in them. as soon as i get the info back i will post it. these three bikes are a good cross section of different bikes to find out what works best in motorcycle engines. since oil is my all time favorite subject, i have to know. i will be using blackstone laboratories. this may take awhile. according to my research so far these should be the best oil choice for these three bikes. i am expecting very good wear no's in all 3 bikes. time will tell.