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  1. Reading USA Today , Wednesday,s edition and in the money section I see Tim Horton,s stockholders just approved its sale. For about 11 billion dollars they will now be owned by Miami based, wait for it, Burger King. To be honest, Burger King is moving to Ontario, tax purposes, so Timmies wont be totally American. I just hope they don't try to mix them together and start serving Whoppers. Sorry to all my northern friends but little by little and soon you,ll be just like us. Just get rid of the ""eh"" and we got ya.
  2. I hope nobody finds this political, & I hope it works. http://www.bornagainamerican.org/
  3. Yea, Phillip won the american idol contest. He is from my hometown, Leesburg, GA. We now have three hometown boys to salute. Buster Posey, San Franciso Giants, Luke Bryan, country music artist and now Phillip Phillips. We were going through some old videos and found one where Luke Byan spent the night at our house with our son when they were about 9 years old. Luke was kind of dorky when he was a kid. You never know what they will be like when the grow up.
  4. I just received this promotion for being a past customer. Thought I'd pass this on for there might be someone who might be interested. http://www.rumblingpride.com/ 100% American Owned; 100% Biker Owned; 100% American Pride. 20% off entire order code: RPTHX12 All orders of $75 or more ship priority mail for free! This what I fly on my VR. A flag for each branch of the service that is represented in my immediate family.
  5. Numbers that I can relate to. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Li0no7O9zmE&feature=share]DEBT LIMIT - A GUIDE TO AMERICAN FEDERAL DEBT MADE EASY.[/ame] www.youtube.com
  6. I went for my Veteran's Day ride looking for those flying the American Flag. Sad to say that in 50 miles I could not find a single American Flag on a car. I drop down into Orting for there is The Washington's Soldiers Home there. It was pretty early and the workers were just starting to put out the American Flag for this is their big day. Good to see that Liberals hasn't invaded the Soldiers Home, for the American Flag still fly’s proudly there. I did find 2 homes proudly flying Old Glory. Our home fly’s the American Flag everyday for everyday I'm thankful for all Veterans, especially personal for me is to remember the Korean War Veterans for they died and fought so I can live in America and be free. See I was born in 1952 right in the middle of the Korean War. I'm a Korean War Orphan, adopted into an American family. I've grafted into the American Society. I speak English, study American history, totally lost my 7 years old Korean language and culture. Personally I do not miss it. Today except for my physicial appearance, I am an American 100 percent. My son and daughter both know that had it not been for the American Fighting GIs that each of them would not be here for my life would have been much different had it not been for the Americans. Well I don't have any heated riding suit so my ride was pretty cold. All my fingers and hands were extremely cold and numb. It made me think of the freezing weather that the GIs had to fight in, I stop complaining. Its great to be part of Venture Riders and the Partiot Guard a great pool of Patriotism is found here. Patriotism seems to be harder and harder to find in the general public. But in my family Patriotism is taught early. The last picture is my grand daughter last year at the age of 3.
  7. Took a good long ride yesteday out towards Waterloo/Kitchener area. Got hungry so I stopped and had a bite to eat at a little restuarant called Lee's, on HWY 7 between Guelph and Kitchener. Both the food and service were very good. I am thinking of going out for another ride later this morning and trying them out for breakfast. If their breakfast is as good they should be on our list of places to eat in Ontario, as should the American House in waterdown were I have eatin many times in the past. The American house makes most of their food from scratch and it is good.
  8. In my younger days I delivered beer and liquor and when I went into a VFW or Legion I only saw old farts sitting around, well today I joined the American Legion so I must be an old fart. USMC forever Tom
  9. We are leaving Friday...early...I need to replace the American flag on the bike (6" X 9")...anyone know where I can get one in San Antonio? Sure appreciate any help so I don't have to go out "naked".
  10. This was sent to me and I just thought I would share it with you all........... .French view American Military by Jean-Marc Liotier American troops in Afghanistan through the eyes of a French OMLT infantryman The US often hears echoes of worldwide hostility against the application of its foreign policy, but seldom are they reached by the voices of people who experience first hand how close we are to the USA. In spite of contextual political differences and conflicting interests that generate friction, we do share the same fundamental values - and when push comes to shove that is what really counts. Through the eyes of that French OMLT (Operational Mentoring Liaison Teams) infantryman you can see how strong the bond is on the ground. In contrast with the Americans, the French soldiers don't seem to write much online - or maybe the proportion is the same but we just have fewer people deployed. Whatever the reason, this is a rare and moving testimony which is why I decided to translate it into English, so that American people can catch a glimpse of the way European soldiers see them. Not much high philosophy here, just the first hand impressions of a soldier in contact - but that only makes it more authentic. Here is link to the original French if you want to double check. Article, http://omlt3-kdk3.over-blog.com/article-22935665.html_ ( http://omlt3-kdk3.over-blog.com/article-22935665.html ) and here is English translation : "We have shared our daily life with two US units for quite a while - they are the first and fourth companies of a prestigious infantry battalion whose name I will withhold for the sake of military secrecy. To the common man it is a unit just like any other. But we live with them and got to know them, and we henceforth know that we have the honor to live with one of the most renowned units of the US Army - one that the movies brought to the public as series showing "ordinary soldiers thrust into extraordinary events". Who are they, those soldiers from abroad, how is their daily life, and what support do they bring to the men of our OMLT every day? Few of them belong to the Easy Company, the one the TV series focuses on. This one nowadays is named Echo Company, and it has become the support company. They have a very strong American accent - the language they speak seems to be not even English. How many times did I have to write down what I wanted to say rather than waste precious minutes trying various pronunciations of a seemingly common word? Whatever state they are from, no two accents are alike and they themselves admit that in some crisis situations they have difficulties understanding each other. Heavily built, fed at the earliest age with Gatorade, proteins at places like Waffle House and McDonalds - they are all heads and shoulders taller than us and their muscles remind us of Rambo. Our frames are amusingly skinny to them - even the strongest of us - and because of that they often mistake us for Afghans. Here we discover America as it is often depicted: their values are taken to their paroxysm, often amplified by the loneliness of this outpost in the middle of that Afghan valley. Honor, motherland - everything here reminds of that: the American flag floating in the wind above the outpost, just like the one on the postage parcels. Even if recruits often originate from the heart of American cities and gang territory, no one here has any goal other than to hold high and proud the star spangled banner. Each man knows he can count on the support of their whole people who provide them through the mail all the things that an American could miss in such a remote front-line location: books, chewing gums, razorblades, Gatorade, toothpaste etc. Every man is aware of how much the American people backs him in his difficult mission. And that is a first shock to our preconceptions: the American soldier is no individualist. The team, the group, the combat team are the focus of all his attention. And they are impressive warriors! We have not come across bad ones, as strange at it may seem to you when you know how critical French people can be. Even if some of them are a bit on the heavy side, all of them provide us everyday with lessons in infantry know-how. Beyond the wearing of a combat kit that never seems to discomfort them (helmet strap, helmet, combat goggles, rifles etc.) the long hours of watch at the outpost never seem to annoy them in the slightest. On the one square meter tower above the perimeter wall they stand the five consecutive hours in full battle rattle and night vision goggles on top, their sight focused in the directions of likely danger. No distractions, no pauses, they are like statues nights and days. At night, all movements are performed in the dark - only a handful of subdued red lights indicate the occasional presence of a soldier on the move. Same with the vehicles whose lights are covered - everything happens in pitch dark even filling the fuel tanks with the Japy pump. And combat? If you have seen Rambo you have seen it all - always coming to the rescue when one of our teams gets in trouble, and always in the shortest delay. That is one of their tricks: they switch from T-shirt and sandals to combat ready in three minutes. Arriving in contact with the enemy, the way they fight is simple and disconcerting: they just charge! They disembark and assault in stride, they bomb first and ask questions later - which cuts any pussyfooting short. (This is the main area where I'd like to comment. Anyone with a passing knowledge of Kipling knows the lines from Chant Pagan: 'If your officer's dead and the sergeants look white/remember its ruin to run from a fight. /So take open order, lie down, sit tight/And wait for supports like a soldier./ This, in fact, is the basic philosophy of both British and Continental soldiers. 'In the absence of orders, take a defensive position.' Indeed, virtually every army in the world. The American soldier and Marine, however, are imbued from early in their training with the ethos: In the Absence of Orders: Attack! Where other forces, for good or ill, will wait for precise orders and plans to respond to an attack or any other 'incident', the American force will simply go counting on firepower and SOP to carry the day. This is one of the great strengths of the American force in combat and it is something that even our closest allies, such as the Brits and Aussies (that latter being closer by the way) find repeatedly surprising. No wonder it surprises the hell out of our enemies!) We seldom hear any harsh word, and from 5 AM onwards the camp chores are performed in beautiful order and always with excellent spirit. A passing American helicopter stops near a stranded vehicle just to check that everything is alright; an American combat team will rush to support ours before even knowing how dangerous the mission is - from what we have been given to witness, the American soldier is a beautiful and worthy heir to those who liberated France and Europe. To those who bestow us with the honor of sharing their combat outposts and who everyday give proof of their military excellence, to those who pay the daily tribute of America's army's deployment on Afghan soil, to those we owed this article, ourselves hoping that we will always remain worthy of them and to always continue hearing them say that we are all the same band of brothers".
  11. When hanging an American Flag horizontal what is the proper manner for it to hang? I just started a new job and this is the first thing I notice when I walk in. The stars are on the south side of the flag, just looks wrong to me. Also the Iowa Flag is on the south side so if they were to be turned so they are hanging like on a pole then either the Iowa flag or the American flag will be upside down, yes they face opposite directions. Now the Manager is willing to change but I have to show some proof that they are hanging wrong. I can get a picture when I go in tomorrow. Thank You, Shaun
  12. http://www.youtube.com/motusmotorcycles?utm_source=Motus+Updates&utm_campaign=69fbbe368f-Motus_Updates_v51_011_24_2010&utm_medium=email#p/u/2/2kooYoibfeA
  13. In my opinion this is the best artist, and song of the century. 100% American "flag with a rattlesnake and a simple statement DONT TREAD ON ME" Old School American History there. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65RjpmfrjPc]YouTube - Aaron Lewis- Country Boy[/ame]
  14. Was watching American Pickers this evening and they were showing a shot of their shop. There right in front of the shop comes a guy riding down the road on a White RSV.... Was it one of our guys?
  15. Just received this disturbing e-mail!! Remember this before you think Arizona is wrong to pass the new law........... Montebello High School in California You will not see this heart-stopping photo on the front page of the NY Times, nor on the lead story of the major news networks. The protestors at Montebello High School took the American flag off the school's flag pole and hung it upside down while putting up the Mexican flag over it. (*See pictures below*) http://i49.tinypic.com/35k028h.jpg http://i48.tinypic.com/1amth.jpg http://i50.tinypic.com/2dui0bb.jpg http://i50.tinypic.com/34ewchw.jpg I predict this stunt will be the nail in the coffin ofany guest-worker/ amnesty plan on the table in Washington ... The image ofthe American flag subsumed to another and turned upside down on Americansoil is already spreading on Internet forums and via e-mail. Pass this along to every American citizen in youraddress books and to every representative in the state and federalgovernment.. If you choose to remain uninvolved, do not be amazed whenyou no longer have a nation to call your own nor anything you haveworked for left since it will be 'redistributed' to the activists while[font=Times New Roman]you are so peacefully staying out of the 'fray'. Check history, it is full of nations/empires that disappeared when its citizens no longer[/font]held their core beliefs and values One person CAN make a difference.... One plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one........ .. The battle for our secure borders and immigration lawsthat actually mean something, however, hasn't even begun. If this ticks YOU off....PASS IT ON! IF IT DOESN'T IT SHOULD!
  16. American heroism not so rare. GREAT FILM!!!!! This is 16mm color (not "colorized") footage, that you may not have seen, of carrier action in the Pacific. There wasn't much color shot in the '40s - extremely expensive then, with a complicated and exacting processing process. Enjoy... WW II : RARE COLOR FILM : AIRCRAFT CARRIER IN THE PACIFIC
  17. This is from the April 2010 issue of American Motorcyclist. http://americanmotorcyclist.com/legisltn/positions/distracted.asp Mel AMA Charter Life Member #44731 (since 1965)
  18. For any old guys on this site; Old American Car Brochures for likely any car you've owned. Check out that 1940's model that you once was yours! Interesting. http://www.lov2xlr8.no/broch1.html
  19. Freebird

    X Factor

    We've discussed it here before and it seems to be fairly evenly split between those who like American Idol and those who don't. I've been a huge fan for several years but for some reason, am having a really hard time getting interested in it this year. Well next season it appears that they will bring X Factor to the USA. It is similar to American Idol but with some significant differences. One thing that I like is the fact that they allow older people to enter. I'm really looking forward to it. Here is an audition from the UK show and I think that this guy is really good and wow...what a heart breaking story. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2w-ocLJuHRA]YouTube- The X Factor 2009 - Daryl Markham - Auditions 2 (itv.com/xfactor)[/ame]
  20. Didn't think Paul would be a pro helmet guy. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xa6EwqydLvo]YouTube- Paul Teutul Sr. "American Chopper) on David Letterman ( Jan/11/10 Monday ) also Jennifer Connelly[/ame]
  21. Just finished watching American Idol and had to laugh when General Larry Plat {He is 62 yrs old} sang "Looking like a Fool with your pants on the ground".:rotfl:What is with that fashion statement anyway? Way to go General Plat!:rotfl:
  22. Here is something new coming out as a American V4 sport tourer. http://motusmotorcycles.com/statichome.html Looks like a little to much sport for me though. Its good to see an American product coming out but Id like a little more comfort though 2nd passenger also.
  23. I'm a simple veteran of 1969-71 & I am riding my bike to support a VET who has earned the right to fly a US Flag in his yard. Here is a facebook page with some info worth reading... http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=190716948379 (from the page) 90 year old Retired Army Colonel and Congressional Medal of Honor recipient Van T. Barfoot has been ordered by his homeowner's association to stop displaying his U.S. flag on his own flagpole in front of his own home. The homeowner's association disapproves of the 21 foot flagpole (not the flag) and has now hired a law firm and legal proceedings against him appear to be pending. Mr. Barfoot is a true American hero and has earned the right to display the very flag he fought so hard to protect. He is a veteran of three wars: WWII, Korea and Vietnam. He also won the Purple Heart and several other decorations before retiring from the service in 1974. Call and or fax Coates & Davenport, the law firm representing the home owner association. The following is email info about a ride starting in Richmond, VA to support the Col & to protest his Homeowner's Association... -------------------------------------------------------------- I have received info about a ride to support a medaled Vet & to protest a neighborhood association group which will prevent him from flying the US Flag. The info is from my DSCR friends... [divider] Got this off my VROC website. I think I will go. Anybody else? I received this email today from My chapter of the American Legion Riders. If any one is close enough, I urge you to turn out and support this American hero! Email Contents: I received an email from Lester Brewer asking for Riders on 11 December to ride with them in protest of the treatment Col Van T. Barfoot, Medal of Honor recipient is receiving for flying the American Flag at his home. Col Van T. Barfoot, Medal of Honor recipient has been ordered to remove his flag pole. Coates & Davenport law firm, representing the home owners association has ordered Col Barfoot to remove the flag pole by 5:00 pm today or face legal action. Late yesterday afternoon they extended the order for one week, Friday 11 December to comply with the order. A resolution signed by President Bush in 2006, reads: Homeowner associations may not adopt or enforce anything that would restrict someone from flying the American flag. In response to the treatment of this Medal of Honor recipient, Lester Brewer is asking other Riders to ride with him on 11 December to protest this treatment of an American Hero. If you plan to ride, contact Lester at less_brewer@comcast.net. Note: This is not an American Legion sponsored protest. Date: Friday. December 11, 2009 Stage: American Legion Post 284, 505 Springdale Ave., Colonial Heights, VA Depart: 11:00 am for Col Barfoot's home Riding Order: Large flags small flags no flags cages For God and Country Randy E. Guild \---\ [divider] Les/ALCON Okay, I have about 6 willing guys from my group going to ride at this time. I would like to see more and am in hopes there will be more later. My group is meeting yours at the AL on Springdale in Colonial Heights about 1030 - 1045. The South Richmond Hog group is forming up some personnel also. SRHD Hog group is meeting at 1000 at SRHD on Courthouse. Don't know about Ft. Lee guys yet. No response. Les, where does this guy live? Any other info on the resolution as yet? They may get this settled before we go so we need to be prepared to abort if necessary. Correct?? DSCR Group: Date: Friday 12/11/09 Time: 1030-45 Place: American Legion 505 Springdale Avenue Colonial Heights, VA SRHD HOG: Date: Friday 12/11/09 Time: 1000 Place: South Richmond Harley Davidson Courthouse and Hull Street Road Chesterfield, VA Randy E. Guild Project Manager \---\ -----Original Message----- From: Lester Brewer [mailto:less_brewer@comcast.net] Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 5:49 PM To: Guild, Randy E (DSCR) Subject: RE: Flag Pole Thanks Randy, We need all the support we can get. Les -----Original Message----- From: Guild, Randy E (DSCR) [mailto:Randy.Guild@dla.mil] Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 2:02 PM To: less_brewer@comcast.net. Subject: Flag Pole I am trying to get together our group of DOD civilian workers and veterans to ride with us. I Will give you a head count on Weds. Also I let other half of group at Ft. Lee know what is going on. Maybe they will join us. Randy E. Guild Project Manager DSCR-VIA \---\ ----------------------------------------------- That is all I've got on this. Can you believe this? To Vets, the flag is very special. So many of our friends & realtives have been laid to rest under it. johnb
  24. Did anyone see the V-Max on Barrett-Jackson last nite?? I think it was Jay Leno's and he had it auctioned for a charity in New York. It went for $120K. Probably because of who's it was and also because of the charity the money was going to. Thought it interesting that it was a metric and not an American made bike that was being sold in such an American setting. Don H.
  25. Does anyone here have any feedback - or have - an American Trike (that is the mfg. of the conversions kit). A friend of mine is looking at converting her V STAR 1100 over by using one of these conversion kits as she was told they could produce a kit for her, just not sure about that - and I had never heard of this manufacturer. www.americantrike.com Thanks in advance.
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