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  1. Hi all, been a member for awhile now, and lot's of great info. I have an 86 Venture, and have a few questions as I'm gettin the old girl ready for another summer of touring. Tires- I'm looking at putting a set of Dunlop Elite 3'2 on, anyone else have these and how are they? I ride alot of 2-up, but like to scrape the pegs once in awhile too. Carbs- Time to rebuild, I notice the lh rear is wet, and the performance/mileage seems off. Is there anyone who offers a rebuild kit? I've read alot about changing the diaphrams, but most are old posts. Is there somewhere I can buy diaphram kits without breaking the bank? How do I get the map with the diff color provinces and states of where you've ridden? I've looked everywhere. (off topic I know, but I think it's cool) Thanks everyone, just read the post about the maintenance day and I'm gonna talk to the wife about makin another road trip, maybe we'll see some of you there.
  2. Hi All Well Christy and I are back home from vacation. We spent a week in Saint Marteen, we had a great time. I was able to over come my fears of the ocean and go scuba diving yep a whole 30 ft under the waves, it is nothing like wearing a airpack, We spent a lot of time on the beach reading and people watching, there is alot of peaple to see on the beach some need a second look. We met alot of great people, Christy got her birthday ,christmas, and probubly couple other holidays present.It was a ring she had her eye on. We flew out just as the tropical storm was coming in. We had a super time and cant wait to go back. Bull463
  3. we made it home from the meet. had a great time. we had a good turn out. great bunch of people and lots of commeraderie. wild hare came down and spent sunday with us. i want to thank buddy for putting on a great meet we had alot of fun.
  4. To all the 45-50 people that showed up at our Leakey,Texas MEET and Ride,a three day event THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts! At 60 years old I finally figured out it is hard to party , Ride, and eat (everything bad for you but so good) and a very few adult beverages for 3 days....but Im still going to keep doing it. JB and Maggie,Thanks again for the help in putting this together with me. I want to also thank the Wives of all the members everywhere as I realized us guys can think these things up but the actual execution is in reality the Women. THANK YOU TO ALL THE LADIES. This has become a MAJOR event and I was going to stop doing them as I thought that it would get old to alot of people but I was assured its just the beginning. Everyone there conducted themselves in a way that made me proud to be a VentureRider...That is where and what I want to see the VR.ORG group stay,"The cream of the Crop". The folks at friopecanfarm.com has reached out to us to hold our rallies there again,THAT says ALOT!! We had every cabin at their facility taken up by our group..We were told,"Dont worry about the 10PM quiet time, You all have the entire place to yourselves anyway!" Well all I can say is what a party. We are doing it again in November. We have a tentative date set but I have to get with JB as I start my work week that weekend on Sunday and to be honest I need a week to rest after all of this!! Again, Sorry for being long winded but Im proud of the group of people that came and contributed and helped others. THANKS EVERYBODY!!!! Tom and Debby
  5. Has anyone looked at a Goldwing shock as a possilbe fit? Seen a pic of one they LOOK alot alike.
  6. i know from freebirds maint calander that motorcycletom and bongobobny are going to americade,i was just wondering how the show is from people that have been to it in the past. looks like alot to do and some good riding but looks like it will be very coastly.
  7. Anyone going to Daytona this weekend...now it's 4 official days....lots of bikers in town and alot more headed this way....supposed to be great weather..anyone?
  8. Hey everyone that attended the Pork in the Pines I'm changing my handle from Tall Tom to Shorty. I have many friends in both the Venture Riders and Venturers motorcycle clubs and it will be alot less confusing with one handle. Anyone that has met me will understand that Shorty fits me better anyway.
  9. OK,I am giving the "Darkside" a shot. I am doing this for two reasons,1: Ive read alot on different forums about blowouts on motorcycle this summer,Heat related?? I dont know. 2: Weight carrying capacity, on a Wing the ONLY MC tire that has a rear 992 LB rating is an Elite 3,The rest are 827LB..way too low in my opinion. Avg mileage on rear MC tires on a WING is 8-9000 miles,A Wing eats up tires. Ive ridden with alot of guys that are PEGSCRAPERS running Car Tires and watched the amount of tread intact with the ground and it is alot more than you think. I put mine on today,are there any differences? Yes but very Slight. You CAN feel a bit of roll going from straight down the road to a hard,REAL hard curve BUT it is ever so slight. The ride is way smoother than a MT and the 2 things that I like is....It is a Run-Flat tire AND 1201 LB rear tire rating. One reason I never tried it on the Venture is the amount of air pressure it takes to seat a Car Tire on a Venture,My opinion only is that was just to dangerous in MY eyes.The Goldwing is different,A car tire seats as easy as if you were installing on a car,no high pressures to seat it. I did not balance as I am running Centramatic Wheel balancers both front and rear. The ride is SILKY smooth as far as I ran it up to which was 113 MPH,then backed off. My speedometer was not affected,reading the same as it was with the motorcycle tire which is dead on accurate on the 2009/2010 models. The tire I am trying is a brand new Kumho 195/55/R16 Ecsta Run Flat. I will keep you informed on how I like it but so far A-OK................................. I AM NOT RECOMMENDING TO ANYONE ESPECIALLY IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM AS THE RUN FLAT TIRES CAN LOOSE AIR IF A NAIL OR WHATEVER GETS IN IT AND YOU WILL NOT KNOW IT FOR AWHILE UNLESS YOU MONITOR CLOSELY. THIS ALSO IS NOT ENDORSED BY ANYONE AT VENTURERIDER.ORG , JUST MY PERSONAL CHOICE.
  10. Hubby bought us the Shark bt intercom for our helmets. One thing we noticed is this. There's alot of treble on the headset and not alot of bass. These use the 3.5mm jack to plug into the bt transmitter. Is it possible to get a new speaker set with mic that has a fuller range than the set that comes with the transmitters? I'm mostly using mine to listen to music out on the road but like every now and then to have an easy way to talk with the hubby.
  11. Well returned to Doc today 11 days after surgery. He said Im healing well removed my staples and come back in a week. Still no riding or driving yet, no heavy lifting and he said to walk as much as possible.. Im feeling alot better the last few days so another week I should be doing really well. John
  12. I just looked at the Calendar and realized its only a little over 4 MONTHS till the International Rally. Man I need to get Loaded up,IM READY to go!! Looking at some of the threads I am getting excited about seeing alot of folks I havnt seen in years. Also I am ready to WIN THE TRAILER they are giving away.Heck of a deal,1 ticket$10.00 3 tickets $25.00 and DELIVERED to the closest dealer to you!! I have the Aluma MCT in Black but I am going to Win another :080402gudl_prv:and get me a CHARCOAL GRAY to match my WING!! Serious though this is a great deal and you have better chances at winning this than probably anything you have ever bought a raffle ticket for! Hey Ive seen the look on a winners face...PRICELESS!! Good luck to all and I will see alot of you in Cody Wy July 25,26,27,28,2011! http://www.cast-aways.com/CodyRegistrationForm.htm
  13. Well today I finally did it. I have been thinking about getting a new bike. I ended up getting a Harley Road Glide. I know, I know, but I really like the fixed fairing and alot of other things on it. So in the long run it is the bike for me. I really like this site, and enjoy chatting with alot of you. I plan on coming back and keeping up with whats going on as well. Needless to say I probly will end up parting ways with my tour deluxe. Its been a good bike, and will make somebody a nice ride. Its really fun reading up on some of the ins and outs of these bikes, and the knowledge and ideas found on this site are incredible. So I plan on chiming on from time to time. As for new pics of the bike, gonna have to wait. It wont be here till the end of march. No biggy for me, Im not riding in a -50 windchill anyway.
  14. Hello to all. I am in a great need for some help. I live in NC and with the cold weather we have had and me starting a new job I have not had alot of time to ride my bike. I have a 2000 MM and I went out to start it up and I was letting it run since it has been cold. I went out to check on it and noticed a large cloud of smoke coming from underneath the motor and then I looked under the motor and noticed water pouring out of the bottom. I was wondering if anyone on here would have suggestions as to what the problem is. Thank you in advance for the help that I will receive with this issue. Hopefully it will not cost me alot of
  15. Guest

    Super tech and Rotella

    2 Wally worlds later I found the rotella in the white bottle, quarts not a gallon jug and super tech filter. This has been or occuring here alot, these are super stores too, was wondering if anyone else was having this problem?
  16. Haven't posted in a while but I never miss a day reading posts. Its been kind of strange not having a bike, at times I really miss it, other times I'm glad its gone. Thought the convertible Mustang might help some, but not really. You all might hase noticed I have it listed in the classifieds. The one saving grace has been our camping really relaxing. The other great thing has been my introduction to a phenomenal nutrional drink that eased my pain significantly and allowed me put the cane away for awhile. On top of that after taking it we believed in it so much that we became involved in the business opportunity. We have tried several different things and this by far has been the best. In two months we are already making an extra $200/mo. So that success has helped my attitude too. Even with my relief in pain, I still am scheduled for my Total Shoulder Replacement surgery on 11/30. That will hopefully relieve that pain entirely. Maybe I will be able to scratch my nose again with that hand! Soon as I'm healed up from that, I will be having my right hand thumb operated on. Had the left one done few years back and it really helped. I think alot of everyone here and count alot of you as friends. I've got Maintenance Day on my calendar and if all goes as planned you will probably be seeing me. Take care, Jay
  17. From everyone at Pioneer Motorsport, thank you to all that showed up to hang out with us this weekend. It was alot of fun meeting all you crazy folks! Specials thanks to Big Tom, Vicki, and Buffalo Bodnar for all of the prep. work. One of these years we will get a full weekend without rain to host this rally. Looking forward to next years rally, and I believe we will be having a Can-Am Spyder ride in the fall, but we certainly do not discriminate! We have setup alot of the local Venture Rider members in our computer system with a 15% discount, but would like to offer this to all members. Anybody interested please add me as a friend and then I can get your address and phone number to ship any parts, clothing or accessories out. Thanks again and hope to see you all in the future! Michelle, Terry, Chad, & Kyle Armstrong:thumbsup2:
  18. i picked up this awesome first gen from a friend in tenn. it belonged to his father n law who made 5 trips on it b4 he found out he had cancer and couldnt ride any more so he put it in a garage for about 12 years and his daughter finally got tired of looking at it so they sold it to me took alot of work but now it runs like new and im too short back it up so i really need to sell it it has everything you could have on a bike except reverse
  19. Well Folks, I could not wait on Yamaha...I absolutely loved my Midnight RSV BUT I wanted fuel injection and a few other updates so I had no choice but switch my rides. I purchased a 2010 Level 3 GoldWing 1800 with alot of accessories. I am VERY pleased with it and yes I knew I would need to get use to the foot and leg position but it is working out better than expected. Ill always stay on this site and ALWAYS be here to help VentureRiders with ANY problems and a place to stay while traveling thru. Ive learned alot about the Ventures and if Im off I will be able to assist anyone. I sold my Midnight RSV to a darn nice guy in Louisiana,Ill let him Identify IF he wants..He doesnt post much and I feel its his to post if he wants...I can say for the Big Guy that I am I had a tear in my eye when he drove away on it! Now here are a few pictures..
  20. I just wanted to mention here that we recently had the need for the PGR out here. A 24 yr old Army Lt, Joe Theinert was killed in Afghanistan 2 weeks ago. He lived on Shelter Island, which is a really small community and very close knit...you need a ferry to get to it.. My In Laws live there and we know alot of the people there. The Town really came together and did not allow the family to do ANYTHING except some very personal things....everything got handled. Word got out that some inbred idiots who call themselves a church...(wont mention the name but you know who they are) were going to make an appearance. Well...the PGR came in with 75 bikes and made quite an impression on the community. The initial reaction of some people was to wonder what all these mean looking bikers were doing here...but once they saw them surrounding the service with their flags....they were truly touched. I think alot of people have a new view of scary bikers. God Bless The PGR
  21. I only got 6800 miles out of the Dunlop 404's that came on the bike. I put Dunlop E-3's on. I sure hope they get alot better mileage. 40 psi front. 42 psi rear. Sound about right?
  22. Put E3 on back of my 2007 RSV. After about 5000 miles its already squaring off and starting to make a high pitched howling sound. Been riding some twistes to round it up again and it is slowley getting better. I do alot of straight line riding but I didn't expect the tire to do this so quickley. I used to run E2's on my VR with the same type of riding a did not have this problem. Any one else have there rear tire do this?
  23. I took an ambulance driving test with a simulator Tuesday. It was very interesting to learn new ways to avoid cars. Something they stress is to steer to the rear.The instructor said he is using this while on his scoot and works alot better then trying to go around.I would like to try this on a motorcycle simulator.You learn something new no matter how old you are.. Oh i did pass.
  24. so, i'm sure alot of you guys have your wives or significant others so.. i have a .. concern with my wife riding with me. I had a tank slap today, combined with high wind.. quick thinking and a strong guardian angel were the only factors that kept me from becoming a hood ornimate on a volvo tractor trailer. my wife decided not to go on the trip with me, and i'm extreemly thankful, because if she had been on the bike, i don't know if we would have made it out. so my delimma is having my wife ride with me. i don't know if i could ever come to terms with her being hurt because of an accident when i got her into this to begin with. she's not an avid rider, but she has atgatt and likes to take a trip now and then. We've talked about riding alot more as a pair, the reason i got this venture, infact. I'm just not sure about it. any of you go thought this? any advice?
  25. Anyone that made new Years resalutions still sticking to em? I know some of us do this every year but Im determined to see it thru this time. My goal in to drop 35 or 40 pounds and get back into shape. I usta always stay in pretty good shape when I was younger and Im just surprised to feel how fast the body goes south when I dont. Been walking 5 miles a day on a treadmill and riding 5 on a stationary bike. Ive had this plan since thanksgiving so I used the time between then and christmas to build myself up to it. Didnt do it every day but Im glad I did it some cuz it's getting alot easier now. Also throwing in some weight lifting and eating better. (much better) And Im feeling alot better already, matter of fact I just finished my 5 on the treadmill and I even jogged a lil part of it- (very Little) but was wondering if anyone else has similer goals?
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