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Found 13 results

  1. Somewhere over the years I lost Brother Dave's album... The Motor-sickle story:rotf::rotf: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1kZ7SQ2MV4&feature=share]Brother Dave Gardner - Motorcycle Story - YouTube[/ame]
  2. Pretty afternoon ride with my best girl! http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj302/ThomWill/Autumn%20from%20the%20pillion/100_0065.jpg http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj302/ThomWill/Autumn%20from%20the%20pillion/100_0008.jpg http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj302/ThomWill/Autumn%20from%20the%20pillion/100_0066.jpg More here: Photobucket Album
  3. midnite


    Okay i finally finished, for now puttin on acc. so now we got pics. I know i'm late but I wanted it to look right.: pics are in my profile page in album. Don't know how to add them to the thread,sorry.
  4. If you have a collection of old vinyl or tapes that you really wish you had available on CD, MP3, etc., I might be able to help. I started converting all my old stuff several years ago, but gave it up because it is just so danged time consuming! After all, you have to play every album in real time and capture the wave file, then take the time to clean it up and label tracks before finally saving the new files or burning a CD. But the cost of replacing hundreds and hundreds of albums is pretty daunting too! Anyway, I'm finally back at that project now that I have more time available, and I have picked up some new software that makes the job a bit easier. So I thought I'd make this offer to anyone out there that might not have the time or inclination to tackle it themselves. I'll convert LPs, cassettes, or 7" open reels to CD and/or any other format for about a buck an album. That would include the labeled CD, jewel case with front and back covers and album art where available. I'll do any genre of music, with ONE exception - I will NOT be within hearing range of rap/hip-hop "stuff", so none of that can be played in this house!!!! I have dolby available for my open reel deck, and I can expand the dynamic range on any format to more closely approach the 90db typical of live music and digital recordings (tapes and LP are often constrained around 60 or 70db due to limitations of the technology). I can clean up pops and crackle in vinyl albums, but there is a limit to what can be done. If the albums are in really rough shape, the sound quality may suffer, or I might have to ask for a little more - that work is REALLY time consuming unless I just let the software do what it wants and accept the results as-is. If I already have a copy of any particular album, you'll get the best copy available, even if it is not from your source. Let me know if you are interested. Goose BTW - this is NOT a money-maker for me, since it takes a minimum of an hour to do one album, and usually 2 - 3 hours each! I'm only offering this to my friends here, and all I want to do is cover my cost of blank discs, jewel cases, printing labels, and stuff like that.
  5. I need some help in loading the pictures on to a Thread ... PB&J and RawHide have them in their personal album. But I like to share this with the VentureRider.Org.
  6. I'll only put one picture up because I'm too lazy to upload them all but if you want to check them all out on my facebook album here is the link: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=133505&id=593595504&l=0c66022a3f http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs091.snc1/4938_136471400504_593595504_3390866_2372493_n.jpg
  7. Just put together a carrier to mount a foot locker, cooler, or most anything else. Pictures in album in my profile.
  8. Finally...I got some pictures posted of the bike-to-trike project. I'll add to the album as the project progresses.
  9. bj66

    one album

    if you got stranded on an island for 1 year, and could only have one album to listen to, what would it be. It has to be by a group or artist. It can be a greatest hits, but it cant be a compilation or a movie soundtrack etc. just thought it would be fun to see what people come up with:680:
  10. vicco27


    For those who are interested, I finally got an album started of the bike-to-trike project pictures. I'll add to it as I make more progress.
  11. Had a good time even though my stay was short. If there was going to be a long distance award, who would have won? Ramblinman or GaryN? Below is a link of pics that I took with my phone. Not great but not bad either. Each image and the entire album is downloadable, take what you want. http://gallery.me.com/rturton#100068 Oh, there is one car pic. There was a Lincoln car show there also. There is a pic of a '56 Lincoln that I took at 11pm with no flash so it is kinda grainy.
  12. Ok, now I am going off track for a change, back in the 70's I used to have an album by Johnny Rivers, Realization, and lost it some time ago, now I am looking for a copy of a particular song from that album, Hey Joe, I feel it is the best version out there, and if someone has it I would be greatful for a copy of it or the album if they have it on CD, its pretty hard to find new, and none of the download sites I have checked have the album or the song...........If you have it in a wav file or mp3 that would suffice also................
  13. A while back I posted that I was considering combining my phone and MP3 player because I saw no reason to carry a phone and an IPOD around. Several of you saw pros and cons about that but I decided to give it a try anyway. So, a few days ago my new LG Venus arrived and I've been putting it to the test. So far, I think it was a great decision. This is a slide type phone and it support an 8 GB MicroSD chip which I have already added. At this time, I have just over 800 songs uploaded to it and haven't used 1/2 of the 8 GB chip yet. The sound is FANTASTIC through the earbuds that I have hooked to it. It also supports stereo bluetooth headsets but I haven't, and may not, bought one of those yet. As you can see, it even shows a small picture of the album artwork. You can play random, create playlists, etc. and you can select by song, artist, genre, album, etc. just like on an IPOD. It always has several tone settings such as rock, concert hall, flat...several more. I can plug it into the auxillary of the RSV the same way I do the XM and IPOD now or if I really wanted to get fancy, I could buy a bluetooth to FM transmitter but I like the hard wired solution just fine. For me, it's just one less thing to carry when I'm on the road. Anyway, the phone quality is great and the music player is great. I'm very pleased with it so far.
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