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  1. 2nd generation 2005 RSV Trike, I parked trike a week ago in the garage and placed tender on battery. Tried starting tonight and have NO power. No radio,lights, satallite radio, dash or horn. Battery seems to check good, local Autozone confirmed it should be good. The alarm still activates but one thing I did notice is alarm has very week chirping when tripped. Checked main fuse it is good. I have no idea where to go next. Battery is original.
  2. While this tip would be most effective for those who don't park their car in garage, it still could be effective for cars parked in garage, as alarm would still be heard in driveway, although it would not be as loud. Put your car keys beside your bed at night. Tell your spouse, your children, your neighbors, your parents, your Dr's office, the check-out girl at the market, everyone you run across. Put your car keys beside your bed at night. If you hear a noise outside your home or someone trying to get in your house, just press the panic button for your car.The alarm will be set off, and the horn will continue to sound until either you turn it off or the car battery dies. This tip came from a neighborhood watch coordinator. Next time you come home for the night and you start to put your keys away, think of this: It's a security alarm system that you probably already have and requires no installation. Test it. It will go off from most everywhere inside your house and will keep honking until your battery runs down or until you reset it with the button on the key fob chain. It works if you park in your driveway or garage. If your car alarm goes off when someone is trying to break into your house, odds are the burglar/rapist won't stick around. After a few seconds, all the neighbors will be looking out their windows to see who is out there and sure enough the criminal won't want that. And remember to carry your keys while walking to your car in a parking lot. The alarm can work the same way there. This is something that should really be shared with everyone Maybe it could save a life or a sexual abuse crime.
  3. pulled off tank cover and found this screwed to top of air cover. never seen this b4 and cant talk to po about it. says keyless alarm but i never got anything else with bike for or about it ???? [ATTACH]57799[/ATTACH]
  4. I started the bike this morning for the first time this season. For the first time ever, I had the battery plugged into a battery-minder through the winter. The battery remained in the bike throughout the winter. (I have a permanent charger-connector on the battery and am able to connect the charger to it via a cable whose end is available externally.) When I turned the key I got the usual run-through of alarms on the dispaly, but the low-electrolyte alarm stayed on. I removed the cover and the electrolyte level in the sensor's cell, as well as the rest, seemed OK to me, so I removed the sensor, dipped it in a glass of water and the alarm stayed on. I think that I might have a bad sensor, but I'm not sure about that. Anyway, after determining that the battery level was OK, I put things back together, started the bike and went out for a ride. The bike started and ran beautifully. I want to have a working sensor and NOT do the resistor "mod" to eliminate the alarm, so: 1. Do these battery sensors occasionally fail? 2. Is dipping the sensor in a glass of water an adequate way to test it, or is the electrolyte part of the circuit? If so, should I just add demin water regardless of the present level in that cell? Any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks.
  5. Came home from work tonight...Casey our 13 year old beagle greeted me as usual then went to lay down on her blanket.....a few minutes later she gives out a moan and suffers a heart attack...this hound followed Taters around like a chick follows a mother hen...Taters is devistated...this was the only hound that perfered staying behind with taters than run with the pack...carried the old girl up the stairs at night and down each morning for the last 6 months...I built her a handicamp ramp to go outside so she didn't have to climb the stairs...( she hurt her shoulder a year ago and we didn't want her to reinjure it again. At bed time when the lights were shut off she would not leave taters side till taters went up first , then she would lay at the bottom of the stairs and complain if I didn't move fast enough for her....each morning when taters alarm went off ,she will bellow next to the bed to make sure taters woke up with the alarm....I would have to get up and carry her down to be with taters and I would go back upstairs untill my alarm would go off an hour later....Boy did she have us trained...Casey was the last of a pack of 7 beagles we kept in our house...yes, I said house...never a dull moment...Casey was given to me as a pup by a dear friend who was dying of cancer and wanted to make sure she would be cared for...casey will be missed... thanks for letting me share my feelings with you all... ps. I'm gonna miss her asking for a ROOOOOOLLL.
  6. Quickstep is trying to install an alarm for me and is asking "where" is the best place to put the unit? It measures about 4" x 21/2" It's a Chatter Box alarm from CruiserCustomising. AND where is the starter relay?????:crying: I have one very p***'d off Quickstep here.
  7. Well troops, I've 'bout got the Venture the way I want it now, BUT I want/need one more thing-a good, dead solid, reliable burglar alarm for the bike. For right now it lives in the garage, which has an alarm, and that, coupled with a 1911 Colt gives all the security I need:innocent:, but I really want to take it on some long trips this coming year and leaving my baby sitting outside at a hotel scares the crap outta me ...sooo, who makes the best/most reliable MC alarm? Your experiences and ideas are GREATLY appreciated!
  8. help, I have a 97 F250 7.2lt (460) FI problem is, it will cut off while driving just like I turned the key off, most times it will fire right back off, some times I have had to let it set about 10 min, then it will start. It will turn over, I have power to everything, but not fire to either the plugs or the injectors, maybe both. I have checked all of the grounds that I can find, and all seem to be fine. I did have an alarm on it, that I removed. I removed the alarm while the truck was running, in case I cut the wrong wire. any Ideas on what to look for would be great. I can not replicate the problem, so that makes it twice as hard to figure out what is going on. Thanks for any help. Kreg
  9. Guest

    Xena disc lock

    Would anyone know what Xena disc lock would fit on the Venture S 2008? I should be getting my Venture within 2 weeks and I need an alarm but I rather have a disc lock too. (double security) Cheers
  10. Just purchased a '06 midnight venture from the local dealer. It has a aftermarket alarm system. The FOB has the name "phantom X" on it. Unable to find it through google. My problem is the alarm has been going off occasionally when I get on the bike. The FOB is either on the key ring or in the trunk. There is a little push button behinf the fuel filler that is some how linked to the alarm. Any suggestions on how this type works??
  11. Last night we stayed at the camp for the first time. I got the new electric service wired up wednesday. Last evening we temp installed the bare necessities. Satellite TV,Cell phone booster, #@!%# No wifi signal anywhere. MamaMo, venture, and I spent the night while the kids stayed home and had a movie watching party. Alarm clock went off at 6:30am with a Canadian geese fly over. Still no scooter riding for me it's rain,rain, and more high water.:rain2:
  12. Guest

    Baron 4-2-4 slip ons!

    Hey Beer......I have my exhausts installed!! They are good uns!! My remaining Chirp is fully cured!! I received the brackets yesterday and late last night installed them. Do you know you can set off a car alarm with them lol!! I revved them up in the garage and the alarm went off in my jeep! It was dark and cold so I only rode the bike about five miles to check them out.......so far no noticeable difference in the bikes performance and there is a small pop from the AIS......will have to take them for a ride and down shift in a hard turn to see if this is going to require plugging the AIS. Hey you better get a wireless radio headset if you like music lol! I love them myself, has cured my chirp!! Kit
  13. :rotf::rotf::rotf: MAMAMO IS BAKING COOKIES. So whats going on at your house? MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY
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