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  1. hi friends annie & alan bought my tow-behind trailer. as you know annie & alan are coming back to the good old U.S.A. they will need to have a trailer relay from my house to utadventure home where alan's bike is stored. they will then need the trailer to be in portland, oregon by july. i know this is a little early BUT i would like to add a bit more of a welcome back to our homes and lives. so i would like suggest when the trailer is in your neck of the woods. add something to it of yours, like a pin, decals, bumper stickers, patches, (now be nice), etc. i think there was a trailer relay for them last year. i'am open to any ideas. regards don c.
  2. When Alan and Annie had to head back to Ozland, Alan asked that I watch after his bike until they could come back. He asked if I would get her out of the garage every now and then, so..... Tonight a group of us took our bikes to a church youth group. I took Alan's bike and, needless to say, it didn't go lonely for long.
  3. Quickstep and I are packed and ready to ride. Got a 5 hour trip in front of us, we are going down south to Albany. We are joining the local branch of the Ulysses Club and leading the towns' Christmas Pageant/parade. The theme this year is "super hero's" so Alan came up with "The Incredibles" [modern super hero's] I printed out some things to put on our shirts and the quike...so should be okay. Got the tinsel packed and just waiting for AL to come back from the Dr.
  4. The Butler Saddlebag screws arrived yesterday, very nice, now if the shop would get my bike back to me, I could put them to use, it will be nice not to have to find an alan wrench when I want to remove them............... Thanks again for a quailty product..
  5. Quickstep is taking some well-earned holidays from work and we have decided to pack our camper trailer, hitch it to the car (usually the bike) and head down south to Albany for the Ulysses Club AGM and rally. There will be over 3,000 members going -- that's a lot of bikes. So... Annie camping out with metal fixator on her leg :yikes: Can't climb up into the camper bed, so have borrowed a folder bed. I'll have to bunk down out in the annex, while Alan has the comfy air-mattress :bawling:just hope the weather is kind to us ?? Will be leaving on Saturday 27th Feb, and coming home on the 17th March. Scary....but won't know if I don't give it a go!!!!
  6. Just wanted to share with you all the great ride I had on Sunday. Alan removed the back brake pad to give room for my right boot and I led a Ulysses Club ride for the first time in two year's. We went up into the hills for breakfast, and we were joined by 34 bikes!!!!!! Alan rode pillion with me (trusting guy) and after brekky we rode around the dam and back down the hills to finish down on the foreshore for coffee. MAGIC:clap2:
  7. Bob, The fist clamps are perfect :thumbsup2: Have sent you a PM in regard to purchase. Thanks for posting your web site for me (in Ladies Lair) Alan was able to see them really well. IH Truck Guy, Am posting the pics you requested of sticks in place on bike: 1. Frame of outrider, at rear, where end of crutch will sit. 2. Shows stick in place. 3. Looking down between pannier and fender (handle of stick) 4. Position of crutch in place. Rubber stopper on the bottom will sit up on a slight angle, and will need about 21/4 inches in the "thingie" to fit-okay. This is all amazing-and so appreciated. My mechanic (Alan) gets up for work at 4.15am and sometimes isn't home till 6-7pm, and that's six days a week. Doesn't leave a lot of time. Thanks for the idea's :clap2::thumbsup2:
  8. Alan and I have been members of the Ulysses Club.org for twelve years now, and try to spend our annual holidays travelling to, and attending the Rally and AGM held every year in a different state of Australia. It's the largest club in the southern hemisphere (27,533 members in Australia), and has even gone international to about seven countries. The club runs on very similar lines to VR.org--that's probably why I feel so much at home here!! AND "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" It was started 26 years ago by three guys looking for somewhere to socialise and have comradeship in their senior years.(with their wives etc) Their days of "hooning" were over and they just wanted to ride and enjoy. So I thought I would show you a couple of pics of rallies and some of the silly things we do to raise money for charities. (mostly for children & arthritis research) Thats Alan as the "phantom" and also as a woman (YUK) on the "shockin' Frock Run" where the men had to dress female (riders pay $10 & pillion $5) then there is a "beauty contest":rasberry: A couple of years back I even shaved off my hair, while a friend went "blue" for Luekemia research. I'll do most anything for the kids!! :happy34: So now I belong to the two best "family" clubs in the world, it doesn't get any better than that!! :banana:
  9. My friends, I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and a great start in the new year. As for me, well here is my story For months I was talking about nothing else than our trip to Germany. I had not spend christmas with my family for over 23 years and Alan had never been there, so it was even more exciting for him. However, as it turned out, NOTHING happened the way we imagined it. My parents big 50th wedding aniversary party was canceled. My dad is in the hospital in a koma, awaiting a tripple by pass (the second time) IF he recovers. I never had a chance to even talk to him, but I wispered in his ears that I would come back to see him when he comes home. Christmas eve without him was not the same. Than Alan and I both got the flu. Not what you want when you an vacation. To make matters even worse, my best friend's husband (age 51) past away two weeks prior to our arrival. She did'n want to spoil my christmas with her news, so she waited to tell me until I got there. It hit me like a hammer, we've been friends for 20 years. Needless to say , there was no party either. We did managed to do some side seeing and Alan loved driving on the Autobahn ( no speed limid). This is the short version of our trip to Germany. Nothing but sadness all around. We are so happy to be back home. Yeap, and the new year is not starting off very good either. I'm sitting in a hotel somewhere in Hammond Indiana for two days, waiting for my truck to be repaired (needs an aircompressor), and that on my first load out. I sure hope the rest of the year will be better. ON A LIGHTER NOTE Alan and I spend the New Years at the casino. He won $1200 and I $2000. It sure comes in handy for not going to work the last two weeks. So, that's it, I wish I had some thing better to tell you all. Please keep my dad in your prayers. I wish you all a wonderful and happy New Year Al & Renate
  10. Alan arrived back in the US today. FINALY. He is in Seattle now and on his way back to Minneapolis. I can't wait to see him. I read Alan all of your notes and he was truly touched. I will never worry again, no thats not true, I'll always worry, however, I know that whatever happened or wherever we might be, YOU ARE ALL THERE to have our backs. That my FRIENDS, IS AN AWESOME FEELING. Alan and I want to thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts. P.S I always hoped to hit the lottery some day, well my friends, I DID !!!! Knowing all of you made me very rich.
  11. I promised I let you know as soon as I heard from Alan. He is tired and worn out but he is OK. Alan was only able to drive about 250 to 300 miles a day, due to blizzard and white out conditions and more than once he had some daubts about making it. He is in Canada now, 700 miles away from Seattle. Tomorrow he will try to cross the Rockies. I guess that's no picknic either but atleast we have communication back. Thank's to all of you who gave me strenght and hope.
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