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  1. Noticed a while back that it seems like the rear of my Venture "feels" lower. Got another bike and wasn't sure if it was just my imagination or not. Then a buddy who I was riding behind asked if my headlight was on bright (it wasn't). Tried adjusting the headlight, hadn't before, but it still seemed the headlight was high, which would be right if the rear was low. Checked the rear shock but saw no fluid leakage, aired it up and it held, at least for a while. The shock was replaced about a year ago, had puked its guts out, can't really remember any change after the shock was replaced, but not sure. Bikes still under warrenty, an 08, think I'm going to depanel a little and see what I can see. Any ideas? Thanks, Sam
  2. Mounted my new E lll last night. Aired it up left it sit and put it back on bike this morning. Bounced it and then forgot to check air. Rode a little and checked it and it was about 15 lbs low. Then happened to think I forgot to balance the blasted thing. So I thought I have a bottle of Ride-On. I could balance and fix leak at same time. Bright ain't I?? Took it home, let all air out put Ride-On in and aired it back up. Took it for ride to settle Ride-On in. Got about 1/2 mile and it started that dreaded wobble. Got stopped and tire was flat!! Had came completely broke loose from one side of rim. Limped it back home, aired it up and got it to seal. Took it for ride and ended up pushing it pretty hard just to check it. No problems at all and seems to be balanced pretty well. Have no idea how much of the Ride-On I lost. Some of it was splattered on bike but not much. Kind of hard to look in tire. Now I don't know if I can trust the thing or not. I pushed it thru some 30 mph turns this evening at 55 to 60. Hung right in there. (I was Mad and acting stupid) I said acting goo...aww nevermind!!! Think I should just ride it??
  3. I pulled in to the driveway Friday and felt the rear end wobble and within 50-75 feet I could tell I was getting a flat and stopped and checked to find the rear tire was flat. It's a new Dunlop Elite 3 with maybe 500 miles on it. I walked the mile down the driveway and got my portable air tank and went to the tire store and aired it up. Got my wife to follow me down the driveway and that was a good move. When I aired it up I could hear a big leak and felt around with my hand and found a nice stream of air in the center of the tread. I was only able to go about 1 minute before I could feel it getting loose again. I dind't want to ride it flat at all, so I aired it up and rode it and aired it up three more times to get back to my house. I have a gravel driveway and no place to jack it up safely, so I'll be trailering her down to Ken's Discount Tires in Woodstock Ga where I bought the tires. Kens is a mom and pop motorcycle tire store and besides being really nice, they seem to know their business. I've got an appointment Friday afternoon and they are recommending a tube be installed. I know I've read some who have plugged their tires and had no problems, and I've always chosen to have my AUTO tires removed from the wheel and patched on the inside. This is what I expected on the Venture. Do you think a tube is the way to go? I'm thinking he will patch the hole in addition to installing a tube. Maybe I could take it somewhere else and get it patched if that's a better repair. I just want to choose the best possible repair. Thanks! James
  4. OK I have had a new front tire mounted for 6 months on a spare rim. I aired up both front and rear tires on the 84. I aired up the new tire on the spare rim and changed it out Saturday. I little test ride Sunday seemed OK so now it was time for a test run through the gears to see if everything was OK and that clutch slippage issue was gone. The bike pulled strong through the gears but developed a front end wobble at about 110mph. I brought it back in and noticed the front rotor was hot on the linked brake caliber side. The pads are new and I think some dirt and grime got between the back of the pads and the caliber piston. I was only out for about 50 miles total and this evening I decided to check air pressure again before another ride and the new front tire was down to 10 lb. It dropped about 30 lb from the time I aired it up last thursday. That might explain a little wobble at 110. Now where is that leak I hope it's only a valve core.
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