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Found 9 results

  1. Don’t' Trust PO mods Had a very interesting start to my day today, I did my normal routine checked tires, lights, etc fired the bike up and headed off to work. I was got about half a mile away and my bike just went dark and I could smell something burning scary thing at 55 miles an hour in heavy traffic. After sitting on the side of the road for a few minuets the bike came back to life and I was able to start it and get back home. When I got home I pulled the seat to find out the fuse block the PO but in had shorted against the frame and had melted the positive wire. After I finished removing the battery leads and made sure nothing was on fire I hopped on my other bike and headed to work. Firts Aid Kit You would think that this would have been enough for one day but no about half a mile from work I came upon a motorcyclist down he was scuffed up but nothing apparently serious. I stopped helped him out, did not have to use my first aid kit but I was sure glad I had it. Seems like a car ran him off the road and took off, I just could not believe nobody had stopped before I got there.
  2. I grew up with basic first aid because we back packed and hunted in remote areas. In the Air Force I was a security /police Law enforcement first responder. I always have a first aid kit on my vehicles. Tonight I had 2 wrecks that happened in front of me hours apart. Both were ugly I don't know what the cause was on either. The first was a mutable roll over with no seat belts on the passengers. I pulled out the survivors and stopped the bleeding until the CHP and EMT showed up. The 2nd was 3 hrs later same freeway other direction 1/2 mile away they flipped and landed on the guardrail cutting the car in half. I hope the car seats were empty I could not find any children. I don't think the driver survived, I did CPR and first aid but it was a lost cause I'm afraid. As motorcyclist we should all be prepared to respond to emergency's. In this case I was on my Virago and only had a small first aid kit. The best part of the kit was my training. If you don't have basic first aid you should go to the red cross and get trained, you could save the life of a friend or loved one. Do not be afraid to help most states have good Samaritan laws that protect you from liability and it is the right thing to do. Ride safe Rod
  3. :223:I have a basic first aid kit and CPR mask that live in my left saddle bag. I'm sure most of you have one on the bike too, but do you have some kind of sticker to let folks know there is a kit on the bike?
  4. Does anyone have photos of a hitch for a 89 VR that they could post? along with notes on what gets bolted to where! Thanks
  5. I want to get a first aid kit together sometime soon to keep packed somewhere in my 1st Gen. Who keeps one on their bike? what do you have in it? have you ever used it? I see a lot of alternatives on the web - a lot of kits already put together - don't know if that's more cost effective or not. I have no idea of what I would need in a kit - kind of mind boggling to see what's out there and what they include. Thanks, Doug
  6. Many of you have read about my unending oil changes with little to no change in the ugly wine that got worse as the bike heated up. On my ride to the Flight 93 Memorial (180 miles) I was NOT at all annoyed with the wine. On the way home the bike was hotter ( could tell with my temp. gauge) and it did get slightly louder. Before I left home on Tuesday I had a problem with my right behind the ear hearing aid, wouldn't work correctly so I left with the left one only. Now it must be said that my right ear is the better of the 2 but I'm not deaf without it. The wine had dissipated to hardly noticeable both ways - what I have found since is that the right ear 'pitch' with the aid in is magnifying the wine. Wish I had found this about 4 or 5 oil changes ago. Could have saved a couple hundred $$$$$$ So, from now on I'll just ride w/o the right ear aid - problem solved !!
  7. I'm looking for a compact but comprehensive first aid kit for the Venture. I have one that's just to large 12"X 10"X 3". When my wife and I travel together that kit take up to much room. So what does everyone else have?
  8. Left at 6am today From Sudbury and headed to WAWA the Back...... X country Way..... and...... back at 8pm 1127 kms(699.86 miles) and 4 rest stops to ease my butt... I see I still can do it with a few surprises of lock joint in my clutch fingers IM planning a trip or 2 to the USA still waiting for My Enchanced Drivers Licence If not this year next:dancefool: My little KLR 650 was packed 2 man tent , a sleeping bag , mattress, Umbrella, fishing rod , tools, camera, cover, first aid kit, GPS( OLD SCHOOL... MAPS):rotfl:etc etc etc. I average 57 mpg at a speed of 120km on and off the highway Just love it Took a photo at Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, USA is right across the river..So close yet so far away
  9. For those who follow first aid changes; there has been some problems with the new recommendations on the Red Cross pages for the "lay person" as opposed to the professional rules for first responders. For the lay person the new thing is for only chest compressions for adults and 30-2 for children. Go to your local Red Cross for the latest info. The older you get the more you need first aid training. Rod
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