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  1. Folks, I got a message from a member here telling me that his subscription is about to expire. That concerns me because his membership is good through April of next year and the automated reminders here do NOT go out until a few days before your memberships expire. Has anybody else here gotten such an email way ahead of your expiration date? If so, please let me know. It causes me to wonder if somebody is attempting to scam our members.
  2. ... you just might get whacked in the rear... http://video.ca.msn.com/?mkt=en-ca&vid=e288ceb0-7084-454e-b0f1-443c943ba08c&from=sharepermalink&src=v5:share:sharepermalink:
  3. I am in the process of digging down to check valve clearances on 02 venture. Want to wait and see if they need adjusted before borrowimg the tool. However, noticed the rubber intake between Carb and head have what seem to me to be substantial cracking in the material. Should I go ahead and replace them or is this semi normal aging Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
  4. Figured that would get the attention. Anybody on here a serious or semi serious jogger. I may be in the minority given the quantity of meet and eats that get mentioned on here. I am trying to keep the taX man from collecting those inheritance taxes as long as possible, or making sure thereon be anything left for them to collect. I have became more serious exercising after having somebody I thought was significantly older than me and much heavier finish ahead of me in a 5k only to find out we were in same age bracket, Ouch. Plan on dusting him next month. Besides being in shape has to help for the long rides. Bob Marshall, il
  5. Had a guy on a Harley pass us today. We were on a long, straight stretch, 2-lane hwy. He was behind us and I knew he was gonna pass. I was riding in right groove of the lane, allowing him better visibility ahead. Soon as the road ahead was clear, he passed... but unlike what I expected and what most anyone else would do, he didn't move over the centre line.... passed us in the left groove on our side of the road .... now why on earth would he have done that but for nothing else than to show off his noisy, fast (not) Harley. I had a good mind to gun it and leave him in a cloud of Yamadust.
  6. THE PERFECT HUSBAND Several men are in the locker room of a golf club. A cellular phone on a bench rings and a man engages the hands-free speaker function and begins to talk. Everyone else in the room stops to listen. MAN: "Hello" WOMAN: "Hi Honey, it's me. Are you at the club?" MAN: "Yes." WOMAN: "I was shopping and found this beautiful leather coat. It's only $2,000; is it OK if I buy it?" MAN: "Sure, go ahead if you like it that much." WOMAN: "I also stopped by the Lexus dealership and looked at all the new models. I saw one I really liked." MAN: "How much?" WOMAN: "$90,000." MAN: "OK, but for that price I want it with all the options." WOMAN: "Great! Oh, and one more thing... I was just talking to Janie and found out that the house I wanted last year is back on the market. They're asking $980,000 for it." MAN: "Well, then go ahead and make an offer of $900,000. They'll probably take it. If not, we can go the extra eighty-thousand if it's what you really want." WOMAN: "OK. I'll see you later! I love you so much!" MAN: "Bye! I love you, too." The man hangs up. The other men in the locker room are staring at him in astonishment, mouths wide open. He turns and asks, "Anyone know who's phone this is?"
  7. I rode down to Southern Oregon and back over the last 2 days, a nice 700 mile ride. However on return just south of Eugene Ore, had a scarry moment ! 18 wheeler, 3 cars ahead of me in right lane, I'm in the right lane. Left lane, 1 car just ahead of me, and another 18 wheeler ahead of that car. That trucks cab, was about abreast of the tail end of the trailer in my lane 3 cars ahead of me. Speed about 65 MPH. The truck 3 cars ahead of me, throw's a tire caseing, from rear end of trailer. I don't know if the cars got hit, but the caseing went to the left lane, and went under the rear wheels of the 18 wheeler in the left lane. The loose caseing was propelled, Up, and back, and flew over the Car, that was directly behind the 18 wheeler in the left lane. ( that guy was very lucky, it did not go thru his windshield, cause he was tailgateing the truck !!! ) I watched as the large caseing ( about 1/2 of the caseing ) went flying bye me on my left, about 15 feet in the air. I watched it land about 40 feet behind me in the left lane. Lucky for me, it was traveling straight aft of the truck. !!! About now, I'm hitting the brakes as the car's ahead of me are slowing, and I see a dust cloud ahead, as the truck that threw the caseing, was takeing the shoulder of the road and hitting the brakes. Whats the morel of this story ?? Stay away from trucks, which I have said many times. And obviously yesterday I was not following my own advise. I was to darn close to those trucks, and I am darn lucky I did not get hit !! Other then that it was a nice trip, except for the 12 year old kid on a bike in some small town on Hwy 99W in Oregon who darted across the street in front of me. I almost hit him !! Oh well, such is life, Ride safe my friends, you never know whats comeing down those roads !!
  8. Well Pennys not gonna be able to make it. Shes got other things planned she cannot get out of. I will be leaving sometime friday morning. Anyone else heading up friday on Rt#77N or other route? Oh.............. I was "thinking about camping this weekend" but when I saw the weather forcast of 90 friday and 96 Saturday... well... let me just say, I'm going to go with the air conditioned Motel room... I know ... Go ahead and call me a wuss... At least I'll be a Cool wuss... Besides I have avalid excuse, My wife gave away our sleeping bags two years ago!
  9. My 85 is at last on the road and I will enjoy every moment. I would like to thank everyone who has ever added their input to this site. What a big help. The weather is fine and all summer lays ahead. Planned trips are to Sudbury Ontario and the White Mountains in NH. Ryan
  10. I just wanted to thank him for selling us a set of stock Venture mufflers for our RSTD. We just bought our bike and it had Roadhouse mufflers on it that sounded great but we wanted a nice quiet bike. He showed us a lot of things about our bike that we didn't know and he told/showed me how to switch out the pipes and it was a piece of cake thanks to knowing ahead of time what to do. We LOVE the bike now. Everybody else we've talked to has also been a big help to us navagating the site, etc. This is the best $12 we've ever spent. This site rocks! Joe N Linda PS, how do we post pic of our bike?
  11. Is there anyone that lives in or near Charlotte NC that has the tools and gauges to do a carbtune? I think I really need one done bad. I am def willing to ride the bike to you if you will show me how it is done. I am going to go ahead and Thank y'all ahead of time. Robert
  12. Just thought if any were interested this is the federal, but they have the kumho when in stock. I went ahead and ordered the Federal,
  13. For that very reason a guy got smart with me at a light in Bay City Mi. My wife on the back of my bike "04 Venture" and our friend on his Harley got in the wrong lane at a stop light. We needed to get over in another lane if we could. A small pick-up was setting next to us with his window down. My friend was next to the truck. I asked him if we could get over in front of him when the light changed. He just starred at me. Then he said," he can" but you can't. I just looked at him thinking he was kidding and would smile:) but oh no, not him. He started talking with my friend and said because you ride a Harley you can go ahead, but not him, meaning me. I was instantly angry and wanted to say something because this guy was serious and just kept giving me the eye. I looked ahead and told my friend we can go straight through the light and then make a turn and we did. Go figure:doh:. I was still angry at times to day but was reminded of a Proverb "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes" and "Leave the presence of a fool, Or you will not discern words of knowledge". I felt better after that reminder. All is good.
  14. So as many of you know when I bought my 03 RSV it had the stock mufflers on it. The guy I got it from had a GW before he bought this he had Sampson Fishtail mufflers that he put on but did not like them. Well today I took the saddlebags off to clean everything up really good and decided to go ahead and put the Fishtails on. It sounds GREAT to me a bit loud until you get to cruising speeds but I like it! I'm just wondering how much louder it will get with miles on them? The more I ride this bike the more I love it one GREAT MACHINE!!!!!! http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s37/VictoriaVett/100_1683-1.jpg
  15. please start thinking about registering for the 09 rally, i have to give randall at the hub a rough count the first part of july for the final meal, and if you want your patches and t-shirts when you get there, cinderella needs a number so she can get the order off. we are trying to keep ahead on everything so we don't get all backed up at the last minute. so register as soon as possible and help us out. thanks. the 09 committee
  16. Like I said - its not my birthday but something wierd happened a few weeks back. Was trying to convince my wife that WE need to get a new Clearview windshield, explaining all about how She would have a better ride, and I would have better protection, etc. - and she said go ahead, You deserve it!!!!!! Thirty seconds later I had it ordered and today - UPS says they will deliver - and that makes it my Birthday (not)!!!
  17. We had another gorgeous warm day so I took the day off and went for a ride. Left @ 9:30 and didn't get home until 4:40. An awesome ride it was... uneventful ... EXCEPT on the last little stretch coming home... I'm on a 4-lane divided hwy ... there's a stop light at an intersection and I'm first out in the right lane. Ahead there's an "on ramp" coming from the intersection and lots of traffic merging so, the light changes, I get the jump and move over into the left lane (coz the traffic is merging). Guy to the right and a bit ahead of me merges into the right lane, immediately puts his signal on and moves into the left lane. I'm sure he didn't see me but I knew what he was doing so I let him in... right behind him is a woman and she does the same thing ... no signal... and she's even with me. I guess she figured that if the guy in front of her could do it, so could she. She never looked...didn't signal (at least that I could tell)...just pulled right over from the on-ramp across the right lane and into the left lane ... where I am. Forces me over to the shoulder (it's paved) and there's a large concrete barrier separating the opposing lanes. I'm blasting my horn at her... she can't hear me so all I could do was brake and let her in. Of course I moved over to the right lane and got up beside her and flipped her the bird along with numerous words of admiration for her driving skills. My next purchase of "safety chrome" will definately be a REALLY LOUD set of HORNS! (enjoy the pics)
  18. i got a tank bib from talisman,the bib is great but it hits the plug. i remember someone posting the solution to this problem. can anyone help, that's a stupid question you guy's are always there....thanks ahead of time
  19. Id like to get in touch with someone here who actually replaced their bearings and races in the front fork. Its due for a repacking but I figure since the front end will be down I might as well go ahead and replace the bearings and races. A phone call will be better than going back and forth with e-mails, etc. Thanks....
  20. Ran into these two listings on Ebay for a couple of polo shirts with the gold '83 logo. I suspect that they came from Shirt's'n'Things as I already have a T with the same logo. Anyway I went ahead and bid $.99 on each item, but if anyone on the board would like one or both go ahead and have at it. It won't break my heart. I have a ton of T's. One polo is an XXXL and the other is an XLG. The seller states that he sold his VR a year ago, and may very well be a member here???? 270313196410 270313210259
  21. During the maintenance day at Don's, a few folks were telling me about some material that could be used to repair the plastic on the Ventures. I did not take any notes and memory being what it is (or in my case - isn't), I do not remember what the stuff was called or where you could get it. Anyone out there remember this conversation or the material mentioned? Thanks ahead of time.
  22. Plan on riding from Niagara Falls to Sault Ste. Marie {NY to WI.} next year. Maps show 6 to ferry to 17 and over or 69 to 17 and over. Maps seem to show things are few and far in between on 69 and 17, I need imput on whats ahead for me. thanks for your time and trouble:900[1]:
  23. This has had me stumpped for a while. Anyone have any ideas? I have a Kissan headlight modulator and typically ride with it on (brights on) during the daylight hours. With the brights on, I can see the headlight molation flashing ahead of me on the street signs in front of me - way high up on those signs. Additionally ..., the headlight modulation feature is not supposed to work in the dark. When I flip over to my low beam (if I happen to be riding at night), it seems to shed a decent flood of light out in front of me on the road, and I am happy with that adjustment. Of course, if I ride at night I will almost always just ride with my low beam on. However, sometimes when I want to reach-out a little further on up the road ahead of me (to light things up a bit more), when I flip-on the high beam it seems that it's aimed so high that it fails to throw any beam of light out on to the road ahead of me. Now, if I try and adjust the headlight with the adjustment mechanisms in the backside of the fairing in order to lower the high-beam, then the low-beam seems too low. Not that it seems like it should make any difference, but I also have a Silverstar Bulb for the headlight, and I have running lights hooked-up. So, I guess that my question is - How can I lower the high-beam without over-lowering my low-beam? Am I the only one who has noticed this before? Thanks! Pete.
  24. Guest


    Got an Elite 3 put on the rear of the TD today, love the ride, and a lot quieter than the Bridgestones for sure. thinking about going ahead with the front, although don't really need it (7000 miles)
  25. Brackets arrived from Squid and now I can't choose lights..My nomad had 55 watt "spots" made by Harley mounted up above center line of headlight which threw the light out well ahead and easily adjustable due to height. Now with the lower mounting position on the 87' and I am sure alot less adjustment angle, would I be farther ahead to use a Amber/clear "fog lamps"? Are you using using fog lamps or spotlights? Pro's --Con's ? 35 watt seems to me to be the choice for the charging system.. Thanks in advance Dave
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