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  1. A few weeks ago, I asked for your prayers for an unnamed member. Well that member is our own one and only Black Owl and he is still in need or our prayers. Russell was admitted to the hospital before Christmas with complications from pneumonia. Things got really bad and to be honest, a lot worse than he really wanted anybody to know. He is doing better now but is still hospitalized and has a ways to go. Please continue to keep him in your prayers.
  2. '63 t-bird turn signal arm in man's arm from accident 50 years ago just removed. Turn Signal From 1963 Car Wreck Removed From Illinois Man's Arm - NBC News
  3. http://www.bohn-armor-pants.com I found a link to this site while browsing. The pants look interesting, I already have an armored jacket that I like. Has anyone used Bohn armor or have an opinion. I broke my right arm & shoulder in an accident 3 years ago, so am getting back into riding more cautiously than I have been in the past.
  4. Here's an interesting Fox News report on the new E15 blend of fuel. It appeared a month ago, but now that we're into the new year it's even more prevalent. http://video.foxbusiness.com/v/2000862202001/
  5. Well she finally decided to come out. Venessa Leigh Sabin 7lbs 9ozs. about 2 hours ago. This is my first Grandchild. Mother and Daughter doing fine.
  6. Ever have one of those moments, days, weeks? With colder weather coming, and $NoVV on the way, decided to go ahead and put her up on jacks, and start winter maintenance, new tires, etc. And I know I laid that ratchet right...... well.... there.... 30 seconds ago..... and my allen wrench.... is .. over..... MAN when did this start?????????? I cant find anything!!!!!!!!!!ARGGGGGGGGGG Now where is my pocket knife....
  7. Three weeks ago, I only rode 3 times. Two weeks ago, I rode twice. Last week, I only rode once. This week, no chance. This weather on our area is driving me nuts. Snow is in the forecast for tomorrow. Highway crews salted the roads yesterday. Tomorrow, I may have to plug in the battery on the trickle charger.
  8. The story: Left the Ipod on the bike last week. Yesterday the battery was dead. I put a slow charge for 6 hours on the battery and all seems well today. The problem: How do I reset the Audio Controller (left handlebar) so that it will allow me to play my Ipod using the Aux jack on the cassette player? I know the answer is probably very simple but the last time I did this was a few years ago and my memory fails me....and the Service Manual is NO help at all !! Regards and thanks in advance to anyone who can help me with this! Boomer....the not-so high tech guy.
  9. i bled the clutch 2 months ago then again 1 month ago because the fluid was murky brown i thought maybe i didnt get all of the old break fluid out so i bled it again untill i got clear fluid dumped the old fluid and bed them again since i had clear fluid coming out i kept adding clear fluid until i went through the whole big bottle to make sure i flushed it good. i just took the cover off and the fluid looks like i never changed it any ideas what could be yes it has i think to be the original hoses
  10. 4 years ago I started a bucket list Quest. It was to drive through and eat ice cream in all the lower 48 states. I finished it two weeks ago and wanted to thank every insightful poster on the forum. I've learned tire pressure, battery life, clutch replacement, locations to visit, even how to keep my butt from getting sore,,,,,,,,and so,so much more. Thanks to all of you, especially Freebird for keeping this place going. 3d And yep thats a pin for every state and a few extra for places you have recommended I visit along the way.
  11. Me and my sweetie were married 30 years ago today. I know...just a couple of rookies compared to some of you.
  12. At 11:30am Taters was taken to the ER with stroke like symptoms....she was admitted this evening....The great news is that stroke and heart attack have been ruled out at this time but,the doctors have no clue what caused this...she will see a neuralogist in the morning for more test...Thank God she works in a doctors office and the doctors acted quickly.....I left her about an hour ago and she looks and feel good now. she is still having some vision problems. My daughter will be spending the night with her against Taters wishes....She is as stubborn as her mother and will remain with her...Will keep you all posted on her conditition...
  13. Had a flat on the trailer about 3 weeks ago. I think I can plug it though.
  14. I've been "storing" the daughter's boyfriend's 2002 (or maybe it's 2003) VTX1300 for the past 3 years. Before that, it sat for a couple years in underground storage. I had it running 3 years ago but since then, not. Uncovered it yesterday and found that the gas tank was quite rusty inside, carb is all gummed up as well as the petcock. It's got rust on the spoke wheels and the buddy seat mounting bolts aren't original (somebody has been messing with this bike). There's a few scratches in the paint on the rear fender. It ran fine when I had it running. I'd changed the oil and spark plugs, put a new battery in it, fresh gas, and it fired right up and seemed to run fine driving it around the neighborhood ... (that was 3 years ago). Anyhoo ... I figgure it needs a fair amount of TLC to get it back into roadworthy condition. So, my question is, what do ya'll think it's worth as it sits? I'm contemplating buying it from him and fixing it up but I don't want to invest more than I can get back out of it.
  15. I have a friend who is visiting with his 87 Venture. He dropped the bike on the kick stand side a couple of days ago. No apparent damage, so he rode it for an hour after. Everything was fine. Today he was heading to my house and the oil level indicator came on along with the flashing red light. His oil level is at the top of the sight glass and was changed about 1000 miles ago. Does anyone know where the sending unit is for the oil level warning or have any ideas? Thanks ..... Peter
  16. Replaceable? Repairable? Carb #4 on the Lady lost her's a long while ago, we tired copper tubing and jb and that failed. Any solutions?
  17. I started with the frame and engine Friday evening today I took it for a spin still have a long ways to go but it runs and moves and stops. I have everything but the tack working and could sure use some ideas. I know that the tack worked a year ago before it was taken apart. To be used as a parts bike so I am a loss as to why it wont work now. Thanks Orlin
  18. My wife and I are 50ish, and she was always terrified of bikes. Well, 2 yrs ago I talked her into riding with me on the Vulcan 900, and although a little scared at first, she thought it was ok. Problem was the small seat for her, and feeling of being maxed out on load for me. I bought the '85 a month or so ago, and was instructed to "practice" a lot before we went 2 up. Good advise, actually. I put about 500mi and new tires on it and she decided she felt safe enough. Let me tell you, after pulling almost 400lbs of us around on a 900cc cruiser, that VR is like a jet airplane for 2 in comparison. She said she was real comfortable, loved the stereo and smoother ride. Only thing that made her paranoid was being able to see the mirrors and cars in them, lol. Power wise, I couldn't really tell she was there. I think she'll be ready for more regular riding in the future. Another happy 1st gen owner here.
  19. Hello Everyone: Just letting you know that Mom passed away today after a battle with Cancer. I appreciate everyones comments when she went on hospice over 10 days ago. Thankful she is no longer in pain. Both parents gone in the last 60 days, what a year. Thanks...Mark
  20. When I got my '86 VR about 6 years ago, it was missing some things like the owners manual, cover for the Cassette, tool kit. I found most everything except the tool kit. Oh several of them showed up on E-bay, but I always lost out....TO THE SAME PERSON! yes, someone was hogging kits and cornering the market on VR tool kits. Now these are cool, with the VR logo, and more than just base tools, including a ratchet and socket set, but wow, this guy was bidding $200 and more sometimes for these things. I eventually gave up, bought a kit from another Yamaha and made up my own kit. then a couple weeks ago, I saw a nearly perfect complete kit on E-bay and decided to try. Got it for more money that it should cost for sure, but still less than those top bids a few years ago! So now my quest is complete, now I just need to get the bike running its best again! and fix a leak, and......... Anyone happen to know that E-bay'er that bought all those tool kits?
  21. we had planned to eat breakfast at the local madonald Sat. morning, got up sat morning and at 6:45am wifey says we could go for a little bike ride, 11 hrs and 538miles later we end up in goldsboro nc at wilber's bbq for supper had a good nights sleep planning on returning home sun morning but she says no, had light meals r and a great mid-afternoon feed at the Sandpiper in LaGrange nc and got back home a few mins ago after a three day trip of 1237 miles, man i'm getting to old for this but it was fun and never got rained on ,, steve ,
  22. Headlight adjuster knob? I forgot to secure mine on the shaft a few days ago and today I discovered it was gone. Whoops. Come on Dingy, I know you've got one.
  23. A few days ago someone was asking about a spell checker. For those who might be interested you can try this one. http://www.speckie.com/home/
  24. OK folks, I got a call from Dean a few days ago, username dksmith196958. His shop burned down a few weeks ago and his bike was heavily damaged. The insurance company wants to total it but doesn't want to pay him what he thinks it is worth. Basically the only damage is to all the plastic so he is looking for any parts that our members might have available. The bike is titled as an '85 but from his description, slant bags and the small trunk, I think it is probably an '84. So, if you have any parts available, please post here and I'll get the information to him. He has no phone or internet service right now as the wiring going into his home was burned and is not up and running yet. Just let me know either here or via PM what you have and the prices that you are asking for them. He also mentioned that he would consider buying a complete bike if that is what it takes.
  25. Haven't seen a post from Snarley Bill in a long time. I see that he was logged in about 2 weeks ago though. Anyone seen or heard from him? Just wondering if he's doing ok.... Joe
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