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  1. An electrical fire burned a farmer’s barn down. The next day, the farmer’s wife went to the insurance agent to file a claim. She told the agent the barn was insured for $50,000 and she wanted the money. The agent told her that is not how insurance works. An insurance adjuster will come out and determine what the barn was worth. Then we will provide you a new barn equal to that value. The woman thought for awhile and said: “If that’s how it works, I want to cancel my husbands life insurance.”
  2. A man had just settled into his seat next to the window on the plane when Another man sat down in the aisle seat and put his black Labrador Retriever In the middle seat next to the man. The first man looked very quizzically at the dog and asked why the dog was Allowed on the plane. The second man explained that he was a DEA agent and that the dog was a 'sniffing dog'. 'His name is Sniffer and he's the best there is. I'll show you once we get airborne, when I put him to work.' The plane took off, and once it has leveled out, the agent said, 'Watch This.' He told Sniffer to 'search.' Sniffer jumped down, walked along the aisle, and finally sat very Purposefully next to a woman for several seconds. Sniffer then returned to his seat and put one paw on the agent's arm. The agent said, 'Good boy', and he turned to the man and said, 'That woman Is in possession of marijuana, so I'm making a note of her seat number and The authorities will apprehend her when we land. 'Say, that's pretty neat,' replied the first man. Once again, the agent sent Sniffer to search the aisles. The lab sniffed about, sat down beside a man for a few seconds, returned to Its seat, and this time he placed two paws on the agent's arm. The agent said, 'That man is carrying cocaine, so again, I'm making a note Of his seat number for the police.' I like it!' said his seat mate. The agent then told Sniffer to 'search' again.. Sniffer walked up and down the aisles for a little while, sat down for a Moment, and then came racing back to the agent, jumped into the middle seat And proceeded to crap all over the place. The first man was really grossed out by this behavior and couldn't figure Out how or why a well-trained dog would behave like that, so he asked the Agent, 'What's going on?' The agent nervously replied, 'He just found a bomb.'
  3. Jeff and I looked at a house before he left that we were interested in. So today Riderduke came down with a friend TC (some of the crew have met her) to check the place out for me. After looking under in and on top we headed off to McDonald's for coffee. Actually I headed home real fast to pick up the plat Jeff got from the health dept with the septic info. Which seems to be off. Long story short TC (whose a real estate agent up in VA) called a friend and got me a new agent locally to work with. The one I had wasn't very helpful. So we all headed over to the agent's office and I put in an offer. I don't know if you're suppose to have fun at a real estate office but we did. The place is gonna need work, so David will have his work cut out for him. Anyway I guess I just wait now to find out if they accept the offer. I can't thank TC and David enough for the help and hand holding. Kinda scary doing this on my own. They may regret offering to keep holding my hand through this. Margaret
  4. They say anyways:rotfl:, even send me a check in the mail, just missed part of my last name:doh:. Obviously they already have my name and address and that is all they are asking for other then talking to their claims agent which I haven't done. There's got to be a catch:bang head:, I'm not that lucky, am I??? Forex financial Services (Canada)
  5. A gunman shot and killed 4 Lakewood Police officers today as they were sitting in a coffee shop. http://www.charter.net/news/read.php?ps=1011&rip_id=%3CD9C9D0G80%40news.ap.org%3E&_LT=UNGL_LARSDCCLM_UNEWS Even having spent almost 20 years as a Federal Agent, I will never understand that kind of mentality....
  6. No not my bike, are you insane? I would never part with that! My wife and I have decided its time to downsize. The house and lot are taking more time that we want them to. Spoke to a real estate agent yesterday. If we can get what we want - and the agent thinks we can, we can downsize and walk away mortgage free. This will let me retire in about 8 years instead of 10-12 from now. The market is still very good in the town we live in and we are in a small subdivision that has a lot of interest so maybe this will happen quickly, but if not, no big deal since we are not under any financial pressure to sell, just time for a lifestyle change. We love the house, it was our dream home and and I do not regret building it at all. If we get what we want, it will have been a fantastic investment with the return we expect.
  7. Insurance, Insurance, Insurance, here's the story. Got my first insurance with Kingsway 2004 approx. $525.00 2005 $625.00 2006 $700.00 2007 $900.00 & some so I got a new agent, Dalton Tiimis from Ancaster at $580.00 also insured through Kingsway. This year they quote $680.00 Riders Plus $659.00 this year So I called the agent that does all the rest of our insurance who said before that they couldn't quote MC and they now do through Economical, but only if you are a long time client $549.00 Nice, it save me $110.00.
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