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  1. Here is a question that occurred to me while riding along worrying about my blue '84's intermittent misfire and thinking 25 y.o. TCI. Does anyone make an aftermarket TCI that can be used on the First Gen xvz12 / 13's ? I subscribe to a few classic bike mags and in the small ads at the back there are often outfits that advertise electronic ignition upgrade kits for older, ie 50's 60's and 70's, bikes that originally had points and condenser (British mag) type ignitions. I realize that the first gen xvz12 / 13's would be a small niche market and so on but old bikes from the 50's 60's and 70's can't be that big a market either. I see, or think I see second gen xvz aftermarket TCI's on ebay from time to time. What about Vmax's they share similar engine type and they like to go fast, you'd think some enterprising somebody would have come up with an aftermarket Vmax one by now that would be the cats a$$. So it wouldn't really be that small a niche. Or maybe they exist but cost so much you can buy 10 first gens for the price so no one bothers. What do we know about this folks? Likely I'd have read about such a thing here already if it were a practical solution but, well I had to ask while I procrastinate and generally put off going hunting for my bikes intermittent ignition fault. Thanks, Brian H.
  2. Can anyone tell who makes these pipes?
  3. Has anyone used an aftermarket radiator fan that is more efficient; flows more air, etc? Any recommendations? Thanks, Richard in AZ 1988 VR
  4. I plan on installing an aftermarket stereo. Looking for a how to for wiring it. My factory radio/cassette work fine, but only one speaker works and just doesn't have the sound quality I would like. I saw a 4x6 speaker install that I also plan on copying. My bike came with a blank that goes in place of the stereo which I plan on installing an aftermarket head unit in place of the stocker that I remove.
  5. Hello everyone, It has been a while since I have been on as I got into a wreak. A damn car cut right in front of me at a green light and I laid her down to avoid a head on collision. I torn my AC joint completely and I had to have surgery. I turns out I also had a SLAP tear and a torn rotator cuff but the doc said they were probably old injuries. But long story short I am on the mend and trying to put shela back together, I am going to try to make her naked (instead of buying a lot of plastics ) by removing the broken cruise control components and the large stay at the front. My question....Is there an aftermarket speedo/tach that i could hook up with limited modification? I have already put on an aftermarket headlight and it looks good but I want to replace the gauges, mount some handle bar mirrors, and mount some blinkers in the front. Thanks in advance!
  6. Are attached pictures of a stock RSV fork spring or an aftermarket? Gary
  7. My '88 didn't come with the plug in headsets but has the ports. Where can I get the headsets, are they yamaha or can I go aftermarket? Thanks Sean
  8. The brake light is not working on my 98 royal star. The tail light works but no brakes light up in the front or rear levers. The light looks to be an led aftermarket and not stock bulb type. Any ideas on this?
  9. Are the factory head sets worth cleaning and repairing. Or are there a cheap aftermarket wireless sets .
  10. OK after fnding out my supposed better than stock R/R is worse than the stock one, only putting out 13.7V instead of the 14.0 from the stock one, and discovering the aftermarket one gets dragged down worse than the stock one, I have decided to do some research. Did a msearch here but no mention of any aftermarket R/R's!! Sooo, who knows of a good heavy duty voltage regulator for a 2nd Gen?? No, I do not know what brand aftermarket one I installed, I bought it along with the high output stator from Buckeye a couple of years ago but just got around to installing it this spring. It's in the trash right now...
  11. Looking for aftermarket slip ons...maybe from a member that thought they were too loud? From reading...I'd guess Barons first, maybe Bubs...but open. I'll search through the normal channels as well, thanks. Bill
  12. I'm on the home stretch of my cross country ride. My '83 has run flawlessly. One major project for me to prepare for future rides is to either have my seat redone or look at aftermarket seats. I know the Corbins are nice but Its hard for me to think about sinking $700 into a seat. My question is, has anyone had they're seat recusioned and covered? How much did it cost you? My chunk of foam that I picked up in Lousiana is the only thing saving my bottom. Btw, I am still impressed with my bikes performance. New paint coming up soon. Maybe a dark brandy wine. Al
  13. I am fighting a crackling on the right speaker. It only happens when I am driving down the road. I could get it to happen by wiggling wires and have now determined that it is inside the amplifier. I have had the amplifier apart and looked for loose solder points or cracked circuit boards, can't find anything. I am getting frustrated. I would like to keep the factory radio for now, however, I think I may be getting close to giving up and switching to an aftermarket stereo. My question to everyone is, are you still using the factory radio or have most people switched to an aftermarket stereo? If you have switched, how did you install the aftermarket stereo?
  14. Does anyone know how to tell the difference between Macs and Jardines? I bought the bike with aftermarket pipes that are just a bit too loud for my taste. I installed pipes from a Harley to take the "bark" out and can't find any identifying marks on aftermarket pipes. Any help would be appreciated.
  15. Got mine today and the instruction sheet says that for the RSTD Note: Do not exceed 6500 RPM on a stock Royal Star with out aftermarket valve springs. Do not Exceed 7500 RPM on a stck Venture with out aftermarket valve springs. So if I set my 08 RSTD at 7250, will it hurt it?
  16. Got 85K miles on my RSTD. When I had a rear tire replaced a few weeks back we notice the rear disk was about end of life. (Yes I use the rear brake,, cause it's there!) Anyhow, so, I will need to get one in the future. Anyone bought one in the last year. OEM or aftermarket? How much for the part? Other? Thanks, Mike G
  17. Hello guys and gals. I am sure this has been asked before. I am looking at changing my mufflers and want something that is not too loud yet has a nice deep throaty sound to it. It is so hard to pick something without hearing them. I have heard so many pipes on bikes that sound horrible. Not that they were loud, they just sounded like they didn't belong on the bike. Or maybe they were just crappy pipes. Who knows. And that is why I am having a hard time. A buddy of mine modified his stock pipes. Sure they were louder (not too loud). They had a deeper throaty sound however they had that cheap sound to them. He keeps offering to do the mod for me but I just don't like the sound. HELP!!!!!!!!!! My dealer suggested Bubs and (i think) Fat Boys. Again, I am looking for a good quality, deep throaty sound, not too loud while cruising. By the way, I have K&N air filters already. Will I have to re-jet if I put aftermarket pipes on? I know when I did the K&N filters and pipes on my Roadstar, it had to be re-jeted. Thanks. Any sound files would be greatly appreciated which you can email me.
  18. OK so I have the red warning light flashing and the battery icon lit. PO said it was cuz he installed an aftermarket "maintenance free" battery which does not accept the sending unit for electrolyte level. Read the thread explaining how to bypass with a resistor. Tried both 1k ohm and 2.2k ohm resistors with no success. Ayone have any other suggestions?
  19. Does anyone make an aftermarket clutch basket that does a little better than this factory I basket? I see lots of clutch kits with springs, friction plates, etc.
  20. Just curious what are the choices for aftermarket seats for the second gens ? Any recomendations as to where the best deal is. Brad
  21. Back in 2006 someone posted a link to an aftermarket 4 to 2 exaust collector without the "will break off baffle" for the first gens. this is that link-- http://markspipe.com/index.htm and I couldn't find anything about it! Besides cutting it open and re-welding it, does anyone know if this aftermarket collector is still made? Thanks Bill, P.S. glad you got your phone dried off Dano, kind of fitting RICE helped recover a Jap phone!
  22. tanman99


    I want to replace the exhuast on my 1983 Venture. I have looked on ebay and have not found what I am looking for. Where can I find aftermarket exhausts
  23. elmicko

    RSV Bars

    I've got Baron's risers on my RSV and I'm not really loving the set-up. Yes, they do put the bars back where they're comfortable for me, but they allow the stock risers to flex too much for my liking. Has anybody got a longer reach aftermarket bar they would want to sell or maybe trade for my risers? I need about another inch or two of pullback.
  24. My trunk is busted up pretty bad from stress cracks and I need a new one. The PO tried repairs with something that looks like JB Weld and did a bad job. Pieces gone, etc. Anybody use an aftermarket one? Which one? Which ones do I avoid? I see a bunch on them on eBay and I am open to suggestions. I'm sure I'm not the first to ask about this but haven't found a thread so far. Thanks for helping the newbie.
  25. I saw an exhaust on a Kawasaki Voyager (a 1993 I think) and I am wondering if anyone has a source for something like that that could be adapted to my 90 VR. They are the dual tipped ones. They are apparently welded to the muffler, but I wonder if any aftermarket tips could be fitted to a VR? Any advice /info would be appreciated. I saw some on a VR in the Gallery, but can't remember who it was. They really look sharp.
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