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  1. I have searched and searched the forums and have read a lot on the three different choices we 2nd gens have (YSS, Hagon, & Works). 1. Has anyone ordered either a Hagon or Works with the remote adjuster? If so does it mount where the oem air valve goes? 2. Has anyone wish they had got the remote adjuster that did not get it? Edited: I have called all three companies and never mind my questions. They all so that they can not put a remote adjuster because it is to small of a shock. So that everyone has updated pricing this is what I was told. YSS: $499 + shipping take about 2-3 wks Works: $799 + shipping 3-4 wks Hagon USA: $399 for standard $469 for heavy duty FREE shipping 2-4wks Dave Quinn: Hagon shock $469 heavy duty + shipping (he said he couldnt really tell how long for shipping because he feels hagon in england is backed up so he said 5-8 wks. All shocks are rebuildable according to them as well.
  2. Last week while my freshly restored and painted 87 XVZ1300 Venture Royale was parked innocently in front of my house, minding it's own business. A neighbor lady came down the road going to fast for conditions, failing to maintain lanes, texting on her cell phone, doing her make up, fiddling with the radio or who knows what the H*ll she was doing came to wide around the corner crossing the road and nailed my bike.:doh: Did I say my poor bike was minding it own business. Turns out she happens to be the Attorney for the insurance company she is insured with (Cincinnati Insurance). I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. She did stop and leave her information with my roommate then went home. But, that did not seem to matter to the responding police officer that came to write the police report. Because he made every indication that he was going to cruise down to her house a block away and arrest her for leaving the scene of the accident (Especially when he found out she was an attorney) but evidently settled for citing her for failure to maintain lane. She did have an adjuster get in touch with me the next day. The adjuster came by and looked at the bike. She was nice and seemed to commiserate with me while I explained, in great detail, (with tears in my eyes). That I had just finished spending the past year and hundreds, (If not Thousands ) of man hours painstaking restoring my poor baby with my own blood, sweat and tears This fine example of Classic Motorcycle technology and history. After hearing the story she insinuated, in fact even said (with tears in her eyes) just tell me what the damage is and we'll cut you a check QUICK. She even said QUICK several times, with emphasis. I'm thinking:mo money: So, I spent the next day putting an estimate together which included the following: Cost of damaged parts at Yamaha's MSRP...............around $3,600 Painting materials to match custom freshly done paint job.......480.00 Labor at prevailing shop rates......................................85.00/hr. Total estimate around .................$5,400 Next thing I heard from the adjuster, via voice mail message, (in an emotionally detached voice), "An appraiser will be getting in touch with you". So, the appraiser will be coming out in the morning. I'm just betting he will say Used 1987 motorcycle totaled at some ridiculously low number. I'm thinking I would sell my first born male child into slavery for a fraction of what this bike is worth to me in blood, sweat and tears for all of the hours I've put into this labor of love. Based on the foregoing, what would you think would be a reasonable position to take to settle this claim and put this whole unfortunate incident behind me and move on. Considering, I'm not willing to forfeit the bike and title as totaled since the damage is all cosmetic and I would do all the work myself.
  3. I have been looking for a replacement for the rear shock for my 99 RSV. After much searching I contacted Dave Quinn motorcycles and can purchase a new rebuildable shock for around $400 with manual preload adjuster or $554 with remote adjuster. this is for the standard shock or $464 manual or $624 with remote adjuster for the heavy duty. I have ordered the manual heavy duty for $464. and was told I could add the remote feture later if I wanted to. Will keep you informed after installed and used. We are also planning a trip to Nova Scotia in July and find very little information about roads and sites to see, so any Canada members that can give me a heds up would be great!
  4. I'm taking down the fairing on my 1st gen. MkI to do some much needed electrical work. I got stuck at the headlight adjuster knob. I can't see any type of set screw or anything holding it on. I tried prying up from underneath, but didn't want to try too hard. Anyone with a word of wisdom?
  5. Before I begin, let me toll you that I have had Progressive Insurance on my motorcycles in the past and personally been happy with the service, including the way they handled the only claim I had with them. That was in Texas. This story is about my brother's current experience with Progressive - bike insured in Georgia, totaled in Texas. I'm not here to badmouth them or tell you what you should do for your own insurance, but I want to tell you the facts about how badly he has been treated. Your mileage may be different, but this is what I have personally seen with Progressive this past week: Bike crashed Tuesday afternoon (blown tire). Called and reported claim. Progressive adjuster showed up at location of bike Wednesday morning before 11:00 AM. So far so good. The adjuster inspected the bike, made some calls to see how the Georgia arm would handle things and told us he was totaling the bike. Said he couldn't get the quote that day, and he was going on vacation tomorrow, but his backup would absolutely call us the next day with the full payout quote and any other information needed. He asked about getting copies of receipts for accessories and helmet along with the title, and Tom told him he could have them sent overnight from Georgia. We stressed to the adjuster that the bike MUST be picked up ASAP since it was sitting on a public street in violation of city ordinances. The adjuster gave Tom the office address and name of who to send all the papers to, assured us they would pick up the bike the next day, then left. All the receipts AND the title for the bike were sent overnight, 10:00 AM delivery, to Progressive as promised. Unfortunately, Progressive has failed to meet a single one of their responsibilities to Tom so far. Not once did either Tom or his wife receive a single phone call from ANYONE at progressive from Tuesday afternoon through mid day today, Wednesday, one full week later. Someone who said he was a tow-truck driver did leave Tom a message yesterday saying the bike would be picked up within the hour - but that turned out to be a lie too. I have personally been with Tom as he has called multiple numbers at Progressive EVERY DAY for the past week (original adjuster, his backup, main offices), leaving voice messages each time. Not one single call was returned. In addition, Tom's wife in Georgia has been making constant calls to them also, with equal lack of results. Now, one week later, the wrecked and totaled bike STILL sits in front of 5bikes' house in El Paso and Tom still has not received a settlement. Just this afternoon, about an hour ago, the original adjuster finally called Tom's cell phone after getting back from his spring break vacation and said they were willing to settle on the bike, but they refused to pay for any lodging and transportation he paid for while they abandoned him in El Paso! Remember that this claim was from a person traveling out of state, and the insurance company gave him absolutely zero instructions on what he should do to mitigate losses or take care of his own needs while they decided what to do. We moved into a cut-rate chain hotel and waited for them to return repeated phone calls, so he is not trying to get anything unwarranted out of them, but they have been unresponsive, and today very rude and ugly with him on the phone (I was listening on the speaker phone). The settlement they offered on the bike today is probably fair, but they have completely destroyed their reputation and any possibility of any future business from this family for a lousy couple of hundred dollars in hotel bills (plus the abandonment of a paying customer during his time of need). Take this information for whatever you think it is worth - I know I won't ever insure with them again. Goose
  6. Time for a new post to follow my previous, "crashed my 87'" and "waiting for the adjuster" now it is time for "search for parts". I am not sure if the adjuster and I will ever end negotiations soon but I have to start looking for a few parts. I will need: Left case guard, Left front flasher light assembly, Front radiator cover, Left side radiator cover,Left lower fairing. The left upper fairing is cracked but I think it may be an easy repair.. I have been watching E-bay with no luck in the past week. Once together again and safety inspection completed I may list it for sale and move on to a second generation. So if someone here may be interested give me a shout via PM or email . Regards Dave
  7. The adjuster is to call today with a value on my 87' venture royale that was hit. It looks as if he is calling it the XVZ13DT model. What difference is there in the XVZ13DTC model. Just in case he is using the wrong research program. Thanks Dave
  8. Thanks to this forum I have repaired the E4 code problem but I think the Rear spring and or Shock are toast. It holds air ok and rises when inflated but bottoms out pretty hard especially with two up. Rate adjuster doesnt seem to do anything either. Is there an aftermarket replacement?? Viperpash
  9. I was rear-ended by someone in a car last week. The accident wasn't bad but there was damage. I called Progressive the following day and reported the accident. I also scheduled the claims adjuster to come over this week and look it over. Since talking to him initially I took a closer look at the damage and thought that it just wasn't worth having the insurance company get involved since I had a $1,000 deductible. The adjuster suggested he come over and look at it anyway just to make sure. When he got here he went over everything very carefully and professionally. He called me up today after getting prices on what needed to be repaired. His estimate was that there was almost $3,000 in damage. I'm glad he convinced me that he should look things over. Did you know that a saddlebag (new) is around $900 list? Ouch. If anyone sees a left 2003 (rasberry & sand) saddlebag on eBay, could you fire me an email?
  10. Guest

    Back Again

    Apologize for not posting this sooner, but I'm finally starting to feel like my old self again after the accident. I do want to thank everyone for their prayers and good wishes after the accident:) sure is nice to know caring people still exist everywhere. I do have a partial settlement from the other drivers insurance company, their property damage adjuster is giving me almost 100% of what I had paid for my 07 RSTD, the service mgr at the local yamaha dealer convinced him to use NADA blue book, so I owe him a great big thanks too. On the other hand their medical/injury adjuster is being a complete jerk, but should be able to get this issue settled within the next couple of months. I'm going to test ride the new venture when the local dealer gets theirs in and have some questions, I had been riding a RSTD for several years, how much difference is there in the "top heaviness" between the venture and the rstd, I know that's subjective, but just trying to get an idea from those that have ridden both. If I go back to the rstd, how difficult is it to add either a yamaha trunk or HD trunk to the bike, I do plan on removing the passenger pillion again. Sorry for the long post, can't wait to get back on a bike again. Thanks JT
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