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  1. Deleted. Tried adding a poll but it timed out. Starting a new thread.
  2. Bought a low mileage 2008 this spring. Replaced a GL1500. SO far I like the venture better than the GL with the exception of the sound system which doesn't seem to have the oomph to provide enough volume to overcome earplugs. Handling is vastly superior to the GL1500. Not sure yet about all day comfort (which was excellent on the GL after adding a $700 aftermarket seat) but I'll get a read on that Friday when I make a trip for work with 225 mile round trip. hoping the stock seat doesn't cause butt burn. I dearly wish it had an electrically adjustable WS like my FJR. Presently adding farkles: baker air wings passenger arm rests (not sure of vendor yet, suggestions welcome) a clock! maybe a tach XM radio mount somehow I have to address the volume issue as road trip tunes are a big deal for me. good bike; I'm very glad I bought it!
  3. Arrived in Montrose, Colorado on Monday on a business trip. My buds had 2 wheels and a set of Handlebars awaiting for me. Yep a Custom HD Fatboy . After work tomorrow, a trip in the Black Canyon in Gunnison National Park. So adding another state to my list. Today, I spent the day slinging lead with other of my colleagues in the industry, along with SF and LEO's. Tomorrow will be more and Thursday, scaling the cliffs. Adding bonus is riding with a sidearm on my side and has several comments from people saying they feel safer. Imagine that........................they don't know me all that well, LOL ! BEER30
  4. 89 VR 27k The PO kept telling me it needed 5 qts at an oil change because he had installed a spin on filter adapter. I noticed that the oil level window was covered with oil. Spec is 5 total, 4 on a change w filter. If he was adding 5 at a change, I guess he was running w 6 in the case. It's as it should be now, but has anyone heard of this happening with any effect of some kind? T
  5. Rolled in about a half hour ago. Gee, it's over already! Had a SUPER time! Once again thanks Squid for helping out this old geezeer to gwet some work done on the scoot! Clutch works supurb! I discovered that guys sharing tools is a form of male bonding! So glad to run into everyone I knew already and to meet a few new people as well! As usual it was a hot day and it didn't rain! I'm really surprised there was that much left over ice cream. Kudos to Hummingbird for coming up with this, it was YUMMY!!! Great to havfe Pioneer Motorsports set up a tent, and they must have done alright because they are already talking about returning next year and adding riding gear to what they bring. That Midnight RSV they picked up along the way sure looked nice, and I know several of you were interested in it! Very pleased with the hotel accomodations for the price, and we were treated very well! Offering free rags was a nice touch! At first we weren't going to do next year but on the way home we decided it is waaaaay too much fun to miss! See ya all down the road!!
  6. Had a few questions I was hoping someone could answer: Will any Harley touring bike mufflers work or are the Road Kings prefered? Can they be any year, I understand newer ones have a catalytic converter in them, does this affect sound or my RSVs engine? Will adding these mufflers require any engine adjustments? Are the brackets sold on the classifieds page still being made? Thank you for any assistance!!!!
  7. I have an '88, 1st gen Venture standard. It did not come from yamy with any sound system. The PO installed a car stereo in the left side of the faring. It is one of the old fashioned ones that mounts in a a rectangular hole with a shaft hole on each side. OK, that is where I am starting from. None of the wiring is present to install the factory stereo and CB. What would be a good CB to put on a bike and where would be a good place to mount it? I am sure that at some point it will get rained on. I would like to be able to adjust the controls while riding. I am not totally opposed to replacing the current stereo as part of this. I'm wide open for ideas.
  8. After all this time I'm finally getting around to reassembling the '84 starting with the wiring harness. Work is painfully slow seeing as I'm cleaning every connector and installing dielectric grease on every pin. I'm also adding bling to the harness even though it won't really show. Here's as far as I got tonight. I'll update every day or so that I work on it...
  9. I'm thinking of adding a radiator cover to the bike. I thought I saw a black one online somewhere but can't seem to locate the website again. Does anyone know what that is, or is chrome the suggested fit. Also, doesn't air flow become impeded by adding one?
  10. I've been offered an '08 RSV. I WANT IT! Outside of getting the financing for my new toy [always fun], I'm looking at what other stuff I'm going to need for it. Top of the list is a helmet/headset set up so I can use the cb/cassette deck. 650 Customs don't come with these lil goodies. I have not gotten anything of the kind installed on my Wee Beastie as yet so I don't have any of the gear needed for this. All of my research into RSV's has been into the bike itself and not the add ons/oem equipment like the radio/cb systems. I don't know if the current owner's gear will fit me [providing he'll sell it] so I'm looking at what I need to get for it. Oh Fun! Any help, info, suggestions, etc. would be appreciated. I will be figuring out a way to install a Sirius Sat Radio on the bike and adding that to the sound system. Normally I will ride with either a full or flip face helmet but that might change when I'm finally behind a full fairing/windshield. But I won't be riding in anything less than a 3/4. Here's hoping everything works out and I'll have my new wheels in time for my so-called vacation this summer!
  11. I've been thinking about adding a relay to power the headlight hi/lo directly from the battery, essentially bypassing the connection through the CMU. It could be done using one relay with normally closed going to the lo beam with the switched circuit going to the hi beam operated by the dimmer switch. Or alternatively using one relay for each of the hi and lo beams. I pulled this quote from another thread. Gary what relay option did you use? The first one would seem the simplest but may not allow the lo beam to be shut off by the start circuit.
  12. Not sure anyone has noticed the cute little avatar Stud Muffin aka Riderduke has now. His daughter fixed it up for him. Cutest little thing. :crackup:Oh and for those that didn't see it yet I'm adding a link to a thread so you can look. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=43957 Margaret
  13. I saw freebird's suggestion for using relays- but wondering about adding a couple of wally world driving lights, and a 12volt outlet for a gps. I was wondering a good place to wire in the new 12 volt high amp circuit- and if i should place a fuse in line as well. I don't want to fry the computer!
  14. I need to add vent(s) to my windshield. I know there's a thread about it! I just can't find it.
  15. Does anyone have a pictorial for adding passing lamps online?
  16. We are picking up our 2007 RSV this Wednesday, and I planned on adding some modes to the bike within the first month. Some things I wanted to add were the driving lights ( Light-bar ) . I added a light-bar on my VTX, and are familiar with wiring, relays etc. Is it hard to do on the RSV? I'm assuming the tank comes off etc? Also I planned on adding luggage rack. I noticed Yamaha makes a nice one for the bike, is that what you would recommend? I also plan on adding some LED's to the bike. About 200+ plus, so I'll be removing the gas tank, to light the engine, and running some up front of the bike, plus in the rear under the saddle bags. Any threads on this, so I can get some ideas for the placements of the LED's? Exhaust - Not sure on this one yet. I had 4 different exhaust systems on the VTX before liking the one I had. I'm looking for an exhaust system Little over stock, Little rumble down the road, but not loud enough to give the wife a headache when we take long trips, 300 miles + in a day Here was my last bike, before and after, so you can see I'm comfortable with working on bikes: http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm200/fltekdiver/cropped.jpg http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm200/fltekdiver/IMGP0305.jpg AND Here's MY GW with the LED's I added: http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm200/fltekdiver/Ledsbike.jpg
  17. Got a question for you cold weather riders who have been doing this for a while. What gloves do ya wear to keep your hands warm. I've rode home from work the last couple of mornings, temps around 30 to 32 degrees F, and with my snowmobile suit on my body stays comfortable, but my hands get extremely cold. I wear waterproof snowmobile gloves but it doesn't help. I'm not even going to try adding a handwarmer on the grips, beings what adding fuel is the extent of my mechanical abilities. Any help on warm gloves would be appreciated. Thanks, Glenn
  18. I heard a silly rumor that Yamaha was going to be redesigning the Royal Star Venture for next Summer as a 2010 release. The source that I heard this from also stated that they will be using a variation of the new V-Max motor bumping the displacement up to around 1900cc(dare I say Goldwing territory?!) and adding ABS (finally!). Has anyone else heard or seen anything about this? Dave aka the 'Chubby Ape'
  19. Where could I get on of those? I have kept an eye on Flea Bay but the only ones there are not studded. I was thinking on adding my own studs but don't want to scratch my tank if the studs rub in any way. Any feedback would be great.
  20. I havent been on in a while. My wife is in Minnesota taking care of her mother after a surgery. (Mother-in-law is doing well.) I'll be leaving Tuesday going out to Camp Pendleton, Oceanside Ca. driving a 26' U-Haul with all their possessions loaded up in it. And my bike loaded in a trailer. Looks like i will have a friend riding out with us. He will be riding his 1100 honda shadow back with me. going to bed now with a major headache. I'll be dreaming about adding them new states.
  21. Hart

    New Pics

    Just finished adding accessories.
  22. are the 1st generations speakers just regular speakers or are they weather resistant? What would be a good upgrade without adding an amp
  23. Guest

    Who's adding this ...

    .. to THEIR bucket list??? http://bobandsylvia.com/WINGSUIT.htm Cheers,
  24. As Anyone Tried A Linear On There Cb? I Have A 250 Watt Electronic One I Was Thinking About Adding With A Antenna And Coax Upgrade.
  25. I have finished uploading pics to VR photobucket account. Will be adding captions soon.............. DragonRiders Vogel 2007
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