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  1. There have been at least three other threads on this subject in the past month or two, but since this is going to be kinda long and detailed, I thought I would start a new one just for my measurements and results. We all know that reported MPG figures for the 2nd gens have been all over the map, from high 20s to mid 50s (don't I wish!). Nobody is really sure what they SHOULD be or how to compare them. I am on the trail to figure that out. My mileage has always been in the mid 30s average (much more detail below) on both of my RSVs over 50,000 miles. I recently checked and properly set the float levels in the carbs on my 05, and this seemed to produce a dramatic increase in fuel economy (about 5 MPG?). But I still have more to do, and I would love to find someone within a couple of hundred miles of DFW that claims to have mileage in the high 40s or even 50+ MPG with whom I could connect and do some comparisons. In the mean time, I have done some very detailed measurements over a 4,000 mile ride, and here is the information that should make it easier to compare our numbers: Stock Speedometer - on the RSV, it indicates approximately 8% higher than actual speed as measured by GPS. This does not really affect fuel mileage calculations, but is important to know when someone states what MPG they get at a particular speed. For example, if they get 33 MPG at 80 MPH, do they mean a REAL 80 (which would be an indicated 87), or are they seeing an indicated 80 (which is actually only about 73 MPH)? In my experience, the difference between 73 MPH and 87 MPH can change fuel economy by close to 10 MPG! So knowing how to compare apples to apples is quite important for us. Stock Odometer - On the RSV, it indicates approximately 4% higher than actual. In my testing, this calculates out to about 2 MPG difference on a typical tank. BUT, if someone has corrected their speedometer with an external device like a Speedohealer or Yellowbox, then their odometer will now read about 4% LOWER than actual, which means that the miles per gallon they calculate for a typical tank will be approximately 3 MPG lower than that exact same fuel consumption on an identical bike with a stock odometer. For example, if I ride 200 miles and fill up with 5.5 gallons, I get 36.4 MPG. But if someone with a corrected speedometer rides the exact same distance (their odometer will show 184 miles) and fills up with the same 5.5 gallons, they will only calculate 33.4 MPG, quite a significant difference, even though we both got identical mileage! SPEEDS - The difference between an actual 55 MPH (indicated 60) and an actual 80 MPH (indicated 87) will make a huge difference in fuel consumption, and any winds will make this difference even much greater. In my experience, a typical RSV can get 42 MPG at 55, and 32 MPG at 80, without factoring in any wind effects. I believe that for comparison purposes, we must all be vary careful to state specifically if we are using stock indicated miles and speeds or a "corrected" miles and speed. Note that in the latter case, the speed would be a true speed, but the miles reported would be approximately 4% low. Now that I have said all that, let me report on the actual measurements I made on the 4,000 mile trip. I am not going to actually report details on EVERY tank of gas unless someone requests it, but I'll give you the summary. I used to get an average of 36 MPG on my 05 RSV, but only about 32 MPG when running around 76 MPH actual (indicated 82). After setting the float levels, this trip started out showing about 35 MPG when running that fast. Ethanol mixes would drop a mile or two from the calculation, as would any significant cross wind or head wind. For example, my first tank of gas out of Fort Worth took me 206 miles at an indicated speed of about 77 MPH (GPS showed 71 MPH) with a medium cross wind. My calculated mileage (using indicated speeds and distance) for this tank was 35.84 MPG. The next tank took me 154 miles (indicated) at approximately 80 MPH (indicated), but no winds. This tank produced 35.57 MPG. Later in the day I was running around 84 MPH indicated (around 78 actual) and my mileage dropped to around 33 MPG. When I was riding with the group on day rides at the rally, speeds were staying much lower, of course. The three tanks of gas under those conditions resulted in 45.8, 41.6 and 38.4 MPG. When I left Kitchener, I spent the first day on secondary roads. I was still pushing it pretty good, but the speeds were all over the place since there was a lot of stopping, curves, etc. The next three tanks produced average MPG calculations (using indicated mileage) of 41.4, 39.3 and 37.8 MPG. Friday we got back on the Super Slab, running between 80 and 90 indicated all day long. Average economy was about 32.3 MPG for all tanks. That night, when we got done with dinner and fired up the bike to head back to the hotel, I noticed a pronounced misfire on the left side - the only time I heard this. Other than the misfire at idle, the bike ran fine. The next day the bike seemed to be laboring a little when hard acceleration around 70 MPH, but nothing really significant. The first tank of gas returned typical numbers. Then I had a couple of tanks that looked bad. I was running pretty fast on a divided road that had lights in the towns - probably averaging 85 indicated when out of town, and I got 31.3 MPG. The next tank only got 29.6 MPG! But after that the numbers went back up to the mid 30s and stayed there all the way home. That just shows you how much the numbers can change with little apparent reason! I suspect I had a partially fouled plug for a while, maybe caused by poor gas, but I doubt I will ever know for sure. So there it is, my actual numbers over a 4,000 mile trip with a 2005 RSV running well. I was riding two-up and heavily loaded. It was even worse when I left Kitchener due to the oil and heavy coffee table book I won at the rally and had to add to the load (which also made me add another bag to the top of the rack, increasing wind drag). I still have a couple of things to try to boost the mileage, but frankly, the best thing I can do is slow down! My all-around average used to be around 36 MPG, but now I think it will reasonably be around 40 MPG (due to float levels and tuning). If I can ever find a way to get it higher, I'll sure let y'all know! Goose
  2. My 85 temp gauge has stopped working. Fan still starts when the bike heats up so everything is working except the actual gauge. Is there a cost effective/easy fix. Seem that all the wires are there and attached. Thanks.
  3. Does anyone know the actual name and part number for what we call the dogbones on the engine. The pieces that have to be taken off to replace the spark plugs. I torqued mine at 30 lb, but do not know for sure if that is right. For I do not know the actual name of the part and have not found it on the schematic here. Thanks, Fuzzy
  4. So, finally finished my carb rebuild and reassembly onto the bike. A few too many explicatives resulted from trying to get the throttle cables back on. With the help of all the resources here, I was able to work my way through removing, disassembling, cleaning, inspecting, replacing a few parts, reassembling, and reattaching to the bike. Yesterday, I picked up some vacuum line and a 5-port junction to check the sync tool I have. It was originally designed for my dad's old Honda CB750 with some unique attachments and a bunch of indicators on the gauges, rather than actual numerical vacuum levels. With the junction, I hooked up all four gauges to #1 port and they were all right on. So, proceeded to hooking up to all four cylinders. I spent a good 20 minutes with a fan on the bike, getting things adjusted. Things fell into place a lot faster after I opened up the 4 idle adjustment screws another half turn - they were originally all open 2 1/2 turns during reassembly. They were all over the map when I started, but got all 4 lined up very well. I initially set it right around 1000 rpm, and then checked and tweaked things around 2000 and then again at 3000 rpm. They remain well synced at all three levels now. Granted, this is not the same fuel flow/load as actual riding conditions. On my test ride, I noticed that things were more sluggish than usual, and it doesn't seem to have the same level of "snot" that it used to. It's slow to respond to medium or hard acceleration. It doesn't ever "bog down," so to speak, but just not as responsive as it should be. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm a little disappointed with myself that it was more responsive with 1 main jet completely plugged and 2 others about 20% plugged Thanks much in advance!
  5. Today I decided to start the ABS plastic Welding on my bike. I figured I would start with something that I wasn't using to test the unit. I also documented everything from the tack weld to the primer in several videos. When I went to edit the pieces into something shorter than Gone with the wind, I found the part one, that actual welding process segment of the video, was corrupt. SO, I will have to redo the video when I begin welding the ACTUAL bike parts. For now I have a few vid caps of the repair & the finished fender. CLEANLINESS is the key. Prep your work before tacking and clean the work between steps with plastic cleaner. It was actually fairly simple. I have no fears to moving forward. I used the hot air welder from harbor freight, a dremel with a rasp & a drum sander, I did have to use my Air D/A sander as well for the bondo. Anyway here are the vidCaps AFTER I welded the piece. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/album.php?albumid=994
  6. Looking to add a light bar but can't seem to find a after market that says it will fit. Do I have to buy Yamahas? Do I need a actual bar or is there another way to mount lights?
  7. Just heard about this place in Mansfield Ohio and thinking about taking a ride to check it out. We really liked the movie and thought it would be neat to go and have a look at the actual prison. Anyone else been there? As a tourist I mean... Or a resident...LOL! Maybe a good destination for a Ohio M&E???? http://www.mrps.org/
  8. Seeing as we're both guys and we've never met .... but since there isn't an actual "award", I give a great big THANK YOU to jlh3rd for the great deal he made me on his "old" Clearview shield. :thumbsup2:
  9. Q1-Does the Lower Front Vent on an 83 VR fit on an 89 VR? Q2-Are the actual vents interchangable?
  10. http://www.oysterrun.org/ I know this happens every year, but I am more excited this year as I finaly have a scooter to join the fun. We seem to have a few riders out here in the West, maybe we could work something out so we could meet one day. The actual event is offically only on Sunday but folks start rolling into town on Friday. I hope I get the chance to meet some of the great folks from these forums. Bob
  11. I have a 1996 and since I had the trouble with the battery, the speedo reads 10-15 mph faster that actual. I heard somewhere there is a "healer" out there for this problem. Can anyone give me some info? Thanks.
  12. I need to order a RAM mount for my GPS. Looking at the mounting options has me confused what will fit on an 89 1st Gen. There doesn't seem to be much room between the actual round bars and the reservoirs. Any examples or pictures of what has been done or works? The reservoir mounts
  13. Have available 4 nexan 165/80/15 tires, brand new $43 ea, plus shipping. If interested let me know. Have in classified, but you will have to add the actual shipping cost. Am going darkside this weekend. Daryl
  14. This is truly a video which should be retained for posterity so that our children, grandchildren, and Great grandchildren can be witness to and appreciate one of the most solemn and meaningful ceremonial gatherings in the annals of world history (the Civil War surrender ceremony notwithstanding) especially in the event that true history ceases to be taught in our schools. This is an actual film made of the surrender ceremony of the Japanese to MacArthur in Tokyo Bay in September 1945. Actual voice of the General. Never been shown to the general public before. We always saw the "stills" but never the film itself.The quality of the film is outstanding. http://enka2.netorage.com:9711/harddisk/user/lyk36/mumess/376-macarthurjap.htm http://enka2.netorage.com:9711/harddisk/user/lyk36/mumess/376-macarthurjap.htm
  15. Otherwise known as a youtube schpiel... Saw this on todays WOOT. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj9X5EvdMds&feature=player_embedded#]SWITCHBLADE[/FON"]YouTube- Real Actual Field Tests #5: Air Hogs Switchblade RC Plane[/ame] Funny.
  16. Got a couple estimates today to ship some parts (2 boxes) and was in sticker shock. To give an example, one box was 37 x 25 x 11 and actual weight 14 lbs. They put on the estimate 53 lbs billable weight for a cost of $36.50. I went to usps.com and it says $68 for 5 day parcel post. I reduced the dimensions to see if it would give me a different cost. Narrowed it down to 36 x 24 x 11 and it gave me $17.00. Apparently 1" on 2 of the dimensions makes a difference. The other box, UPS estimated cost of $33 and usps gave $17.00 for 5 day parcel post. I am guessing UPS is charging by billable weight and not actual weight? Anyone know?
  17. Just posted lots of gear for sale in the classifieds. Pants, jackets, vests, chaps. ignore the price of $2540 , I meant it to be $25-40 for the items. Posted in the riding gear section. Just cleaning out the closet. Shipping will be the actual cost from my house to yours. All gear in great shape! Thanks for looking!
  18. Just info for those that want to know... In previous post some have mentioned Lithium grease instead of Moly for the driveline lube. I was browsing around the Honda Interactive Network this morning and pulled up the MSDS for the Moly-60. Here is a pic of the actual ingredients list... http://i720.photobucket.com/albums/ww202/BigBoyinMS/MOLY60MSDS.jpg It has Lithium in it and there is almost 1/2 as much Lithium as Moly. And a little bit of 2 secret ingredients. And the reason the percentages don't add up is they only count the actual working ingredients, not the grease that's the carrier for them . (It's 15-20% of Moly by weight but about 60% of the 4 main ingredients) Edit: FYI, the company that provides Moly-60 to Honda is ThreeBond.
  19. Someone had posted a message back a while ago about some friends that were coming state side for a bike trip and would be needing a trailer.. I just found and actually seen a inexpensive actual bike trailer that Harbor is selling - list is 430 US and on sale right now for 350 US.. Lot Number of the unit in my sale flyer is Number 66771 Hope this helps someone. 'Puc
  20. Thought I would post a photo of the stick on chrome I put on the air box last night. What do you guys think? Go ahead I can take it! I chose this stick on cause it looks like a screen for an actual air intake. I had to move it a little forward (off center) because of the two little tabby's that stick off of the back of it.
  21. I attached a coax type power cable to my battery for my heated gloves and jacket. There is an in-line fuse rated at 15 Amps. I'm not sure what the actual Amps are in the cable. If the actual Amps are very low, then the heated gear won't achieve full capability. Gloves are supposed to draw about 2.3 Amps and jacket is supposed to draw about 3.5 Amps. This means I need about 6 Amps actual supplied to the power cable from the battery. Trying to figure out how to measure the actual Amps running through this power cable. My multimeter only measures voltage and resistance. For what it's worth I also have my GPS wired to the battery and the revco air horn. My kuryakin voltmeter is wired to the fairing power socket. Any help would be appreciated. David
  22. Just a heads up that I posted a classified for my wife's 2002 Honda Shadow VLX Deluxe. Very sharp lightweight bike. 4200 actual miles. Take a look!! Thanks, Larry http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w317/larrykir/Honda%20VLX%20Deluxe/100_0618.jpg
  23. Am I jumpin the gun or did I miss something.....Does anyone know the cost and/or do where do we register for the actual rally?
  24. Installed the SpeedoHealer last summer. Speedometer originally read 8.5% high. I now have a GPS and find that the speedometer reads correctly. However, the odometer now reads 5% less than actual. Not a major drawback, but something to keep in mind.
  25. After installing my new GPS unit earlier. I am noticing that my speedometer is out a bit from my actual speed as calculated by my GPS. I have heard that the GPS units are incredibly accurate. My '06 RSTD seems to be out on the high side. When my speedometer reads 120, my actual speed from GPS is 112. This can't be designed on purpose, so in that case, is there a fix?
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