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  1. Bought a 12 Volt power adapter from Cycle Gear for 10 bucks and I think I will buy a couple more. I took the handle bar mount off and made the hole for the acc socket below the seat just a little bigger. For power I cut the factory plug off the acc wire, soldered them together and it works great. http://www.cyclegear.com/_static/webupload/730/2_web1007420_3.jpg http://www.cyclegear.com/eng/product/12_volt_power_adapter/web1007420#pr-header-web1007420
  2. Got on the RSV Thursday for a couple of errands. When I turned the ignition on to head home from the last stop, I hit the starter and nothing! The radio was playing, but the lights were not on. When I turned the switch back to the ACC position, for second, the speedometer "scanned" across and then was back off. Long story short, if I turn the switch completely to the right, nothing, except what is on in the ACC position. Now if I just barely turn the key back to the left, the lights come on, the bike starts and all is right with the world. If after it starts, I turn the key all the way to the right the engine quits. It is like the switch is turning past where there should be a stop. Anyone else experienced something like this? An I headed for a switch replacement?
  3. I have a RSTD 2007 and I have an after market faring on it. I usually put the ignition in the first position which allows you to have power come in to the bike without having the headlights on and I could play my stereo system when I am parked, but now there is no power in the ACC position. I have checked the fuse under the left side cover and it is good. Is there anothe fuse box on the bike that may controle the ACC power or could it be something else? I NEED HELP BAD!!! Thank.
  4. Hey Guys I went to the Grocery store on Saturday and when I came out to go home I inserted the key and at first the lights blinked on and then nothing. Great, I thought to myself. I went home and grabbed my truck and trailer, went back and hauled the bike back home. Here's where it gets interesting...I turned the key to the acc. position and the radio started playing intermittantly. I was tired and decided to work on it on Sunday afternoon. When I went back and took the lower half of the fairing so I could get to the starter ( I thought it was probably a loose wire on the starter or a grounding strap...It wasn't ) I would turn the key to Acc. and the radio would not work, but when I turned the key to the On position, one little light came on in the radio but it would not play and nothing else would light up ( ie. dash light, pump, lights...completely dead ) but the little light on the radio was on. It would only come on in the On position and go off in the Acc position. But still nothing else would come on. It's got me stumped. I checked the starter solenoid. It's not loose however I know little else. If any body would be so kind as to point me in the right direction, I would be grateful. Thanks Ken:fingers-crossed-emo
  5. Symptoms: Last used bike 5 days ago. Today, turned key, had power, hit starter, click, dead. Everything dead. After leaving alone for a while and it got dark, I would notice that I turn key from off to ACC and the radio lights come on for a second then fade away. Turn to ON and nothing is there. Turn off then back to ACC and no radio lights unless I let it sit for a few minutes. Still, nothing works, no radio, no horn, no lights. Troubleshooting notes: I cleaned the battery terminals and retightened. Battery voltage was at 12.7 V. Then I turn switch to ACC and battery voltage drops to 7 or 8 V while radio light comes on then fades off a second later. I turn the ignition switch all the way to ON and the battery voltage drops to near zero. I repeated this several times, then noticed my battery was having a hard time coming back up to 12 V, so I expect a short some where. Then, I hooked up the trickle charger and it was acting funny. It has a light to indicate when the battery is charged, and that light was slowly flickering. If charged, it would stay constant on, but if charging, it would stay off. I tested all fuses with continuity tester, that includes all 5 fuses on left side behind panel C, plus the 30A main fuse behind panel B, plus all 5 fuses in the lower right fairing, and all got continuity on all. I read several posts about ignition switch failure, so I checked that too. (Note: my radio doesn't work though) Took tank off and checked continuity across ignition wire connectors and found no problems. Please share ideas. I will check the thread again tomorrow and try your suggestions. I really don't want to try to push this 900 lb beast up the ramp into my jacked-up truck!
  6. There is a huge archive of the stebel air horn but i did not see anyone having a problem i have encountered with feedback through my radio> when the radio is on (or the cb) and the button is pressed there is a loud feed back through the speakers. So much so im afraid of blowing the speakers not to mention my ears if i have HS slected. I installed it according to the instructions that came with larrys bracket. The only difference is i put in a seperate acc relay first which will also control my future heated grips and driving lights so everything goes off with the key. This first relay is fired by the acc pigtail located under the seat. Perhaps I should have fired it from a tail light wire or something? I have heard no one else with this problem? You guys always have suggestions. thanks Jack in los osos ca:confused24:
  7. With the CLASS (air suspension) system on my 88 VR, I have been having some problems. They are: - Sometimes no power going to it and nothing happens. (Yes the Red/Blue wire haw power with the key in the ACC position) - Sometimes I get an E4 code - When it does finally work, I can pressurize the front and rear with the key switch in ACC. However when I turn the key from ACC to ON (or to OFF), I can hear air pressure released behind the seat when the key is put back in the ACC position. When I check the pressures, the rear pressure is where I set it but the front pressure reads zero (and from the ride, it is really at zero) What seems to make it go between these three modes is when I disconnect/reconnect the connector on the backside of at the control panel (right side of fairing) or wiggle the same connector a bit. Also, I just change the front fork seals and dust covers and didn't even touch the electronics or the mechnicals (pump, drier, valves, solenoids) for the CLASS system. Before I start taking things apart, does anyone have any quick and dirty ideas? I'm thinking there is a loose connector on the board and I may have a solenoid in the back that is sticking -- but I'm really new to the Venture and I'm just guessing at this point.
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