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  1. Hey Don, I just noticed an ad that appearred on the web site below the list of friends in the left hand column on the website. My question is: How are these ads generated? Are they approved by the website or do they appear automatically because of related content on the internet? The reason I ask is because the ad that drew my attention was titled Conyers Area Bike Dealer and was an ad for a business that I am familiar with and have had dealings with Rockdale Cycles and Racing. All Bad. I have posted on this site before about this business in detail and about the $1,400 rip off nightmare I had with them on my 87VR when I first owned my bike. This experience was before I found this site. I will say that the only good thing that resulted from that experience with Rockdale Cycles was that it set up a set of circumstances that eventually led me to discover this site, the best thing that has happened to me since acquiring my 87VR. Since joining this site and the resulting knowledge and help obtained on the 1st Gens from the knowledgable members of the VentureRiders.org, and because of that bad experience with Rockdale Cycles I have adopted a policy that no one works on my bike except me and trusted VR.org friends. In retrospect I know that had it not been for VR.org I would not have been able to afford to keep, ride, work on and maintain my 87VR. There is no way I could have afforded to pay a shop much less pay for Yamaha OEM parts for all of the work that I (with some help from others on this site) have done to my bike over the past ten years. Being able to work on the bike due to all of the helpful knowledge obtained from the members of this site. I say all of that to say this: The $12.00 per year membership dues is the best investment I have ever made in my 87VR. You can trust the advice, knowledge, experience and people involved with this site. If you too, saw the ad and were considering doing business with Rockdale Cycles, don't you will probably end up regretting it. They call them stealers instead of dealers for a reason. But, I quess I'm preaching to the choir. Suggestion for new forum: "What Not to do, things, places and people to avoid"
  2. Skydoc_17: I just had Double Hernia Surgery last week, so I don't know for sure if I can ride the 87'VR over, but my brother has offered to drive me over. Take care of yourself Earl
  3. I have been thinking about changing the final drive on my 87'VR since I have owned it. The first VR I had an 86' had the VMAX rear in it and I loved that bike. The thing I didn't like about my 87'VR is the gearing seemed "tall", when I was in the "sweet spot" of the engine I was flying down the highway at 85 plus! I began my search for a new final drive in November of 2008. Here is where I give cudo's to Squeeze, that young man has forgotten more about Ventures, VMAXs and FJR1300s then I will EVER know. I looked at about a dozen low mileage VMAX final drives and I just didn't like the Idea of the shock mount stud sticking out the side of the pumpkin. Thats when Squeeze told me about the FJR1300 final drive. He said "the FJR final drive has the same gearing as the VMAX and it is a mono-shock rear just like my 87'VR, the best of both worlds! Well, needless to say there aren't to many people parting out their late model FJR1300's and when they do, they want a pretty penny for the final drive. Being laid off has given me a lot of time to work on my bike but very little extra money. I have been selling off some items on Ebay and putting together the many "Kits" you have seen in the Classifieds. Well, last week the scrimping and saving finally paid off, I found a FJR1300 final drive in pristine condition, with only 3500 miles on it. I wish I could say that the rest of the bike was in as great of condition as the final drive but it looked like the owner of this beautiful machine drove into a brick wall at 100MPH! Anyway, I got the final drive and have attached pics below of the disassembly and reassembly of the entire of my 87'VR. I used the Honda Moly 60 Paste on all of the splines and the Belray 80/90 for the gear oil. Smooth, quiet, and this final drive took my old 87'VR to a whole new level of performance. Take a moment and have a look at the pics, if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them. And once more, THANKS AGAIN SQEEZE, You Da' MAN! Earl
  4. Has anyone heard of a weight restriction on a 87VR. My son is still playing football (O Line) and keeps getting bigger. Together we are at 540 LBS. What can the bike handle. I am very strong and can handle the weight of the bike with the added passenger weight. I am just concerned about the bike and frame and coming apart at a bad time! What do ya'll think. I know, loose weight big guy but I still eat like I did when I played football. Oh the battle of the bulge.
  5. The radio on the 87VR has lost alot of vol. It will not get very loud. Any ideas????
  6. I get a lot of curious looks and inquiries about this custom feature on my 87VR. I wish I could take credit for this but this unique feature was already installed when I got the bike. It is a very, very handy feature to have when you pull up some where to park and the ground is leaning the wrong way. I don't know about you but, my greatest fear riding an 87VR is not the speed or the weight, it's haveing it fall over on the lean stand then having to ask for help to pick it up. I've also had some fun with it when I'm at an event and I back into a row of left leaning custom bikes with my unremarkable 87VR then lean it to the right. I love to watch the crowd walk by and ignore the custom bikes and focus on my right side leaning bike.
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