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Found 19 results

  1. Can 83-85 VR mufflers work on an 89 VR?
  2. I am in the process of replacing both fork seals and installing progressive front springs, the info in the tech library has been very helpful, but i have a couple questions about what i found when i took my forks apart. In the first picture, I did not have any of the 3 washers on the lower end of either side, was this different on the 83-85 or am i missing parts? In the second picture, I did not have the part labled 2, again is this different on the 83-85 or am i missing something? http://www.imagechicken.com/uploads/1280331115001454800.jpg http://www.imagechicken.com/uploads/1280331227066186800.jpg
  3. Below is a link to a site were I put a copy of the 1983-1985 Service manual. This copy of the manual has the pages in it that are missing from many of the other online 83 service manuals. I rearranged PDF to put supplementary chapters to rear of manual, Layout of manual now makes more sense. 1/25/2010 I also put in the back a copy of the wiring diagrams I did for the 83-85's. About 45 meg in size. User ID and password below. username=venturerider, password=venturerider Click on blue heading at top of window below to download. [ame=http://www.scribd.com/doc/25798403/1983-1985-Yamaha-Venture-Manual]1983-1985 Yamaha Venture Manual[/ame] Gary
  4. Are all the stators for the 1st gens the same or did the 83-85 have a different one from the later years? I'm thinking of picking up a high output one to compliment my new regulator upgrade.
  5. Would someone scan the wiring schematic that is in the back of the owners manual and post it or email to me please. I need a 83-85 Venture Royale schematic. I have a stock 83 Venture and am going to put cruise in from a 84 venture. I have the wiring harness that I may use to replace mine. I want to look at the schematic and see if there are any differences in the connectors besides the dash hookups. I think the brake/clutch switches are different also. Thanks dingy101@live.com
  6. IS the 83-85 mirrors the same as an 88? I need a right mirror and found one off a 88. Will it look the same as the left?
  7. Has anyone tried them out on a first generation (83-85)? How were they? Thanks, Doug
  8. Does anybody know if the body parts for all 1st Gen. years are interchangeable? Specifically the fairing and side cover pieces. I have an '86 1300 and was wondering if pieces from an 83-85 1200 will fit it? Thanks.
  9. I'm going to casually start looking for a new final drive for my 86'. It's too damn noisy. I don't want to use the 83-85 ones. I want the newest one I can find. Will the 2nd gen drives fit? Thanks. Great forum!
  10. Was it a member from here that I pulled up next to in Eau Claire this afternoon? He was riding a blue 83-85.
  11. Why are 86-93 VENTURES considered 1st generation Ventures ? Shouldn’t they be considered 2nd gen’s and the 99 and newer models be called 3rd gen’s? After all the 83-85 bike had smaller saddlebags and only 1200cc motors VS. 1300 cc’s and larger bags on 86-93. And as I understand it there are more items that are different than just motor and bags on the 83-85 and the 86-93 models. So why do we do this?
  12. Is the superbrace for 86-93 the same for 83-85? Thanks, Dale
  13. My question for you hardcore knowledge guys. What makes the 83-85 faster? I'm looking at the carbs the only difference I know of 83 carbs had 42.5 pilot jets a 180 air jets all the rest of the years have 84-93 have 37.5 pilots and 170 air jets. So does that mean 84-85 are slower the 86-93? I read something about possible hotter cam. Slightly lighter weight 83-85 then 86-93. 86-93 has 100 more CC's. So whats the deal? (I put the original pilot and air jets in my 90 from 83 I gotta say I like it no more popping actually get a noticeable rpm change when adjusting pilot mixtures.)
  14. Before anyone asks, yes, I did search the entire site and can't find a darn thing pertaining to this issue. Here goes. I have two good used rectifiers. One is apparently for the 83-85 model and the part number is 26H-81960-A0-00 and the other is for an 86 - 93 (I think anyway) and its part number is 2WR-81960-A0-00. When using the procedure outlined in the Repair Manuals, the procedures both for the 83-85 and the 86 and up refer to a "brown wire". However, the newer model rectifier (2WR) doesn't have a brown wire like the earlier model rectifier. Is there anyone experienced in this area to be able to explain why the 2WR rectifier would not have the brown wire like the Repair Manual states it should. Or am I just going nuts. Any light anyone can provide would be of great assistance.
  15. At one point I know there was a service manual on-line here for the 83-85 Ventures. Can't seem to find it now. Is it still here someplace Thanks
  16. I pulled the rear light bar off the 83/84/86, and the license plate bracket had been removed many years ago. Anyone have an 83-85 Mark I bracket laying around I could buy off them??
  17. I am curious if anyone knows whether you can change out the rear final drive (on an 83-85) with the newer 86 and up pumpkin and drive shaft together? I know the 83-85 has separate drive shaft and final drive so one would have to change out the complete assembly, but if that is possible and it bolts up to the 83-85 swingarm (plus the yoke spine) and matches the rear wheel spline, then it could very well be possible. I need someone who has checked this option out. Louie
  18. Does anyone know or has anyone tried to exchange the diaphrams from the 83-85 carbs to the 86 to 93 carbs. In other words are they interchangable.
  19. See my other thread... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=12150
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