Yesterday a group of us did what turned out to be a marathon day ride. 350 miles thru Lake Tahoe and the California Sierras. I started Saturday at 0730hrs and finally parked the scoot at 2000hrs. I didn't have a chance to check mpg until tanking up in Tahoe. Between Tahoe and traveling some of the crookedest roads in the US.. I put on a lot of agressive chicken strips are gone.. Lots of 2nd,3rd, 4th gears. Rarely got into 5th. R's between 3K and 6K. I traveled 153 miles and used 2.8 gallons. 50+ MPG!! The only thing I can figure is it must be the something in the air. The last time I got 50+ was VWIII in Susanville and the Sierras. Most of the time running on the slab at 70 I average around 38-39. Go figure???