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Found 17 results

  1. Anybody know where I can get an antenna and bracket? Mine broke las t week while doing a 400 mile run thru Michigan. Thanks
  2. I have ridden both my 1975 CanAm 250 tnt and my cow-a-socki 400 in the winter time on snow covered roads, years ago. The TNT was ok the 400 not quite as good. The key difference, I believe was that the TNT had mild knobby's (enduro tires). Also both bikes are pretty light. So now I am curious to know about riding a 1st gen through the snow and what it was like in the way of handling etc. Yeh I know Tom ....You ..HATE SNOW!
  3. Wondering if it possible to go with 400 watt speakers. I've found a pretty good deal on them, but not sure if they are:confused24: too much for the venture system?
  4. I believe my carbs are about to get cleaned up using the Seafoam and technical advice from Goose and some of you other techs. At least they're running smoother but the bike still revs between shifts. Another strange thing (to me) is the difference in the temp between the cylinders. Cylinders 1, 2, &4 run about 250 deg but #3 is about 400 deg.as checked with my handi dandi IR thermo gun. What temps should they run and will it hurt #3 to run 400+?? Will appreciate your thoughts. Thanks.
  5. I know we have beat this horse to death, and I have always advocated Mobil 1 syn. Some background on where I am going with this, before I became a Nurse, i was the Public Works Director for Turner County, in Georgia. 10 years in that position and 15 years before that as the assitant director and the Shop forman. We used delo 400 15w40 in everything, the caterpilliar motorgraders have something incommon with our motorcycles, WET clutches that run in the engine oil. and at the time CAT recommended Delo 400 for the engine, transmission and every where else, on these machines. They still use it there now. We never had an oil related failure in any thing. We were running graders 20,000 hours before any internal engine work. Can not remember any clutch problems. Ok to the point, I walked into O'rielly's and bought oil for the cars, van, and was getting the oil for the venture, and noticed the Delo 400 was $12 for a gallon. the mobil one I use is $9 a quart. I decided to go home and compare the data on these two oils. Delo is rated for use in all engine applications Both are rated for wet clutch applications. The Delo has a higher bearing load than the mobil one. The best I could fine on the net, Mobil is a 300 hour oil. Delo is a 400 hour oil, The oil analysis we did at 250 hour oil changes on the cats always showed around 60 to 70% of the oil life used (that was at 250 hours) meaning the oil could have been run close to the 400 hour mark. (Caterpilliar recommends 250 hours oil changes) All that depends on how the engine is preforming, air filters, oil filters, temp and other factors. After looking at all of this, I found myself thinking, why am I paying $40 for an oil change when it could be $12 for the superior oil. I change every 5000 miles anyway, that is only about 100 hours on the oil. I many here run Rotella 15w40, which is simular to Delo 400, don't know what rotella hour rating is, but I put the Delo 400 in my RSV. Will post the results over time, I had very little chirp or whine with the mobil. Gregg
  6. The South Carolina Dept of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is trying to make available a new license tag available to Honorable Discharged Veterans. They are making one available for cars and one available for motorcycles. For each, they need 400 applications received to the DMV soon. The car applicants now have their 400. They only have 250 MC applicants as of the 6/17/09. Deal is off if they don't have 400 by July 1. If you are licensed in SC and are interested please follow the link below, then click to download the "MOTORCYCLE" form. MV-37B You will send it in with $5 to "pre-apply". If they do not get the 400 they will return you money. I believe the special tag fees are lower than typical vanity tags,,, if at all. The tag is displayed on the link site, it is blue background, says VETERAN and has a star. (see below) I was not in a war zone (but I did kept the Viet Cong out of Wichita!), so this tag is for all vets. If you cannot download the form, I can email a PDF copy to you (I went by the Hwy Dept and got one). PLEASE TELL YOUR SC VET FRIENDS! Link: http://www.scdmvonline.com/DMVNew/default.aspx http://www.scdmvonline.com/DMVNew/images/VetPlate.jpg Mike G in SC
  7. First and foremost (and just in case you somehow missed it) there's the "Joint Venture" of the 3rd Annual Georgia Meet & Eat & Ride & Eat & Ride and the monthly North GA M&E. Here's the thread for that one: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=35096 Next on our list is the Yamaha Demo Day at Moto 400. And yes, they will have not one, but two, count 'em, two, V-Max bikes to try out. If you get a chance, and can't make it to the M&E, you should definitely go to Moto 400. Personally, I'd love to try out the V-Max and the Raider. Here's a link: http://www.moto400.com/custompage2.asp?pg=yamdemoday And last, but not at all least, WOW Motorcycles is having their 7th Annual Japanese Motorcycle Days. If you're in the area it's probably worth checking out. http://www.wowmotorcycles.com/ Whatever you do tomorrow, have fun doing it, and be sure to make it a Great Day on Sunday for all of our wonderful Mothers... TERRY
  8. went for a 400 km ride about 7 hrs on sunday I must have passed 100 or more harlys going the other way and every last one of them waved some even before i waved at them
  9. I just bought me a nice new shiny 2009 Venutre "S" and I am loving it! Within the past 40 miles, I have put on the Samson Slash Cuts, did the AIS Mod and did the 1/4 turn out on all the pilot mixture screw as I read about in these forums. I am woundering, though, what should I expect the gas mileage to be during the breake in period and therafter? Right now I have 400 miles on it and I am consistantly getting only 34 mile per gallon. My crazy, modified, and overpowered 2001 Road Star gets 37 mpg... will it get better as the engine breaks in?
  10. OK but is sweet for less then 400. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Car-Enclosed-Cargo-Ulitily-Trailer_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ72Q3a317Q7c66Q3a2Q7c65Q3a12Q7c39Q3a1Q7c240Q3a1318Q7c301Q3a0Q7c293Q3a2Q7c294Q3a50QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem110343971460QQitemZ110343971460QQptZMotorsQ5fTrailers
  11. We recently compared in the showrooms most of the tour bikes again: Venture, Gold Wing, Electra Glide Classic, and BMW’s offering. For room and "back seat approval" the Venture wins. Just can’t get ourselves to "Do It;" On any of those available choices. Fact is there are no bad ones, they are all good and/or better in some way or the other. The wife loves her 2008 400 Burgman, and is hinting on the 2009 650 version for me. You know, in the real world it just might be the right choice. When my lady speaks, I listen. Believe it or not, It’s down to Venture or Burgman 650. Almost worlds apart yet so close to our riding needs.
  12. I've just returned home from attending a guitar clinic featuring Nashville phenomenon Johnny Hiland and his band. Wow! That cat can sure play, any style, any genre, just as clean and pretty as can be. For those of you that might be in the North GA area riding around tomorrow, he will be performing a free show from 2-5 PM at the new Galaxy Music store, which is located at 6150 GA Hwy 400, about 2.5 miles south of the Dawsonville Premium Outlet Mall, on the eastern side of the road. If you want to see a great player and are going to be anywhere nearby, be sure to stop by! Terry
  13. The wife proving once again to be the better person has ended her pondering and made her decision. She just ordered herself new 2008 Burgman 400. Myselfish is still changing my mind every day between RSTD, Venture, ST-1300, Burgman 650, FLHT’s, Nomad, and on and on and on.
  14. It's been a quiet night. Not much happening on the scanner. Central regional jail only has a few new quest for the night. Gasoline prices raised this week I guess everybody stayed home to drink coffee. We are drinking coffee right? Hey Stardbog it's 4:00 am and your still online? Must of fell asleep with his puter on.:rotf:
  15. Does anyone know where I can find some quality pictures of a 07 Venture for my screen saver? The best I can find is only 400 x 300 and they look like crap on a scren saver.
  16. Hi folks: My daughter wants to get a bike. I'm nervous and proud at the same time. A few problems I'm having. First one is that I'm in Ontario and she is attending Simon Fraser University in Vancouver B.C. For her to get a license she needs to get her beginners and then needs someone 25 or over to ride within eyesight of her. She knows nobody in the Vancouver area that rides a bike. She is looking at a Yamaha 400 street bike which is small enough to handle in the city but big enough to take the hills and for short jaunts on a hwy. She also wants to take the MC course but the last one for this year starts this week which dosn't give her enough time to get onboard with that so she intends to do that next spring. She has never driven a bike but has ridden on my 84 VR and has also had some experience on a scooter. I guess I'm looking for suggestions. Best case scenario would be a member from Vancouver sort of taking her under their wing to get her going and maybe even go with her to look at this 400 she is interested in. Thanks for listening. Wayne
  17. Ok, I know this isn't a Venture but you all have played with other bikes in your days I'm guessing. I bought a '78 Yamaha 400 for $1. yup, ONE DOLLAR Got it running a few months ago and it is just the perfect Learner bike. Anyway the one issue that bothers me is the way this thing dives at the touch of the Front brake. I have already drained and filled the forks with 10-30 motor oil as recommended in the manual. Still dives. At that time I was surprised to find that the Springs pop out of the upper fork by about 1" telling me that they are not 'tired'. ( the bike has 8K miles on it.) So, any suggestions? I was thinking of preloading the springs with some PVC but I'm not sure I would be able to push it all down into the fork to get the Snap ring back in place that holds the whole mess together. Is this just the nature of these good ole' bikes?
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