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Happy New Year Everyone: We were side lined more in 2012 than 2011 due to the death of both of my parents, but we did manage to make Sturgis for an entire week. Really enjoyed ourselves. The highlight of the trip was the suggestion to have a breakfast meet on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at the Sturgis Highschool FFA breakfast. We got to meet at least a 1/2 dozen more VR members in person. Thanks to Patrolman46 and TX2Sturgis for suggesting and planning the event. As far as 2013 goes, our wishlist is to make Kreg's MD and the International rally in Galena IL. We may not make Sturgis this year since it is right after the Galena trip? If anyone travels this way this season be sure to let us know.
While there were many good things during 2012, it was probably one of the toughest, most stressful, costly years of my life (unfortunately). In Feb I received a notice from Family Maintenance Enforcement stating that I owed almost 50 grand in spousal support arrears to my ex wife and that I had to commence paying her 500/mo PLUS the arrears. That started a court action to cancel the arrears and support which took until end of July and 5 grand in lawyers fees even though I did most of the "grunt work" myself. The end result was in my favor although I still had to fork out 6 grand to her. In January, my wife's mom's health started going downhill and by late March she passed away. The stresses and expenses around that, coupled with the court battle weighed heavilly on both my wife and myself. I was able to keep it together but my wife had to take stress leave from work. Thankfully she is ok now and back to work and we've just recently recovered financially and things are back on track; however, it certainly took a large chunk out of our retirement savings. As for the good things of 2012.... I learned that life can present many unexpected challenges and the best way to overcome them is to be strong and stand for what you believe in and to take care of yourself and not let anyone take advantage of you. My wife and I have a much stronger and closer relationship than ever before as a result of the challenges we faced during 2012. I learned to not take anything for granted ever again and to protect yourself from those who can hurt you the most. As for m/c related stuff, it was a good year. We hosted an annual rally, did several "local" rides ... some just the two of us, some with others, and finally joined a local club consisting of a variety of individuals and bikes (something I swore I'd never do again). To say the least, 2012 has been an "interesting" year and we look forward to 2013 and are hopefully prepared for whatever challenges it may bring. Considering what some of you have gone through in 2012, I should feel happy I wasn't in your shoes as some of you have faced much more difficulties than we have. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL and I hope for a great 2013 for everyone!
Some people do some really stupid things on a motorcycle. RandyA video is now unavailable
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Shot this while in Idaho Falls Colorado... I guess you should see them when they are not having fun riding There are some more bike shots on my photo link if you want to take a look in Colorado 2012
Is anyone going to this for 2012? I still have 2.5 weeks oif vacation and I am thinking about attending but would like to have company. It looks like this is a very large gathering and there would be some great rides out of the area as well as a number of events to participate in. Would welcome sharing a room in the area and perpahs a ride along on the way up from Houston area. I will probably head from Houston on Wednesday and stop just over the OK line for a night at the casino then head to Fayetteville thrusday morning and stay until Sunday morning. Anyone in Texas going? Anyone intrested in Meeting etc just let me know and we'll share numbers etc. I found a reltatively inexpensive room in Rogers Arkansas 10 miles frm Fayetteville as Fayetteville seems sold out already and would be willing to share with someone who needs a room. LEt me know and we'll get things going Link to event. James
Just made our finale plans for our trip. Big Mike and I will be in Sturgis on Aug. 5th . We have been talking about doing this for 10 years and its finally going to happen . I can't wait to get out there. I was out there in 1971 and need to refresh the memories of some of the stuff I seen at six. Now I need to make some 47 year old memories. Are we going to catch up to any VR members there for some fun ?
A separate thread to post any and all pictures to the IR 2012, so that is going to be easy for others to find them. It 'll be in the Watering Hole for now, I will move it in a week or so to it's proper spot.
32 days until Eureka Springs AR. Wanted to up date it here in the watering hole to give the family the heads up that its just 32 days away Aug31 - Sept.3 2012 If we have new family members or just old ones wanting to come and need info? everything you need is posted in the Calendar on AUG 31 2012 and in the meet-n-eats area under Snarley Bills Eureka Springs meet So as of right now Edelweiss Inn still has a few rooms left but for how long is any ones guess? being Labor day weekend Peg & I are looking forward to this meet since its the first one we ever went to as a venturerider and loved it ever since! Buddy & Snowflake
Have dry sounding clicking/clunking sound in rear end of my new 2012 Venture. Can hear it when slowing down at stop signs etc. and also when pushing around in lane-way . Took to dealer today to get opinion and he says it is the needle bearing in rear-end so have appointment for next Mon. to get fixed. Also passing lights blew fuse(have them on all the time ) and couldn't find fuse until dealer remembered it was behind fairing so it has to be torn apart to change. Will get them to move to outside so I can change it later. Rear-end will be covered under warranty but not sure about fuse. Asked about it from sales man and heard mechanic say it was just a fuse BUT it was him who wired fuse behind fairing instead of outside where it is assessable--so I think it should be covered but will see on Mon.(if not covered it is about a 2hr job)
Here's a few more MD pics.
Just wanted to pass along this information on the Vintage Japanese Motorcycle show and swap meet at the Minnesota State Fair Grounds on Saturday, June 16th, 2012. Here is the link to their flyer: And the Antique Motorcycle Club of America is also there... Rick F.
Thanks Freebird!
Just returned home from riding the last 3 days of the Southern Route of "Run For The Wall 2012".. A real experience to say the least.. I would recommend riding what "legs" you can next year. It will be the 25th Run and should be something very special. A buddy of mine on a GW and I on my "Limited" joined the Southern Route Group in Chattanooga and rode with them all the way into D.C... We rode home on Sat/Sun and didn't stay for the "Thunder Run".... Very well organized and satisfying.... It was mostly HD, quite a few GW and some Yammy's....Trikes, sidecars and trailers also... Each group was in their own platoon.. Rain on the first day, but beautiful the rest of the way....
I want a table....thought about HF. Found this coupond for it for real or a scam? Supposed to be good till Aug 2012 OR.....if anyone has one I'd love to take it?????
Just coming back after being off for a while. Making sure I got things set up right. Got myself a "bike" of my own now. Taking some getting used to, but at least it ain't a cage. It's a 2012 Can Am Spyder. White for now, but will be changing soon. Plus the Corbin seats and backrests are waiting to be installed. Just wanted to say HI Y'ALL!!!!
I heard the NAPA advertisement on the radio yesterday. Seafoam is on sale for $6.48 until April 30, 2012. Time to stock up!
Hi all, I'm posting this question because I haven't been able to find a previous discussion on the matter, but can't believe there hasent been one. So redirect if such a discussion exists. I'm trying to find out, outside of color changes, what changes if any have occured for the Royal Venture from 1999 to the current 2012. I understand there was a seat change in 2001. Is there a tech bulletin that describes all the minor changes throught those years? Thanks!
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Was just poking around looking at pics of 2012 Rocket IIIs .... and boy those saddlebags look familiar ... seems I've seen the almost identical ones on 1999 - 2012 RSVs. ???? Could it be that Triumph is made of parts from other bikes? [ATTACH]64796[/ATTACH]
Please....If you are planning to attend the 2012 International rally sign up on the calendar page. This is very inportant...also if you plan on attending the pre mixer on Sunday evening..I don't want to squeeze 100 people in a venue capable of holding 35....
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Don't know if any one has noticed the price drop on the Venture in Canada.... Taken from Cycle Canada Site.... Yamaha Motor Canada has announced sizeable price reductions on many of their 2012 motorcycles, including models like the Raider, V-Star 950 and R1. This brings suggested retail pricing on Canadian products more in line with U.S. prices, says Yamaha. “Due to market fluctuations and inventory levels, we weren’t able to address the pricing gaps of the last few years as quickly as we would have liked,” commented Peter Swanton, National Sales Manager, Motorsports for Yamaha Canada. “But to kick off 2012, we’re well positioned to bring about this price reduction. Yamaha customers can now get many models for the same price they would have paid 7 or 8 years ago, even with the product technological advances that have happened in the meantime.” While prices for some machines remain unchanged, many key models will have significant reductions, says Yamaha. For example the Royal Star Venture S's current price of $23,899 drops to $19,999, a $3,900 difference, and the FJR 1300 drops $3200 to $16,999. If it's a litrebike you're interested in, Yamaha's newly traction controlled R1 is now $1,800 cheaper at $14,999.
Went to Port Dover this morning after midnight shift. Had bike all ready the night before BUT SNOW stopped me from ridding there.Got to Timmies and there was a Ural with side-car driving around.There was also an on-off road bike and maybe a V-star also that pulled in BUT you could tell they were from town or trailered as they were really DRY.Arrived there around 10am and left around 12pm and didn;t see any more bikes. Bought my shirts and a couple patches and left for home. Stopped in at Yamaha dealer in Delhi to look over the 2011 blue Venture they had and got a price of $18700 + tax & lic. Said they will be getting 2012 in around the 16th this month.They said it would be in same ball park for price. Kind of like the 2011 as it is blue with black lowers and 2012 is all black(one they are getting)
i saw a 1999 rsv for sale here in peru IL for $4800 has 65.000 miles on the clock. a few scratches on the left side? owner said it fell in the garage. and hit some tools hanging on the wall. i just want to say this is my first time on a second generation. and i was rusty on the slow turns. yep i duck walked it in a u turn. i must say for a nice day 52 out i enjoyed the 2 mile ride. allfull trustworthy guy. i did leave my car keys and my car at his place. this bike did make some kind of a chirp noise in 4th at 60 mph? maybe i was lugging it? not sure. i dont have $4800 but if i did im just not sure if the bike is worth that price? but i did enjoy my little first ride of 2012.
My Star Chapter is Raffling a 2012 Escape alumalite trailer to benefit Charity. The primary Charity will be CIRT( Central Illinois Riding Therapy), this organizations uses horse therapy for people that have Autism, Downs Syndrome and the like. Depending on the money raised we hope to help our local vets and Wounded Warrior as well. So here is the deal a $5 dollar donation gets you 1 chance to win and a $10 donation gets you 3 chances to win. There is only 1000 tickets being sold and the trailer will be shipped directly to the winners house at no cost to the winner. You can email me @ to reserve your tickets and find out how to make your donations. Drawing will be held June 2nd,2012. Please help us sell a 1,000 tickets so that we can make a maximum impact for others.