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  1. Need side arm mounting brackets not quick release to mount 96 to 01 sissy bar on 2005 RSTD. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. OK, we all know that all of the model year Gen2 Ventures are pretty much the same. well, I'm fixin' to buy a new ignition switch and a new factory shock. Mine have both gone almost totally, splooey. Yes, I know there are probably better aftermarket units out there (Works, Hagon) but I feel that I need the adjustability that the factory air preload shock offers, so that's what I'm buying. Partshark has the lowest price that I've found, but. I'm finding two part numbers and two different prices. The Partshark diagram shows no vent hose before 2005. Those shocks show a price of $512.84. 2005 and after show the vent hose and a price of $434.50. Now to confuse things worse, one of the years showing the older part number, more expensive shock shows the newer part number at the higher price of the older part number shock. So, the question is....is there a difference between these two shocks and/or price. I don't think there is, and I'm thinking that Partshark has just listed the new updated part number with a wrong price. Why would the older non-vented style shock (if they even make that version any longer) be more expersive than the newer vented style?
  3. Was hoping I wouldn't have to post for advice in this section so soon after purchasing my 2005 RsTD last week. The bike has only 5400 miles. I picked it up last Friday. Rode it down to NYC where it sat in my parents garage till Tuesday. I drove over, topped off tires and air shock and rode about 400 miles. Left it parked till this morning. Today my dad went to start it to ride to work and get it inspected for me and no go, he said the battery was drained. Him and my brother push started it down my driveway and it fired up. He let it run for 15 minutes killed the engine and went to restart but the battery wasn't charging. The original owner replaced tthe battery last year and even gave me the old one. I am a complete layman when it comes to anything mechanical and really can't afford to take it to the stealership. Any advice? Only accessory iis a 12v adapter.
  4. Sister and her husband just picked up a used 2005 650 Silverado Classic. Bike didn't have an owners manual. I'm looking for an on-line source (cheap to free, LOL) of a manual or service guide. Or better yet, a forum/website similar to this that I can steer them too for advice and assistance as they may require it. Thanks.
  5. This may not be the place for this question, but I would like to know if you think the RSTD I have listed in the classified is overpriced (before I relist it on eBay). NADA (for what that's worth) shows a 2005 RSTD at $6830 for average retail. I apologize if this is the wrong place for this question, but I have learned a lot about my bike on this forum and do respect your opinions. Thanks. Mine is the 2005 one pictured in front of the Cypress Swamp sign on the Natchez Trace. Again, if this is inappropriate question on the forum, (moderators) just delete.
  6. Looks like I will be going back to work mid Jan. Received notification from the ins. co, that I was approved till then. Cant believe I am actually going to enjoy getting back to work...............Recovery this time was a little quicker than when I had the same surgery on my right hand in 2005, the incision was only 1/2 the size this time as compared to last time, still having some discomfort when I try to use it to pick things up or support my weight on it. Hopefully that will all be gone by the time I go back to work.
  7. Does anyone know what size metal tubing the saddle bag support rails are on a 2005 Royal Star Venture?
  8. Will the rear wheel off a 2005 RSTD fit on a 99 RSV?Part numbers are different,but will it fit?
  9. Will a set off a 2005 RSV fit my 2007 RSTD ? I think they will from what I have seen, but not sure yet .... Thanks, Fuzzy
  10. Need detailed directions on changing coolant on my 2005 RSTD. Thanks in advance for the help.
  11. Good Afternoon All, I have read just about every thread on lowering that I can find on this forum, but I have more specific questions. Like many others, I am concerned about dragging parts but I am also concerned about bottoming out. I thought that If I gave you specifics you may be able to help me decide what to do. I have a 2005 Royal Star Tour Deluxe with Venture Pillowtop seats with the Butler mod done to them. I also have the Bub complete exhaust system which does raise the mufflers closer to the sadlebags. I am 5'7" with a 30 inch inseam. My Wife and I weigh 340 lbs together, about 170 each. I have been considering buying the Baron Lowering kits for the front(one with emulators and springs) and rear. I also intend to add a scootworks trunk and a quadzilla fairing in the future. Given our weight and my plans for future mods, do you think I would have any problem bottoming out on front during quick stops or rear while going over bumps riding two up? My next question is: if these kits would be a good fit for us considering our situation, is it worth the money to go with the full blown Baron front lowering kit with progressive springs and gold valve emulators rather than just the spacers? I don't want to spend this kind of money for nothing, but either way I would have the forks apart and would like to do it right the first time. Has any one here used these kits on a newer RSTD that weighs about the same as we do? I would really appreciate any input, opinions or experiences. Regards, Tony
  12. Torbleau trikes out of wisconsin? Does anyone own one? There is a 2005 RSV with this kit in Texas.For $15995.00
  13. Is the shock on a 99 Venture the same as a shock on a 2005 RSTD?
  14. Anyone know where I can down a Service Manual for 650 V star 2005 free?
  15. some one I know is selling his 2005 Ultra Classic with 45,000mi and is giving me a heck of a deal due to he needs $$$ I wanted to ask the family here who owns a Ultra what to look out for? as per say "taken to the cleaners" if you know what I mean . I don't think he would but I would feel better knowing what to look for on a HD. He sent couple of photos and first thing I saw in the photo is the right muffler has been kinda hot like blueish gold color? asked him about this and he said it was due to the cat.converter in the muffler? all ultra Classic have this issue? other than that this Ultra is in great shape never been down or dropped He bought this bike with 3,000mi and as far as I know there has been no issues or break downs that I can think of other than just tires and oil changes he said he just had the 40,000 maintenance done with 45,000mi on the clock is there any issues I need to be aware on 2005 model Thanks Buddy
  16. Folks, Sorry for all the questions... Will the service manual for the RSV work for the 2005 RSTD as well?? I have done a ton of Google searches for one and I must not be doing it right. Haven't found one yet.... Thanks Robert
  17. i have a 2005 royal star tour deluxe i need to know if i can put a venture fairing on my bike; if so what would i have to do?
  18. Anyone still producing Venturerider DVD's .I would like to purchase if any I have the following: Potato Creek..2005 Vogel............2005 Tail of the Dragon ..2006 Eureka Springs.......2006 Eat and Ride ort Austin 2006
  19. I am looking for a couple of items if anyone has them clogging up the garage.. I have a 2005 RSTD I am looking for stock handlebars, and stock driver and passenger seats.. Thanks Jim 860-334-5799 jime@ecomotorcompany.com
  20. Hello: I am looking for a windshield for a 2005 RSTD. Preferably a 16" height would be best. But I would consider a stock windshield. Does anyone have one or know of one? Thanks
  21. I have received my R/S kickstand to install on my Lowered 2005 Venture. What size do I need to drill the stand hole to fit my Venture ? t/y Cb
  23. I just bought a used 2005 RSTD (which I absolutely love), and am now learning how to perform all of the maintenance myself (which I am really enjoying). However I'm at the point where I want to change (flush/fill) my radiator coolant, but do not know specifically which brand of coolant to use on the cycle? I hear Yamacool is very expensive, yet others I believe use a low Silicate or Silicate free fluid made for aluminum engines that you can buy at a Honda or Toyota Auto Dealership, and yet others use something called GO5? I am so confused....??? I live in Grand Rapids, MI and it does get very cold/freeze here, so I can't use products that do not have antifreeze in them like "Wetwetter" or whatever it's called? Please help as to what brand I should be using and any insights on how to efficiently change would be most gratefully appreciated! Thank you! Respectfully, Jeff:fingers-crossed-emo
  24. Facebook friend has RSMV for sale if anyone interested. http://www.meetup.com/KickstandsUp/messages/boards/thread/8058821
  25. http://www.diseno-art.com/images/maxam_3000.jpg http://www.diseno-art.com/images/yamaha_maxam_3000_handlebars.jpg http://www.diseno-art.com/images/maxam_3000_back.jpg Ok, just kidding! (I hope!) Does that speedo look familiar? This was a Yamaha 2005 concept. I'm sure it's been posted here before but It's odd enough to bring up again.
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