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  1. Hi, Knowing I was not going to be able to ride for a while, about 5 or 6 months ago, I used a syphon pump to drain as much gas as possible from my 86 VR after having the needle jets cleaned by Northside Cycle (Elmer) in Corinth, Texas. For those in the Dallas area, this is a great place to have your older bikes repaired. Excellent service at a fair price. Anyway, about 4 days ago, I unplugged the maintenance "trickle charger", added about a gallon of gas to the tank, opened the choke all the way, twisted the throttle a few times, and proceeded to crank it. After a couple of attempts, it started right up. I let the bike warm up to its normal operating temperature and noticed it was idling at about 1300 RPMS which is a little above the normal range of 950 to 1050 RPMS. Each day since then, I have cranked the bike and let it warm to its normal operating temperature with the same 1300 RPM idling result. However, yesterday, I finally rode the bike around the neighborhood to see how it performed (braking, accelerating, etc..) while advancing through the gears. Everything performed just fine except each time I would come to a stop, the released throttle would allow the engine to idle down to the appropriate 1000 RPMS and then it would gradually advance to the same 1300 RPMS. In turn, at each stop with the bike parked in neutral, I would advance the throttle several times and then completely release it with same results. Question: Does this sound like a vacuum problem, throttle-cable problem, or another "gunked up" carburator problem? Since I keep the bike polished and clean on a regular basis, I thought I might have accidentally removed a vacuum line during the cleaning. So, after I remove the fake gas tank plastic top and side covers, this is is going to be the first place I look for the problem. After that, I am hesitant to start "fiddling-around" with anything else since I have experienced trying to repair something you really know nothing about usually costs you more money than if you initially carry the problem to someone that does. Anyway, your comments, suggestions, and/or advice would be appreciated concerning this issue. Thank you, A.S. Dallas, Tx.
  2. I bought this 1986 Venture Royale with the 1300 cc motor that wouldn't start. The previous owner is an auto mechanic and he replaced the fuel line from the petcock to the fuel filter because it was corroded but he didn't replace the fuel filter. I thought at first it was the fuel pump as the on my 83 Venture clicked a few times indicating that it was priming the fuel line to the carbs so I switched the two and the 86 worked as it should on the 83. I checked the relay as well and it was working good. I took off the line that runs from the fuel pump to the carbs, turned the key and it pushed the fuel through priming the system and made the clicking sounds. Before that i left the line on the carbs turned the key and no clicking that would indicate the line is primed. The only way the bike will fire up is with adding fuel to each of the carb tops. I have inspected the lines that deliver the fuel to each of the four carbs and they are clear of debris. I'm about to pull the fuel line to the carbs and see if the fuel is being pumped from the fuel pump when cranking the engine over. If anyone has an idea as I've checked all electrical as well and it's come to the fuel to the carbs...
  3. I am stripping my bike to get it painted. I am working on getting the rear fender off right now. I cant figure out what is holding it on there. I removed the two bolts from the seat. In the manual it looks like there are screws underneath the side covers? Thanks in advance for any help on this!
  4. Recently bought and began stripping down a Venture Royale 1300. Looking to get an actual gas tank put on it, wondered if any of you might know a good swap.
  5. Got a lot going on and thinking of Dropping both the 08 Venture Royale and the Roadstar Midnight. Or at least the Venture for a FJR 1300 2013 ES. It just seems it would fit me better the way I ride and where I ride. I have hung out with the Concours Owners Group on some rides and I just like the Ability of that bike but not the few drawbacks it has. Considered a Triumph but ditched that Idea (1200 no go) So far as I look the FJR 1300 is near as perfect as I can get for single, two up and towing. So before I let my beloved beast 2008 go that I have spent so much time outfitting and buying everything Carbon one has for it (LOL) I thought I might ask if anyone has owned both a Venture and a FJR 1300 Keep in mind I am going for the ES model for sure. So any suspension woes you had, don't mention it, that is fixed on the ES. EVEN if you KNOW someone who had the FJR 1300 chime in. I may be letting the Venture go, package deal, trailer and all. I have a crap load of spare parts! Even spare Bags and Wheels and Diff and Fenders, Hard to decide what goes between the Venture and the roadstar, but Think I like one water cooled and one air cooled so thinking of keeping the Midnight RoadStar. If the dealer was open today and had one, I might have bought one today. I know one drawback is going to be the seating position. Legs tuck under and pegs instead of boards. Ugh,
  6. Mrs. Yamadawg has a VTX 1300 Trike with the Motor Trike conversion and it has a windshield instead of the fairing. We would like to add a sound system and need some recommendations and watch outs. We are looking to do a permanent mount with radio and need ports for a MP3 player and future technologies. I would appreciate any input and ideas. Thanks! Don
  7. Yes... yes..yes... we've made a deal on an '06 RSMV. It's a scoot that is advertised on this site no less to boot! http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/1334/cat/4 It's been checked out by a friend of ours who is very meticulous and it's in showroom condition (it should be for only 1300 km's). We got it for $12,900 which I feel is a heck of a deal for this particular bike and for here in Canada...eh!
  8. A couple of years ago Condor wrote that the difference between the carb diaphragm slides from a 1200 and a 1300 was one had a larger vent hole. It appears to me that that is the case -- and the vent hole on the 1300 is noticeably larger. I am replacing one cracked slide housing (the black plastic part) on a 1200, so the question is can I use a 1300 slide without any problem? I also thought about using JB Weld and re- drilling the hole to the 1200 size. Has anyone done this? Last two questions - is there any place to buy 1200 slides cheap? If not does anyone have one 1200 slide (even one in pieces that I can reglue) that they care to part with?
  9. www.cruisercustomizing.com/detail.cfm?Category_ID=2&manufacturer_ID=935&product_ID=77431&mc=ESS-CC-NP111006&utm_source=JangoSMTP&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=ESS-CC-NP111006:lightbulb:Hal
  10. I am looking for 1 carb slide for a 87 1300 . The diaphram does not have to good and I do not need the needle or attaching pieces. All I need is the black slide since I dropped one of mine and busted the top of it. Thanks and everyone have a Merry Christmas:fingers-crossed-emo
  11. Next weekend I'm puttin the bike away for her long winter's nap. It's going to be staying in a pole bar at my Uncle's place. I figure it would probably be a good idea to invest in a cover to keep dust off of it. I've got the 1300 RSTD, not sure if that's going to require a "Large" bike cover or an "XL" bike cover. Suggestions? Thanks
  12. Are they the same...Interchangeable...
  13. I am sitting home recuperating from another injection into my spine for the lower back pain that has me up and down. The last injection lasted me over 6 months, the Dr. thought that was amazing. I hope this one last just as long, you normally have to get at least 2 or 3 before you get some relief, but I got a good Dr. and he hit it right the first time, not like the Dr. Charlene used 6 times and never got any relief, that why she went the surgical route. On another note wanted to let ya'll know I have posted the V Star 1300 Tour I have had for the last 5 years on E Bay. Got to make room for the Trike I have yet to find, but not in a big hurry, at least Charlene isn't. If anyone is interested in it from the site, I would be willing to sell it for the reserve price I have listed on Ebay. If you want to check it out here is the lilnk. http://www.ebay.com/itm/130754333785?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  14. I need a little help on my 1989 Yamaha venture royal 1300 the air comp panel doesn't come on most of the time It will come on once in a while buy its self but it has no display most of the time. I have checked the plug it all looks fine. Have any idea what I need to do?
  15. anybody have an 83-93 seat they want to sell. must be black. can be either from the 1200 or 1300. let me know and how much you want for it shipped
  16. Okay, on my '84 Venture the last owner had a mess of an exhaust that could not allow the centerstand to be put back on because he wanted it to be "tougher" with louder sound. Blagh to that. So I have a parts bike with the original exhaust coming from a 1300, mine is 1200, I have read they are the same. The real problem is getting it off the '83 1300. I have it unbolted from the front and from the rear, but I am missing something as it seems to be suspended in the middle. I can rock it back and forth. So what am I missing that I can't see? With my luck it is something simple, I hope. Steve
  17. While poking around in our Classified section I saw this ad for an '88 with a bad second gear. I've never heard of this happening to a 1300 tranny before??... http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/1327/cat/3
  18. i Here in Florida I take out the thermostat on my trucks and cars no nee for heat and that's really the only use for one in a car. But what about a 1999 1300 Venture will it effect fan etc... or nothing?????
  19. I am thinking about buying this rack made by Wompus Racks, I saw one similar to it here but I believe that person fabed their own. Its going on my V Star 1300 and I will be mounting a box on it. [ATTACH]63414[/ATTACH]
  20. Here's a question to everyone I've been trying to reason out in my head for quite some time... When you compare the RSTD or RSV 1300's to other types of bikes with v-twins that are said to have 1300 or higher cc's, what are we really comparing. I understand what 1300 means, just like I understand what 1700 means - but when you include the fact that the RSTD's and RSV's are 4 cylinder engines, what difference does that make? Should I feel uncomfortable talking about the power of my bike with a buddy who has a 1700cc or with another friend that has a 96ci? Are we talking about tourqe or horsepower or both or what? I would really like to have some ammunition in my back pocket so I can fire back at them when they say my bike is ONLY 1300cc's. My RSTD has their bikes beat on comfort but what about performance. What are everyones thoughts? I hope my question makes sense.
  21. Hi I just purchased a 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300. Apparently the ex-owner had not screwed down the gas tank cover and it flew off. So need to replace it. The bike is beige. 1) Does anyone have a tank cover for sale (in beige would be perfect!) 2) Does a tank cover from a 1200 Venture Royale fit a 1300 Venture Royale? Thanks!
  22. Help Please I Need A Question Answered!!!! I bought a complete triple tree from Squid to use on my 89 1300 Venture Royal after I send it off to Steerite and have it modified. In another post about the difference between 83 to 93 - 1200 vs 1300 triple trees it talks about the 2 splined handle bar mounting posts bolting on the 1300. Does that mean if I have the one with the bolt on mounting posts it is a 1300 triple tree? Thanks, Vic
  23. Well , I finally got rid of the FJR 1300 It was evident that I would loose my licence or even slide down the asphalt. Im going back to my old roots in the fast lane where you can't get ticketed at any speed HYDROSTREAM HST 21 Footer with 235 hp
  24. I have not started to look for the problem yet, but here are the symptoms. First off I have an 1985 royale with an 87 engine. Did the swap 4th of July weekend 2010 and the bike has run great. Now it starts and runs fine for cruising but when I get the rpms over 4500 it has no power. I used the carbs from the 1200 engine but with larger jets (same as the 1300 carbs would have). It has been running like this since I took it out this spring last year it ran fine. It seems like the timing is not advancing. Any suggestions would be great.
  25. :fingers-crossed-emoHEEEELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am at a complete loss. What rear tire should I go with???? I am getting mixed signals. Can someone help me out on this one???? TIA!!!!!!!!!!!
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