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  1. Just on local news in Oklahoma, it's 120 to 130 degrees in Australia!!!! Hydrate!!!!!! Best from the states!!! Stay cool :scorched:
  2. Had a Avon 130 on the front. Changed to a Michelin 2 on the front size 130 also. Put dyna beads in, took weights OFF rim. Now the handlebar shake from side to side and not up and down. Had put the livening links in and had to take them too and it helped. Running 45 psi rear shock, and 5 lbs in the forks, and 40 psi in the front tire. Bead is even all the way away around the tire and is turning in the right direction. What could be causing the tire to shake side to side? also adjusted steering head barring. tew47
  3. I was wondering what you cruise at on the highway when you are touring? All state and provincial speed limits aside; what do you normally cruise at or what is the RSV capable of cruising at for sustained periods of time? I like to cruise between 130 and 140 kph on the superslab and about 120 130 on the secondary roads. Is the RSV capable of 160 kph+? That would be 100mph+ or is that really pushing it's limits? I guess my second question is passing. Do you have to down shift in order to pass comfortably and if so does she have enough grunt to get around traffic with ease? Thanks for your comments in advance.
  4. Have an 05 RSTD and the front tire is ready to be replaced. I was told to replace the 150 with a 130 and will experience better handling. As with most things there are trade off. Would greatly appreciate your ideas. Thanks in advance Norm
  5. Looking for somebody with a tire changer. Went to several places today and nobody wants to put a CT on a bike rim. Went by Harbor Freight and they want over 130 for the setup for a tire changer. Not sure I want to try to tackle a CT with just a couple of MC tire tools.
  6. oldgoat


    hey i was up in the dixon amboy area sunday. i was on the maxim. i pulled into a parking lot where the roof had hawkings or something like that on it. when a verry nice looking red and i think silver? second gen yamaha went by? gave one hell of a honk sounded like a air horn. then waved and went on its way. just wondering if it was you?. this was around 1:30? and i must say there sure is some nice country in that area. then i headed back home around 2:30 back through mendota and home. nice ride. for a lazy sunday. i hope by friday i can do it on the venture. shes almost done.
  7. What's normal for Hwy riding at about 120 to 130 kph before using reserve? I've been getting about 220...then have to switch to reserve.
  8. I have heard and read about the Avon V Dunlop tires. I have heard about the 150 v 130 for handling. And I have been reading about the Motorkote saga. Well here is my story, I decided to go with the Avons front & rear last week of June 2009. Front end had a little hop when I first picked up bike from service. Was going to take it back and then thought it was the way they banded the tires together from factory and it would come out of it. (They were banded tight causing the tires to sink in where the six bands were). Well not sure if it came out or got use to it but bike started to get a shimmy in the front when stopping. Thought it was the "black-top" road, then it started doing it on pavement. Well I took it back last Saturday to the shop as I had to go to Omaha to work for the week. Shop called me at 10 am on Monday said the tire was not true (around or side to side) but still was in balance. Said they called Avon and Avon was going to replace the tire free of charge (had to pay for mounting & balance). Shop mounted a Donlop 130 E3 on it and test road it to check everything else and said bike road like a dream compared to when I brought it in. (My thoughts were "Yah,,,Right") Well Avon was sending a new tire and it "would" be here before the long weekend. WRONG.... Shop called me as I was heading back from Omaha today and said tire did not make it. So I said is the Dunlop still on it? Shop said yes, I said leave it on and I would buy it and have the Avon as a spare when it comes in. (Why not right)? Figured I could check out this fantasy of the 150 V 130 this way. WOW!!!!!! I could tell the first 50 feet this tire was great at low speeds! I took it out on the road, put on 5 miles in town 25 on highway then came back and paid for it. Road home changed close and also put in MOTORKOTE 4oz in the oil. (Pick it up at a Flying J in Omaha, 32 oz paid $22 for it. "They charged me wrong price the shelf said $29 but who am I to argue, right?) Anyway went for 75 mile ride. Tire is GREAT handling, has more noise than the Avon (even a bad Avon). The wonderful chirp "even after only 75 miles" is 30 to 40% quieter. I am hard of hearing and I now hear more of the exhaust that the "chirp" was covering. COOL,,, sounds great. I will give the 130 E3 Dunlop and the MOTORKOTE a better run for the money this weekend. This will be two up not just me. Not sure where we are going but who cares right as long as we are riding! 130 V 150???? So far 130 has it hands down for handling for me. Believer. Avon V Dunlop for noise??? So far the Avon was quieter, for me. MOTORKOTE??? Up in the air so far, but looking good , for me. More up-date later, my two fingers that I type with are tired now. Bryan...Who wishes he would have paid more attention to the typing teacher then the cute brunette in the desk in front of me.
  9. The front tire pressure has been dropping about 30 lbs in a week. I pulled off the wheel today and there was no obvious damage. I sprayed a soapy mixture around the rim and there is bubbling around a good portion of the bead area on both sides. When this tire was installed about 2000 miles ago there was no leaks. The last few weeks it began to leak. Yes, there is Ride-On sealent in there too. Prior to installing the tire I had cleaned the inside of the front and rear rims of all the old gunked up Ride-On in there. The rims had a nice clean surface especially the bead area. Rear wheel is fine. Any ideas here? I filled the tire to 80 lbs in the hopes it would seat better but its still leaking. Another thought came to me. Since the tire is narrower than the 150, do you think its possible that the 130 is just a poor fit? I know another member who is having the same issues and hes running a 130 also.
  10. i am looking for new front tire for my 1st gen and found this ? Dunlop Elite 3 130/70HB-18 Front GL1500 i know 1stgs use a 130 / 90 but dos a 70 have a shorter side wall than a 90 ? what do every body think ? Thom
  11. I have an Avon 130 front tire that I installed a little over a year ago and it only has about 2000 miles on it, maybe a little less. I havent done much riding here. I am pulling the front forks off to replace the bearings and while im doing this im considering going back to the 150 front tire. If I decide to do so, im just wondering if anyone here would be interested in buying the 130 Avon from me. I was thinking in the 50.00 range since you would still get at least another 15k out of it. Any interest?
  12. Disclaimer: This is just my opinion. Yours may vary...... After running the 150 front for years last summer I finally went and tried the 130 front tire when I needed replacement. After a year of use all I can say is that I am not too happy with my decision. Sure, the steering is easier at low speeds but I also feel like im going to drop the bike in turns. Also I have no confidence at speeds over 85 with the 130. Bike just dont seem as stable at high speeds then it did with the 150. On the interstate I like to run up to 90 on occasion or higher. Im scared poopless now anywhere near that figure. Even my wife noticed my concerns. And shes usually asleep back there..LOL. Next replacement im going back to the 150.
  13. Thanks for the heads-up on swapping out the 150 front tire with the Avon Venom 130.. I can't get over the difference in handling!
  14. There is a new vehicle that is about to hit the U.S. market next year called the Loremo, which stands for Low Resistance Mobile. It is a German design that was built on seeking the following criteria, engine efficiency, low weight (might be tough is the Northern climates or windy parts of the country), and minimal drag efficiency. The car gets between 130 to 150 miles per gallon and is expected to hit the U.S. market for sale sometime next year. Base price of the first model is pegged at $22,000 which makes it very affordable. Below is a site where you can check out the car and multi paged article about it. Site also has several pictures as well. So...read the article and tell us what do you think? http://editorial.autos.msn.com/article.aspx?cp-documentid=457882
  15. After 2 months without riding I finally got the bike out on a nice ride tonight. The bike ran perfectly, until I went to make my first turn with the 130 front tire. After running the 150 for years I kinda got used to wrestling the bike into low speed turns. Well, at the first intersection I came to I strong armed the bike into position and almost flopped it. I just cant believe how different and effortless, compared to the 150, the steering has become. I even spooked my wife. She kept asking if I could handle it. I guess it'll take a few days of riding to get used to the new feel. I sure felt like a rank beginner......
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