I know this subject has been beaten to death, I am no electrical wizard and I've read the fix for the ignition switch, what I'm not sure of, the 2 red 10g wires going to the toggle switch, is one connected to the Brown/Blue and one to the red, or is the Br/Bl and red joined together and then the two 10g wires attached to that.
My ignition would come on when the key is between the Acc and On, but when it went to the On position the dash cut out but radio still worked. I was trying to loosen those screws that hold the switch with a hammer and punch...I was a millright we were good with a hammer...and now the switch is working again, I've tried wiggling the key and off and on and its still working. So was it a contact problem and would putting in this "Emergency switch" solve the problem should it occur again.
So my dilemma is do, I leave it or wire in this toggle switch.
Advice Please.