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  1. After being part of the Verizon program for many years and paying way too much for a cell phone and hating to be under a contract, I finally switched over to Straight Talk. I am not one to want or need one of the smart phones so the simple program works fine for me. I like a simple flip phone that I can close so I went to Walmart and bought one with a camera for about $50 and did the "All you need" program with 1000 anytime minutes, 1000 text messages and some internet for $30 for 30 days. They use Verizon towers, so the service is the same. It is easy to do the auto-fill and it is $32 and change with tax. For those of you that want it, they have unlimited everything for $45 + tax for 30 days. After I determined I liked what I got, Linda and I decided to do the same thing for her. But when I signed up on line for mine, I found that they also offer a bunch of different phones and some are free. We ended up getting a flip phone for Linda that looked brand new that had been refurbished and all she had to do was pick out the phone, which was an LG and buy the first month program with no contract. There is no activation fee and you can keep your old number if it is still active. Anyway, I thought I would throw this out to anyone that wants to look at a different alternative and so far I am very pleased. SGN, Steve Neal, did this and tried to get me to do this a long time ago and wish I had taken his advice then. RandyA
  2. Well, myself and 4 others are going to do the Saddle Sore 1000 this weekend. Leave out of Saline Michigan Saturday morning, head to Kingston Pike Tenn. for some dinner and head back. It will be about 1035 miles according to Google maps. Gonna be a looooooong day.
  3. Sailor

    Great Day

    Just got back from the "Ride For Life" on Vancouver Island. 12 hour day but great weather and about 800 to 1000 bikes out. Raised a lot of money for Prostate Cancer research.
  4. the verdict is in on carb sync rpm's... i usually set mine at fast rpm 2000-2500 and it always ran great and got good mpg's 39-43. so after reading some threads about doing it at 1000 rpm i tried that and well my mpg's kinda sucked, 35-38 was all i could get. so i went back to hi rpm sync and went back to 42mpg on the first tank. i figure 90% of my riding is hiway at 65 mph so why not set carbs to that.. i will admit the throttle response was a bit better at 1000 rpm but top end and fuel mileage suffered. anywho for what its worth those are my results. all thats on 89 octane.
  5. DO any of you take part in LD Rides and Rallies? If so, which. What are your favourites? Which ones have you planned this year? Do we have any Iron Butt Rally 2011 entrants here? For my own part, I have one SaddleSore 1000 under my butt, done this year on the Triple. Probably one more this summer.
  6. My wife wants to take a ride this summer that covers about 1000 miles. I think it's a great idea but worry about one thing. I'm riding a 1983 classic that not one motorcycle mechanic wants to touch at a dealership, and parts are impossible to come by outside of a motorcycle wreckers or ebay. I already have trust issues with the bike after it blew out the TCI 2 years ago on a 200 mile ride and I am hesitant to trust her to take me 1000 miles without troubles. It's mostly the age, the fact that there are almost no real Motorcycle mechanics at dealerships anymore and the no parts thing. I calculated the worst case and a flatbed tow back home from 500 miles away is $2800.00! Am I being a worry wart? or are my concerns for a long ride justified?
  7. A guy goes to apply for a job. The interviewer asks him, "Are you allergic to anything?" He replies, "Yes, caffeine. I can't drink coffee." "Ok, Have you ever been in the military service?" "Yes," he says, "I was in Iraq for one tour." The interviewer says, "That will give you 5 extra points toward employment." Then he asks, "Are you disabled in any way?" The guy says, "Yes. A bomb exploded near me and I lost both my testicles." The interviewer grimaces and then says, "Okay. You've got enough points for me to hire you right now. Our normal hours are from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. You can start tomorrow at 10:00 am, and plan on starting at 10:00 am every day." The guy is puzzled and asks, "If the work hours are from 8:00 am to 4:00 PM, why don't you want me here until 10:00 am?" "This is a government job", the interviewer says. "The first two hours, we just stand around drinking coffee and scratching our balls. No point in you coming in for that."
  8. Hey folks. I have a lot of bikes and do a whole lot of bike maintenance in my home shop for myself and others. I've always had the mechanics curse and can't say no to any motorcycle or car repair challenge:detective:. I'm getting older:backinmyday: and am tired of kneeling or lying down to work on bikes. I retired a few years back, but stayed around until my replacement can take over (next June). So, with more available time, I want to keep working on bikes, but have things a little easier. Looking to buy a 1500# motorcycle lift table pneumatic/hydraulic type and am looking for input on the most recommended one out there. A 1000 # will probably do, but I don't wanna leave a 900+ # bike on a 1000 # lift for any extended period if it takes a while for repairs/parts. Maybe I'm overkilling the need. Chime in and tell me your thoughts. Size isn't an issue. I have room. Dependablility and durability are my priorities. O.K., now I'm open for your suggestions....and thanks!
  9. And loving it.
  10. Tail of the Dragon IV @ Vogel Aug.12-16, 2009 Wed. 8/12/09 1:00-5:00 PM Registration in front of Conv. Store/Office. 6:30 Pm Dinner Ride Thurs. 8/13/09 8:00-9:45 AM Registration......same location as above. 10:00 AM KSU & Depart for Helen, Ga. Shopping, Tubing, Eating, Browsing. Return to Vogel at your discretion. 7:30 PM..There will be a get-together somewhere in the park, will be announced or posted. This will end at 10:00 following park guidlines. Fri. 8/14/09 8:00 AM KSU to depart for all day ride. 1st leg of ride will take us back roads to Telico Plains where we will break for gas and refreshments at the Exxon, where we will also be meeting some other riders before departing for the Cherahola Skyway. Distance..66 miles 2nd Leg will take us over the Skyway to Robbinsville, NC. Distance 53 miles. 3rd Leg will take us to Deals Gap for lunch, before tackling the Dragon. Then we will leave Deals Gap stopping in Robbinsville for gas before heading back to Vogel with a refreshment stop in Anderson, NC. Distance 107 miles 6:00 PM Depart Vogel for free concert in Brasstown, aprox 30 mile ride. This ride will be lead by Royalstarjac. Sat. Aug. 15 No scheduled rides today. There will be carb sync be done in the parking lot of shelter #3. These will be available from 10:00 am till 4:00 pm. 4:00 pm till Final get-together for this years Dragon@Vogel. Drawings for raffles with numerous prizes and a 50/50 raffle benefitting St. Jude Children's Hospital. This years menu is being catered by Shane's Rib Shack. Menu will consist of : Pulled Pork Chicken Brunswick Stew Green Beans Peach Cobbler Sweet Tea, Unsweet Tea, Lemonade Texas Toast or some sort of bread. Sun. Aug 16..... Tail of the Dragn IV @ Vogel ends............till Aug. 2011!!!!!
  11. Has anyone seen this before ,,,at HarborFreight 1000 LB MOTORCYCLE DOLLY/STAND http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=94778
  12. I was wondering if anyone has towed their RSV behind their vehicle with a motorcycle hitch hauler? Can my RSV be towed by one of these for 1000 miles? Are they safe? Thanks and God Bless. Danny
  13. Raining today and thought I would change the air filters and sync the carbs. Really no problem, except that I cannot seem to do it at 1000 rpms or 1050. I need it to be at about 2000 or above and it syncs perfectly. It is not that far off at 1000, but is seems this is what the manual calls for. Any ideas or suggestions? Any problems leaving it this way?
  14. Here are my pictures from RMDH......Cant wait to see Sleehawks Mechanic's pictures, Im sure she took a 1000 or more..........
  15. Ordered a 1200 # lift and after 5 weeks finally got it. Well here is the problem it's roughly 8 inch's shorter then the 1000 # lift. The bike won't fit in the vise and fit the table. I didn't know this until I tried it out for size. A buddy has the 1000 # lift and the bike fit just fine. Called him about the size and he confirmed it is 8 inch's shorter. Has anybody bought the 1200 # lift and made it work? I think I might be able to modify it but I'm concerned that the vise will have to be moved too far foward and create a front heavy tip hazzard. Any ideas or input ? I don't really won't to go thru the hassle of returning it and getting another lift.
  16. Just bought an 86 Royale was told carbs were rebuilt ha took them off they were not so I took them apart and cleaned them put it all back with no extra parts I get it to idle at 1000 rpms but im getting popping and back fireing please help.
  17. Well, I saw that buy.com had this unit for 199.99. With free shipping, looks like a great deal. I was wondering if any one here has tried this unit? Thanks.
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