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  1. we are putting a large screen tv in our hall. all the inputs to the amp are full so we are thinking of sharing the rca type input currently used by a laptop to play music tv and music would never be on at same time thesound desk requires about 100 ft of wire from tv not too worried about concert hall quality sound...we use standard ceiling type speakers. can we run rca output from tv 100 ft to shared rca input to amp?
  2. Thinking about taking off tomorrow and just riding all weekend, however Mr. Weather Man is saying it's going to top 100 degrees even in the mountains. Have not rode in 100 degree temps since last summer so I ask is anyone else planning on riding this weekend in the heat or is everyone going to just chill out indoors?
  3. Thought I'd pass along a helpful product that I came across. I just bought a Dodge Ram 2500 truck. Needless to say the ride is on the rough side. I had a few friends who put these different spring shackles on the back of their heavy duty trucks. The name of the rubber spring/shackles is called Sulastic. I put about 100 miles on the new truck, and it really chattered on less than perfect roads. After putting them on, I drove another 50 miles down some rough snowpacked roads. There is a very noticeable improvement. It says on their website that it wont affect warranties, and or load/towing capacities either. I dont work for the company etc. Just thought I'd pass along something that appears to be a good deal. I think I paid about 380 bucks for the set, plus about 100 to have em installed. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Heres a link https://www.sulastic.com/
  4. Sighted a blue 2nd Gen RSV at the Lakewood Center, Lakewood, CA today at 1:00 p.m
  5. Took a scenic ride this morning b4 all the rain & was IMPRESSED..took 100 west then 96 south for about a 1/4 to 1/2 mile then turned on Harding....this twisted and looped back to Leipers Fork then we took 96 back to 100... wished we had taken some of the other side roads. It was GORGEOUS ride..then the rain set in about 11:20 and we sat it out just lazed around. planning on leaving early so we can take some side roads going back....
  6. Friday night I synced the carburetors on the old girl and then Saturday I put a little over 100 miles on her. I seems to be running pretty good. I really enjoy riding it. I do hope the gas mileage gets better though. I’m only getting 27 mpg. I put new plugs in it when I first started working on it but I have run a lot of Seafoam through it. I may need to put new plugs in it again. I want to thank everyone on this site for their help. I know that I still have some work to do and will need more help, but I feel like, because of all the help I’ve gotten, the bike has come a long way. Does anyone have any ideas on how to improve my gas milage?
  7. between not liking the transfer to midland,tx and being away from the wife with medical problems. It's time to retire from the company and find something in my home town. maybe monday thru thrusday 8 to 4 enjoy life alittle. 30 years of 80 to 100 hours weeks makes ya old fast!!! hope to hit more m & e and rallys:fingers-crossed-emo
  8. On the local news yesterday evening, it was noted that it was 19 years ago to the day that the blizzard hit. They showed some pictures and I remember it well. We got a little over two feet of wet snow. I was in Nashville when it hit and it chased me across the state back to the north east part of the state. I would have done better if we had not stopped in Knoxville to eat. By the time we got out of the restaurant, it had snowed 4-5 inches and I was still 100 miles from home. Speaking of 100 miles, that is about what Linda and I put on the bike yesterday, riding around in 74 to 78 degree beautiful sunshine. I liked that a lot better than trying to get around in two feet of snow and no electricity at the house and no heat. RandyA
  9. Tomorrow is the wife's B-day. It made it up to the high 40's today so it was a good day to head north 100 miles into PA to buy her present. I rode it home. It sure is a lot more fun to ride than I thought it would be. Purely for research purposes, I took up to 100 on the highway just to make sure everything was ok. Never imagined scooters with that much get up and go, and it is a very comfortable ride. Anyone else have experience with Honda Silver Wings? So far I'm very impressed. Cheers, Dan http://i1185.photobucket.com/albums/z351/danzoom/Scoot1.jpghttp://i1185.photobucket.com/albums/z351/danzoom/scoot2.jpg http://i1185.photobucket.com/albums/z351/danzoom/scoot3.jpg
  10. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mFkDJ0rpWA]100 Motorcycle Crashes - YouTube[/ame]
  11. I am thinking of buying a pellet gun for varmit control. I was looking at the Gamo Hornet and the Beeman Grizzly X2. They are both around $90 on sale give or take. Any one own one? Likes? Dis-likes? I want to stay in the $100 or less range. Not looking to drive tacks at 100 yards.
  12. I have an 05 venture. When I set the clock to the correct time and turn the ignition switch off the clock resets to 1:00. It has never done this before. Any suggestions how to correct this? Thanks,
  13. Hello Everyone: While on our way home from Sturgis yesterday, Patrolman46 and I spotted a couple at the South Dakota Nebraska line with all of their belongings unloaded out of their tour pack. It looked a little suspicious. Evidently they aslo stopped at the border and shut off their bike, however evidently the key and security fob were dropped at the last place they were back about 100 miles in Rapid City. The bike would not start with out the fob. 100 degree heat with a storm approaching. I made a call to a friend and he located a Chadron resident to come to their aid with a trailer. We got the Ultra loaded and hauled to a motel 20 miles away. Their kids drove 5 hours one way to bring them the spare keys. No one got hurt and we made some new friends!!
  14. Guest

    I'm baaaack

    I have been out of circulation for some time now. bike is running fine, but since I am on the road every week with this new job when I get home I am just plum tired and I doubt the bike has run 100 miles this year yet. It runs - I can't! so at least I can get back on the forum and catch up with all the craziness running around. Stay cool and ride safe.
  15. Just did a count of "who's coming to Cody" ... currently showing 81 +/- Wonder if we'll get enuf late-comers to break the 100 mark! :thumbsup2: It's going to be an awesome time! I've taken the list home to memorize in hopes of remembering who is who ... don't hold me to that ... I have C.R.S. yanno! Ya'll keep the rubber side down 'n have a safe, enjoyable ride both 2 Cody and return home!
  16. Hello Everyone: Thanks to everyone who recommended the Signal Dynamics 100 LED tail light upgrade. Mine arrived today. 5 Minutes installation or less. Very impressed!!! This should be the very first SAFETY item added to any bike. Thanks again.....Mark
  17. I hate to sound like a pessimist, but things arent looking good for raising funds for St. Jude this year. Yes I have sold some t shirts, and I have some left. But Registrations are way down for being under 2 months from Vogel, 53 days to be exact, I need to know some numbers of how many are coming and I thought the poll would help out there, but it hasnt. I need to order the shirts and patches in about 3 weeks and with what I know know, I wont be ordering the quanities that I usually order which is 100 patches and 100 t-shirts. Raffle ticket sales have just surpassed what I spent on the 3 items I bought out of my own pocket, and we need to sell the rest which is 115 tickets. So please if you plan on coming, please go to the poll and vote, that would be a great help. And if anybody would like to help in selling raffle tickets, I would be more than happy to send some out, Send me a pm or let me know on this post if you can help. Thanks, Lewis
  18. Guest

    100 mph birthday cake

    They chose the only model Venture truly worthy of such an occasion during this kind of meet, and they escorted it with a bike that should have been able to keep up with it, but... after the cake rounded the next corner the Goldwing hit a 100 mph and the birthday cake on that 1st gen was still getting further and further ahead... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTqsFZQDRN4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTqsFZQDRN4[/ame]
  19. When I got my RSV the previous owner had superglued the windshield chrome strip because he had broken off the end mounting tab that the screw goes thru. I poked around and ran across the Plastex kit. This is the first time I have ever used a glue type product and not made a mess. No glue on the fingers...no glue on the table...no glue on the stuff I wasn't trying to glue. I have no doubt that the tab is stronger than it was originally. The price for that part is around 140 bucks... the Plastex was 21 after shipping. I have enough left over to do this repair 100 times. Great product that works!! Frank
  20. Looks like there is a 100 yes and 26 maybe's coming so far. Got to do better than that if we are going to beat last year numbers:fingers-crossed-emo
  21. I have noticed when changing my final drive oil that it has been milky, is this normal for these bikes? The last 2 rides have been almost nothing but hard rain for at least 100 miles. Just wondering if there is a bad seal or is this normal, I have no oil leaking, but I know water will get anywhere.
  22. http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g51/hunter1500/th_TracyRoad001.jpg It's a great road. It's called Tracy Road and people will ride 100 miles just to ride that road. When I was going across the ferry there was a girl that had made that 100 mile ride just to go on it. She was riding a Kaw 1200r. You will notice about half way through the video a sportbike that was flying. I was doing up to 80 in some parts. The camera makes the turns look a lot less curvy then they are. Most are 25 to 35 mph and a couple are 20 mph.
  23. I haven't listed this in the classifieds yet. I'd like to sell it to someone close and not have to mess with shipping. It's an unused Carbon One adaptor with legs. 100 bucks.
  24. I read a thread a couple of days ago that has stayed with me. A few bikers sitting at a traffic light were killed by a dump truck that ran thru them. My first thought was another 'dumb axx' truck driver. Then I realized that I was thinking this while driving my truck down the road. Then I started thinking about how many times I've said the same thing about cagers while they are cutting you off and slamming on the brakes to get off the exit you are passing instead of falling behind the 'big truck'. Or how I've had guys on bikes pass me at better then a hundred, and we have all seen the wheel stands in traffic on the road. We have all sat next to motorcycles so loud that you can't tell if your radio is on. But I have always considered myself a biker. Well that got me to thinking. When I drive my truck I am a trucker, my car, a cager, but most of my free time I am a biker. But I like to think I am one of the 98 out of a 100 that you pass with out a problem, lets you in when you have to get over and yes....does use his signals when turning. That's when I realized that most people you are on the road with, not during rush hours though, mind where they are and actually know what they are doing. It is the idiots no matter what they are driving or riding that make the impression and keep us on our toes. It is those 2 out o a 100 that keep my head on a swivel. My two cents anyway
  25. :rotfl: He's going to pick it up tonight, a 2009 red and raven demo bike with 700 miles.:banana: That makes 4 of us with 2nd gens at a factory with less than 100 people total! One of the others just joined here a couple weeks ago, I'll work on this guy next. Later, Scooter Bob
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