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  1. Over the past weekend we received 6 times as much rain as we've had over the past 2 & 1/2 months!! Now, one might think that we got flooded and washed away but in the past 2 & 1/2 month's we've maybe recorded an inch of rain. No wonder I spent the weekend "tinkering". http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=73903
  2. I want to run this by here to see what you guys think. The driver's backrest on my 84 is shot. Cracked & dry. I want to replace it, but of course replacements are not found. I found this reasonable alternative. http://i.ebayimg.com/t/Universal-11-x8-1-2-New-Contour-Backrest-Back-Rest-Sissy-bar-Pad-/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/$(KGrHqYOKj!E5W9!lpC!BObp,IEjVw~~60_12.JPG It's got a wooden plate backing, removable vinyl cushion cover. 3" thickness on the sides and 1 1/2" thickness on the middle Size 11"x 8 1/2" for $32 shipped. I see the OEM one is 11 1/2" x 6 1/2" & the support is riveted in on the back(should be easy enough to get off) Does anyone see any potential issues that I am missing? It looks doable, & the price is cheaper that having the original recovered.
  3. Venture Patches are being mail out tomorrow. Except the order got shorted the Origional Fonts of the 3 1/2 inch patches. I will mail out what I've received. The 3 1/2 inch Origional patches will be mailed as soon as I receive them to the following: Patrolman46 pmelah warrior/honeybee saddlebum Bummer However I will be out of town soon and returning around mid July. I'm very sorry about the shortage. Hope you all enjoy the patches. Brian T.
  4. Monday... so if any of you fellow riders are in the area and would like to meet up let me know. was a great ride up we dodged the rain and it was PERFECT weather to ride, about 1/2 way up we stopped and put on a jacket and it was just right! we saw between 75 & 100 turkey's no lie & 7 deer...
  5. Do you have problems reaching your seat bolts? Answer: Get two "ALL THREAD" female bolts. They are approx. 1 1/2 inch long. It a sweet fix!
  6. barend

    Suomy D20

    I recently bought one to replace my Scorpion full face with which I took a nose dive. Haven't made any major trips but based on some of my few short trips here's my observation: This is supposed to be a heavy helmet but coming from my FF Scorpion I can't tell much difference (yet) The locking mechanism for the modular is metal on metal and seems easy to operate it has a chin wind curtain which does not seem removable. The chin bar is bigger then I am used to, though the instrument cluster still falls above the bar so I do not need to look down. It has a build in sun visor. The vents are great, I can actually feel air flowing over my head from the top vents (chin vent is below the windshield), as long as my face shield is not full open! There is an access panel which can be removed for a bluetooth module/headset. The helmet is noisier then a FF, but I read that going in. shield up it seems comparable to my old FF, but the further down the shield the more noise. So far I have three things which I am not real happy with: there are only three detents in the visor: 1/4, 1/2 and full open. you can not open the shield 3/4 (it really needs one) of the way which would put the bottom of the shield above your line of sight. Both the sunvisor and the shield seem to be thinner than I am used to and they vibrate when riding, and with both visors down(face shield either 1/4 or 1/2) the bottom edge of each shield seems to be interfering somewhat with my view of the instrument cluster because 1. it's there and 2 due to the vibration. I bought it at MC superstore on closeout in my size for $169. Overall I am not dissatisfied with it though I would argue that my FF fit me better. FWIW
  7. If your at Dons and you see YammerDan please tell him not to take rt 33 home... I did yesterday, and it took 1 1/2 hrs longer due to construction around columbus and all along rt 33. Thanks Joe
  8. I was trying to think of a way to see parts of Saskatchewan I hadnt seen before, and to have an excuse for a ride. Its almost the size of Texas so there is a lot of ground to cover. So, I went thru a list of towns and cities in the province and saw some fun town names and thought i should visit these places just because of their names. Big Beaver about 2 1/2 hours sw Climax about 4 hours Sw Smuts about 3 1/2 hours N Fertile about 3 1/2 hours SE Sucker River about 7 hours N Sound like interesting rides? LOL :rotfl:
  9. Okay.. as most know I just finished the overhaul of my front forks including the installation of Progressives ( man, are they worth it !!) . I had a question about the fork oil and from what I was told there was 2 ways to determine the "amount" of oil. First was the amount of 409cc's or 13 1/2 oz. The second, was 5 1/2 -inches from the top. The 5 1/2 inches was what most threads stated and what the instructions stated. That is what I installed the oil to. It was way more than 409cc's. Now, yesterday we installed Progressives in my friend's 83. We measured and installed 409cc's in each tube. They were not even, even close to even. So we pumped the lowers and then remeasured and the levels were even but not to 5 1/2 inches, more like 6 1/2+ inches below the top. Now, we read the manual, the threads, the Progressive instructions, and all though they all state to "pump the lowers to extract the old fluid, none state to pump the air out to measure the new fluid. It was obvious that when we installed his oil, air bubbles must have affected the 5 1/2 inch reading and leveled it out after pumping the air out. None of the info we could read, stated what the level from the top should be once they are "pumped" For example, if you just wanted to check you levels of existing oil, to what level should the oil be at from the top ?? It seems that there should be a level statement as to before pumping and after. I had the same issue of non level measurements when I poured in my oil before pumping the lowers. It probably took about 15 + oz to level mine out to 5 1/2 inches below. We left his at 6 1/2 inches below with the original 409cc's. So what am I missing here ?
  10. so i have had the carb cleaned and gone over by the shop and they only changed out a few O rings and I changed out the diaphragms. The carb is back on the bike but I can not for the life of me get the bike started. I have screwed fuel air mix screws all the way in and then out 2 1/2 times and it will just turn over with no indication of actually wanting or sounding like she wants to start... at one point i turned the screws back in and counted 7 turns and that was the point that it sounded like it almost wanted to start. I also had fuel leaking from one of the screws at that point. Could amperage be a culprit? It has a new beth but the volt meter on the dash is hanging around 8 1/2 "or low"??? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated:bighug:. I'm about to do this to the shop. --> Keep the rubber on the road. Mike
  11. I got an e-mail today saying all in stock Clearview shields are on sale 1/2 off. Hope this helps anyone looking for a new one.
  12. Looks like I will be going back to work mid Jan. Received notification from the ins. co, that I was approved till then. Cant believe I am actually going to enjoy getting back to work...............Recovery this time was a little quicker than when I had the same surgery on my right hand in 2005, the incision was only 1/2 the size this time as compared to last time, still having some discomfort when I try to use it to pick things up or support my weight on it. Hopefully that will all be gone by the time I go back to work.
  13. I know everyone mostly is useing the Flanders handlebars to up grade there bike. A buddy of mine saw these,Baron Custom Accessories 1 Inch Touring Handlebars. on CruiserCustomizing and is thinking of trying them. The ad said it gives 2 1/2 inches more pull back than stock. but the pull back is 16 1/2 inches. Seems to me that that is the same as the stock bars. I think I'll stick with the Flanders myself, but Id like to find out so my friend doesn't cost himself a bunch of money thanks in advance Blacksmith
  14. Don't know if this is the right place to post this or not, but do any of you guys know of a good trunk rack for 2nd gens? The one from Star Motorcycles is expensive and, frankly, looks a little small. I'd like to spend a little less money, and I need to know that what I'm getting will fit a Venture. We're going on a 2 1/2 to 3 week trip next summer and a little more storage room would be nice. We've gone on the road for two weeks before and getting everything inside the hard bags is a tight squeeze sometimes, and we travel light! Ride Safe! 1/2crazed
  15. Looking at M/C 1/2 covers and have my eye on these two so far http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/3/13/117/36883/ITEM/Show-Chrome-Ultragard-Classic-Half-Cover.aspx http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/3/13/117/1471/ITEM/Dowco-Guardian-Traveler-Cover.aspx Both are sold by Motorcycle Super Store. The price looks not bad and the reviews are pretty positive. Has any one had any experience with these or the store itself. Have any Canadian members purchased from this company and what was your experience in dealing with them with regards to cross border shipping.
  16. tired of trying to get these on and off. Also don't like the idea of riding without them seat seems to lift off when getting off and on, or shifting position. Took a couple of small blocks of nylon and drilled holes in them and threaded them onto studs, finger tight. Aprox. 1/2 x 1/2 x 3/4
  17. Last chance to order I will be placing the order tomorrow morning. The 5 3/4 inch are costing approximately $5.30 US Dollar The 7 inch are costing approximately $7.00 US Dollar The remainder size cost will roughly vary I'll figure out the shipping/postage later. After I figure out the cost per person I will email each. PayPal or check payment will work This is what I have so far. Ponch 3 1/2 inch wide Qty = 2 Bongobobny 7 inch wide Qty = 1 Camos 9 inch wide Qty = 2 Jazzmann320 5 3/4 inch wide Qty = 2 Bubber 7 inch wide Qty = 1 Golf&Venture 9 inch wide Qty = 1 Golf&Venture 7 inch wide Qty = 1 Golf&Venture 3 1/2 inch wide Qty = 1 Attached is a prototype of the patch. The smaller the size the details are not a crisp. The provider recommended that 3 1/2 inch width be the smallest. Last Call.
  18. What battery is everyone using? My original only lasted 1 1/2 years. I replaced it (in an emergency from the local parts store) with an Interstate, and this one only lasted 1 1/2 years. I know batteries do not last forever, but I normally get at least 5-6 years on my other bikes. What is everyone using? Original? Yuasa? Gel? Now with snow still outside I have planty of time to make a better choice.
  19. I'm going to lower the front of my 07 RSV. I have read...I think .....all/most of the posts on this mod., but have not found the answer to a couple of questions. With the small clearance between the top of the fork and the wiring/cables that are attached to the handlebars..(1/2"-3/4") Just don't seem wise to move the wiring and cable mounting. (1) Do I need to buy the 1 1/2" Baron Handlebar Risers?....If yes.... (2) Will there be clearance problems between the risers and the inner flairing? Looks pretty close. Thanks in advance for all the help...."GREAT GROUP" Freddie
  20. I have been told if I put risers on my trike it will help in the steering.I am looking at 1 1/2 risers.Need some input from my fellow trikers.
  21. I hope this helps anyone getting ready to order a windshield. This is just info. I ordered an F4 17 1/2 extra wide "no vent" last week and it came last week. Fast shipping:cool10: A mistake was made and they sent me a windshield with a vent hole but no vent. I called and they said they will ship me another one and they would pay for shipping both ways. So far so good. I got my windshield yesterday with in three days and installed it today. Now comes the info for those looking for a new shield. I had ordered 3 years ago a Wide Yamaha shield. It was too tall for me so I cut it down to 17". The measurement was from right behind the gas cap straight up to the top of the windshield. I could see over the windshield with about 3" to spare. I liked it. I am 5'10 1/2" If you look at Yamaha's windshields in their book, you will notice they have a black haze at the bottom. That is there for a reason. I know this because. The F4 that I installed today doesn't have that feature. With out it you can see down behind the windshield and see stuff you ought not to see even with the chrome piece installed. I took the chrome back off a took a black magic marker "for now" and colored the bottom and it helped. Come spring, I will mask and paint it or what ever? Also the 17 1/2 shield now measures 22" high form behind the gas cap to top of windshield. It is also 1 1/4 wider each side than Yamaha's extra wide shield. This may not be the so called "right way" to measure but, it will let you know how I measured mine and I was happy with the 17". I will have to wait until the weather breaks here in Michigan before I will know if I like it or not. I already miss the black haze at the bottom and I can always cut the shield down if I don't like looking through it. Just food for thought.
  22. Canadian Tire has their Motomaster Motorcycle and ATV jack (1500lb capacity) on sale for $70 but Costco has a Powerbuilt Triple Lift (4500lb) for $100. Any recommendations? This is for a 2nd Gen RSV. Canadian Tire/Motomaster : http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/4/Auto/AutoTools/CreepersJacksStands/PRD~0091015P/Motorcycle%252BJack.jsp?locale=en lift - 4-5/8" to 14-1/2" Costco/Powerbuilt : lift range - 5 1/2" to 17 1/2" locking safety bar http://www.alltradetools.com/index.php/introducing-the-only-floor-jack-that-can-lift-a-car-truck-motorcycle-or-atv-the-new-powerbuilt-triple-lift-jack/ (this is the 4000lb version) Recommendations ?
  23. OK so I got the ventrue 1200 standard on the road, Legally now. I ended up putting a set of Dunlop 404s on it...everything else was OK for the safety check. Could someone tell me again what pressure I should be running on the front and rear (no class)...and in the tires. I'm about 210 lbs. Its got a bad backfire. Only when I gear down agressively or if I really rev it up and back off in a lower gear. It backfires almost every time about 4200 rpm. If I let the revs down gently, no backfire! but there is still some popping going on. There is a minor leak in the exhaust...just enough to give it a bit of a throaty sound...not bad at all (I don't like loud bikes unless it's a high performance rocket sled) I put a 1/2 can of Seafoam into it but it hasn't made any difference so far.I've only ridden about 1 1/2 hr since I put it in. I've tried to keep the revs up and did lots of hard accelleration to give it a good chance at cleaning everything out. So where do I look for causes?
  24. Was looking around at Custom Dynamics website and saw they have the 7" LED headlamp and 4 1/2" LED passing lamps...(Sorry, I have no clue how to load a website).
  25. Just changed the oil in the RSV after the long hot trip to FLA and back, and for the 3rd change in a row, I'm only getting just under 3 qts. of oil to drain out, including what's in the filter. And it's only taking the same amount of new oil to cover the view window to the 3/4 mark when the bike is upright after running the new stuff through for 10 or 15 minutes. Either I'm doing something really wrong or dumb, or the capacity is off by a good 1/2 to 3/4 of a quart of oil. I check the level before and after every ride I take, and I've never had to add any after the fact either. Very strange.
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