I’m new to the MC world. The ’03 RSV is my first bike. Acquired this
past summer I soon determine my legs height needed to be increased to touch
the pavement. Rick Buttler modified my seat, a big help. The bike was a
REPO. You would think I bought a problem, a lemon. Maybe not, runs
OK. Wait-a-minute, I don’t have a history to reflect on to make this
judgment I’ve read the “TechTalk”, and I probably need the rear shock. But
this carb sync, lean adjustment, AIS, etc. although not Greek to me, I am
looking for help. Anybody around Houston, 77021, who would like to help
a retired guy …lets get together.
My first long trip was to Galveston, it was an education. Those who have
made the trip may recall the long left-sweeping curve entering the Causeway.
( After reading “How to Ride Like a Pro” on YouTube, I wanted to apply
some of what I learned). I was at 65 mph, counter steering, leaning left
and I could not hold the turn. CF was pulling me to the outside of the curve.
I shifted a good 5 ft.
I’m an avid read of the TecTalk, I enjoy the comments and helpful hints. No
regrets on my ’03 purchase, I wish I had made the purchase 10 yrs earlier. It's
a fun ride.