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  1. Two couples were playing cards. Jeff accidentally dropped some cards on the floor. When he bent down under the table to pick them up, he noticed that Dave's wife, Sandy, was not wearing any underwear! Shocked by this, Jeff hit his head on the table and emerged red-faced. Later when Jeff went to the kitchen to get some refreshments Sandy followed him and asked, "Did you see anything under the table that you liked?" Jeff admitted, "Well, yes I did." She said "you can have it, but it will cost you $100." After a minute or two, Jeff indicates that he is interested. She tells him that since Dave works Friday afternoons and Jeff doesn't, that Jeff should come to their house around 2:00 PM on Friday. Friday came and Jeff went to her house at 2:00 PM. After paying her the $100, they went to the bedroom, had sex for a few hours and then Jeff left. Dave came home about 6:00 PM and asked his wife, "Did Jeff come by this afternoon?" Totally shocked, Sandy replied, "Yes, he did stop by for a few minutes." Next Dave asked, "Did Jeff give you $100?" Sandy thought, 'Oh hell, he knows!' Reluctantly she said, "Yes, he did give me $100." "Good," Dave says. "Jeff came by the office this morning and borrowed the $100 from me and said that he'd stop by our house on his way home and pay me back. It's so good to have a friend you can trust."
  2. I ended up not buying that Explorer. Wife and I went through some dealer lots and found a great looking '06 GMC Envoy Denali with a ton of features and I might start having buyers regret. After having it less than a week (we bought it on 12/01) the power windows started to not work of which i made a video of it with my phone and sent it to the sales guy. Wife took it to the dealer on Monday, they looked at it and said they couldn't duplicate the issue. They said they looked under the dash and checked out the driver door side power window console and said it must be a loose wire. After we bought it found out consumer reports hates this vehicle for having all sorts of mechanical and electrical issues. Before the F&I guy turned in the paperwork we bought the extended warranty. It is a step below the bumper to bumper warranty of which we were told we didn't qualify for due to the vehicle mileage (almost 84k). Only thing as part of this warranty is you have a $100 deductible for every visit providing it is for different things. In other words provided it is on the list of things that is covered like a/c compressor, if it goes out we pay $100 they fix it. If it goes out again later we don't have to pay another $100, but say 2nd visit is for transmission then we have to pay $100 again. When we bought it, the sales guy said it comes with a 500 mile or 30 day warranty which ever comes 1st which we are under still. I emailed the sales guy and made it very clear we aren't paying a dime for repairs on a vehicle we have had for less than a week. Which is exactly what happened. Wife tells me just a few minutes ago the f-tard mechanic wanted to wait after the 30 day/500 miles was up so we would have had to pay the $100. No wonder why he wanted to come up with the quick solution of a loose wire. I just emailed the sales guy again letting him know I am still having issues with the power windows. Basically they just stop working. Doesn't matter if I try and use the driver or passenger side buttons. I haven't tried the rear passenger windows. Only way I have figured out to get them to work again is to shut the vehicle off, let the interior lights dim all the way out and restart the car, but eventually they stop working again. The driver side panel has the power windows, heated seats and power locks, so I can add that when I have this issue 2 out of the 3 functions don't work. We have bought alot of GM vehicles over the years and this is the 1st one I am getting a not so good feeling on Thoughts? Anyone care to share their experience with any of your GMC vehicles or Envoy?
  3. As most already know the brakes on the MK1 suck. I found a nice set of forks for a 90-93 on ebay but missed the end of the auction. I sent the seller a pm and hope he gets back to me. Is $100 shipped a decent price? I figure I will get everything piece by piece until I have everything to do the job.
  4. Anyone ever run a Dunlop 404 on the rear. I have a wheel and tire that I got from Pinwall that has a brand new 404 on it. I just wanted the extra rim for $100 bucks and was thinking about going to the darkside.
  5. I'm riding from Seattle area to Southern California area and was wonder if any one with a Spot GPS would consider loaning/renting theirs out. They are about $100 for the Spot and about $100 for a 1 year subscription. I don't think I would use it that much else I would consider purchasing one. I'm leaving next Sat (16th June) early morning.
  6. For those that may be looking for a cheap GPS to play with. http://www.hidcountry.com has 4 choices of GPS on the clearance rack at $39 each. They are not the greatest out there but at least they are cheap. I have no clue as to the quality or performance of these units. Everywhere I found these same units online they were all over $100. I am considering getting one of them for the bike just because it is cheap and if it gets wrecked by rain or something, oh well, no big loss.
  7. I'm thinking about this: http://www.saddlemen.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=169_236&products_id=4505 for my navigator. Any thoughts on this or other gel pads around $100?
  8. Here http://garmin.blogs.com/files/zumo_rebate.pdf
  9. I got a Carbtune from a member last winter (it was brand new). Paid less than $100. Used it once on my scoot and last night sync'd a buddies bike. Cost him a 6-pak of beer and a short trip to my place. Took me less than 15 minutes. I'd say I'm already ahead of the game by a 6-pak. Probably would have cost $100 at the stealer's. Those of you who've taken your scoot to a dealer for a sync ... what did it cost? (curious to know)
  10. I would rather sell my 2000 MM Corbin seat to someone here for less than to put it on Ebay so here's it is! I have my tan seat in the classified with pictures listed at $150 but I'll sell it to one of our members for $100 plus shipping. The seat is a bit worn - missing a stud or two - has no backrest but has the slot - but I find it to be very comfortable. The only reason for selling it is that I found a newer one with a backrest that I bought. It would make a great Christmas present for yourself!
  11. I live in South Kansas City. I have a full set of plastic for a 1983 XVZ1200. Bought a second set so I could fix and paint. Want to get rid of the original. All bags, side fairings, fenders, front fairings etc. It's in the kind of shape you would expect. $100 and pick up by Dec 31st or I am taking it all to the dump. Don't want to deal with shipping. Let me know. Bob
  12. Since it continues to snow in Iowa I plan to rent a u-haul to go get the Venture I purchased. I can rent a 5X9 open trailer for $100. Can anyone tell me if the trailer is long enough? Thanks
  13. While trying to tighten my radio antenna on my 99 RSV I accidently tightened the wrong nut and snaped the antenna off the mounting nut. Has anyone ever done this? Is there a cheaper fix then the $100 replacement? Or does anyone have a spare mast lying around? HELP!!!! Big Mike
  14. I am selling my wifes jacket on Ebay. It is a really nice coat for somebody a little longer waisted than her. Bids start at $100. Buy it now for 140.00. Jacket was over 300.00 originally. She only wore it 3 times. Only once riding. Coat didn't sell. Still available.
  15. Maybe it's just that I have lived in this city too long and have trouble seeing the good in a lot of people these days. But tonight I was watching the news and maybe I need to give it another chance. This afternoon it did warm up to the 50's. A long way up from where it has been. Some bikes where out and enjoying the weather. A motorcyclist was riding out at 132nd and Pacific when some motorists noticed money was falling out of his pocket and blowing all over the street. Busy area, 4 lanes and lots of traffic. Some drivers stopped and started grabbing up the money and a couple others took off and chased the guy down and stopped him. When he returned to the area the people that had picked up the cash were waiting for him. YES! I said they were waiting. He had lost $2,500 in $100 bills out of his pocket. He got it all back except a single $100 bill. I think the LEO's that finally arrived were more shocked than he was. There are still some honest people out there. I just wish there were more of them.
  16. What are you all using for wiring connections for towing? McHitch has a two piece circuit but it costs around $100. There has to be a better way. Any suggestions???
  17. There are only three places close enough to bring the scoot for any type of work. I needed a back tire and got a Bridgestone last weekend. $195 for tire $150 for labor (they all charge $100 and hour) $30 for tax $380.00 for one tire Just wondering what everyone else was paying
  18. I have a squeak in divetrain of 91 venture royale.It sounds like a squeak you get in u-joint of car,speeds up and slows with speed of bike. Someone indicated the is a auto ujoint the will replace the $100 yamaha part for much cheaper. Can anyone help with the part and/or suggests as to cause of noise if it wouldnt be u-joint? Thanx in advance
  19. have a squeking nise in 91 venture. I'm thinking its a u joint as it sounds the same as on a car.It speeds up and slows down with speed of bike. In another post someone indicated there is a auto u-joint that matches the $100 yamaha one for much less. And one able to help with the part or diagnosis? Thanks in advance
  20. Anyone want to buy a Clarion 6CD changer. It came on my 99'RSV and I removed it. I don't listen to CD's when I ride. I will be at Freebird's Maintenance day. I can bring it along if some one wants it. but I don't want to bring it back home. It is complete with the C-Bus cable and everything to make it work on the RSV I would like $100 for it, or make me an offer. It is not doing me any good and someone might enjoy it. I will be listing it again on the classifieds if I still have it after MX day. I will only be bringing it to Don's if someone says they want it - limited space.
  21. I have been watching one of the Mark's exhaust collectors for a few days and it was staying pretty low. I came back on a few minutes ago and it had jumped to $78 with less than five minutes to go. I decided to bid about $100 on it and went back to refresh with about a minute to go and it jumped to $128. In the last thirty seconds it jumped to $202.50. Randy A
  22. Gasoline jumped 20 cents today. Were back to $3.05 for unleaded.Oil at $93 a barrel how many days till $100? The well tenders around here are driving pickups with V10's go figure.
  23. My V Max sells tonight on Ebay. No big deal I'll probably take a loss on it been there done that. The problem is I got two dudes fighting over it bidding wars. One has poor credit feedback and one with zero feedback. I think Ebay should have a rule limiting purchases to $100 on your first 20 or something purchases. I can see some kid wanting a crotch rocket working at mcdonalds win my aution and then trying to get a loan. I hate for a reputable buyer to get knocked out because of a No payer. So far I have been lucky and been paid for all but one small item. But were talking about several grand here. Last week I sold my camper. The buyer drove 800 miles one way and brought 31 $100 bills. I liked it.Lets hope tonights auction goes well. I turned down selling it to family because I didn't want to see them get hurt or worse.
  24. Hi, I just asked about speaker upgrades, now I'm wondering about headsets. What do you guys recommend, or not recommend? I know J&M is the big supplier of these, and they are spendy. They do make one headset that is under $100 bucks including the cable, much cheaper than their other sets. What's the tradeoff - are they really cheesey? Inquiring minds want to know! Thanks, Jeremy
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