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Found 19 results

  1. I know ya'll been busy on the International Purchasing project and all the other projects you got your fingers in but hey! .............Take a little time and have a Happy Birthday!!! Mike
  2. I am gonna sue the makers of canned spray foam for not putting in bold letters that it should not be used bye idiots. I rewired my trailer to head to Vogel and the flex conduit they used was held in place with spray foam, well after running the wires I picked up a can to reset the wires and I thought I would just use my fingers to spread it out, did I mention I was on my back, so now I have spray foam all over my hands and I rolled in some that dripped on the driveway ( did I mention this stuff takes hair off better than wax) now I have hairless spots on my arms and foam on my fingers I can't get off. If only I had a brain.
  3. Just got the progressive pump. Trying to thread it onto schrader valve on forks but it is very difficult as there is so little room to work your fingers to tighten. Anyone else have same problem? Solution?
  4. ken

    Moly 60.

    I plan to grease up every thing in the rear end and the driveshaft of my RSV while the tires off for some fresh rubber. Should I use moly 60 on all the gears and the hub fingers or should I used bearing grease on the hub gears and fingers?
  5. Does anybody know where a feller would be able to land a pair of > chrome
  6. :fingers crossed:Hi again everyone. I was nearly hit three times this week by cars changing lanes. I honked my horn but it is worthless. Could someone direct me to get a horn, maybe a STEBEL and how to install, any brackets etc.. Thank you.
  7. I got "Brown Sugar" scattered all over the driveway. Cleaning a little and just getting to know her. How do you guys clean wheels?? I would just spray them off and let them go but don't seem right on this one. Those things are a B to clean! Tear fingers up!! Retire and ride my a** Only way I can keep away from Warden is tinker with Bike.
  8. Went for my review with the surgeon, and "fingers crossed" he said the fixator would come off my leg in four weeks. Then we have to figure out some kind of brace for the leg. With the knee not bending the lower half of my leg will always be under stress and the surgeon said it could break again I informed him that I WOULD NOT wear another fixator...three is enough!! ....so, please cross everything folks
  9. April 25th 2009 we had a great get together in Osgood. Is there any talk of doing it again this year?
  10. I just got the final thumps up on the new job. Background check and drug screen came back clean and I start orientation 8:30 Monday morning. It feels great to finally be going back to work in a real job again. Thanks for all of your hopes, prayers and crossed fingers I'm sure they were the final thing that made this all work out.
  11. Hey SilvrT, How are those Geetar fingers comming along? I've got some hard slick finger tips now and was just wondering how yours were doing.
  12. Had the left carpal done this morning. The right was done last year about this time. Looking forward to hands on riding this summer. No more dead fingers. But.... the nurse says I have an irregular heart beat, need to see my primary care Dr.....
  13. I got a guitar for xMas ... have always wanted to learn to play...never did. I practised boxing day and both days following...probably a couple hours each day. My chording fingers are so sore, tender, and numb feeling it almost hurts to type. I'm not sure if I should take a chance and practise more and risk doing more damage to my fingers or wait a few more days until the "normal" feeling comes back. And that brings me to my question... how long does it take before my fingers will start feeling normal again? (or will they?) ... mommy, it hurts ...
  14. Recieved a phone call from vendor...the t shirt...long sleeve shirt and sweatshirt I ordered are in and awaiting my approvial for production....will see them on friday and if the NEW LOGO looks as good as he says it does, I will be posting pics and an order form in the merchandise forum...keep your fingers crossed that they turned out the way we wanted....no...I am not taking orders now..you'll have to wait...and this message is for SQUIDLY ...SHUT UP!!!!
  15. Is it just me or is there something wrong with this pic. And I don't mean my fingers being inside the service box. I'm just wondering where they grounded everything at.
  16. Rick Butler did the Seat mod for me, (which I LOVE). Anyways, he kindly replaced my stock seat nuts with the 'finger' nuts. - I can't keep the blasted things tight. They keep unscrewing themselves. I think my fingers are too fat to get a good grip on them to tighten them good. I have some blue Locktight, would it hurt / help if I put some of that on there? craigr
  17. Well, I rode about 120 miles yesterday. Longest trip so far on the 04. I'm wanting to make darn good and sure she don't have an issues that I need to know about. Well, I started to have troubles with my hands going numb. Starting with my little fingers and slowly spreading to the rest of my hand and fingers. I don't think it is from vibrations because I don't feel any. What you guys think? I'm worried it is the position of my hands in relation the my heart.
  18. Since my mishap on 26 July I have been healing and my Midnight Venture has been in the Shop. The Dealer called me this afternoon to inform me that the bike is now complete! Tomorrow the Service Manager will be making the plan to trailer my scoot home to me. They are roughly 2 hours away from me and making the delivery free of charge. I have my fingers crossed for a Monday or Tuesday delivery. I can't wait to take her out on the road again.....
  19. Hunting season is 3 weeks away. My fingers freeze when riding the 4 wheeler on those cold snowy early morning trips to the stand. The thumb throttle finger will go numb. When my hands are cold I'm done hunting. I need a glove that will keep my hands warm. They must be lightweight and be shooter friendly. I don't want to loose the sensitivity on the trigger finger not to forget access through the trigger guard. Any recommendations from you hunters in snow country? I have been wearing two pair and still get cold.
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