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  1. Many of you probably don't know, but, some of you might suspect that there have been periods of my life when I have struggled with anger issues. Yea thats right, I have times when my anger management techniques don't work. There I've said it. This morning was one of those times. Last night I spent the night at my girl friends, who happens to live in a condo. We have been dating for about a year and last night was not the first night I had spent the night. Nor the first night that my bike spent the night peacefully parked in the parking lot. But, this morning when I walked out the door the first thing I see is that some A*****E had put a F*****g 12" x 6" orange super sticker glue sticker across the windsheild (right at eye level) of the borrowed Midnight Venture I have been riding which read basically, and I quote "NO MOTORCYCLES ALLOWED" So at this moment i'm thinking F**K anger management. For the next thirty minutes I very carefully pealed the sticker off the windsheild as my blood boiled, making sure that the sticker came off in one whole piece. So that I could haul a** down to the management office armed with the knowledge: That there is no posted signage on the property informing the general public of that policy and I was realitively sure he could not enforce it. That my girl friend had complained to me on several occassions that she hated to go to the management office because the married Property Manager always hit on her making sexually suggestive comments to her. Suspecting that his attack on my motorcycle was probably personally motivated against me I sped on down to his office to carefully place that sticker in some conspicouse place while voicing my opinion about his management policy and my anger management technique or lack thereof. Did I display self control and maturity when I confronted that Property Manager. F**k that. Was I calm, cool and collected? I doubt it. Did I handle the situation in the best possible way? Probably not. Could some of my actions and words be legally construed as Terroristic threats. I'm sure. Did that Property Manager believe me when I told him where I would shove that sticker the next time he put one on my bike, or what I would do to him personally if he ever behaved inappropiately to her again, as I carefully rubbed out the air bubbles from between the sticker and his office door glass. He better. Did I feel better as I rode off. Yes I did Sorry for the rant, Thanks for letting me vent. I'm over it now.
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