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  1. mraf


    May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your bed! E-bay sniper!:rotfl: The search continues!
  2. I hated to start another thread but certainly don't want anybody to miss this if you are still staying at the Oberlin Inn. Due to them canceling some of our rooms with no clear answer as to why, I decided to do a search to see if there were any other complaints. I was a little shocked at what I found. There are several reports on a number of travel sites about bed bug complaints. These complaints are recent, starting in the fall of 2009 and some as late as a month or two ago. I have no idea if the allegations about bed bugs are true and the Inn refutes them in a couple of reports but several people have reported the problem. You can make your own decision but felt that it needed to be noted. Here is a link to one travel site where you can read about the possible problem. http://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g50795-d101747-Reviews-Oberlin_Inn-Oberlin_Ohio.html#REVIEWS
  3. Quickstep is taking some well-earned holidays from work and we have decided to pack our camper trailer, hitch it to the car (usually the bike) and head down south to Albany for the Ulysses Club AGM and rally. There will be over 3,000 members going -- that's a lot of bikes. So... Annie camping out with metal fixator on her leg :yikes: Can't climb up into the camper bed, so have borrowed a folder bed. I'll have to bunk down out in the annex, while Alan has the comfy air-mattress :bawling:just hope the weather is kind to us ?? Will be leaving on Saturday 27th Feb, and coming home on the 17th March. Scary....but won't know if I don't give it a go!!!!
  4. has any one tried or sprayed the spray on bed liner on the inside of there Piggy backer trailer??? Just wondering if it would be compatable with the material that the Piggy Backer is made from, I don`t want to turn it to Jello....
  5. When Ramona and I travel I try to book ahead looking for those discount rates for early booking dates. We always look for free wifi, Indoor pool,king size bed, microwave,fridge,etc. Also some of the motel chains serve a really nice breakfast which we enjoy. Having a cracker barrel close is also a plus. Thursday night everything was great except that was the hardest bed I have ever slept on. We both complained of back pain and hit the pain killer early. Which brings me to my question. What motel chains do you recommend for mattress comfort?I mean this was a business class suite but the bed was hard as a rock.Maybe they sleep on rocks in Pennsylvania I don't know?
  6. Hi Everyone, Haven't been on here for days I've been a sick little Possum in bed for day's with the flu It started out okay. The weather last weekend was finally good for a ride and I got in an 880 mile day, and felt great BUT next morning YUK!!!!! felt like death warmed up, and have been in bed since But on the improve now SO............... ANNIE'S BACK!! :sign20:
  7. Is anybody else having trouble getting on to Chat tonight? I was just wondering, this could mean I either have to go to bed early or watch television. Please advise, I am desperate. Yama Mama
  8. Twisted my ankle, won't tell how but a few peole know how. Anyway I'm using a cane for now and hoping things will be better tomorow. It does not look black and blue, but is swelled a small amount. Think I'm going to bed now...
  9. Beth and I are home from MD, just one close call on the way back to the motel in Westlake Saturday night, damn cagers! The stebel air horn did it's job and kept us safe! Many, many thanks to Don and Eileen for being such gracious hosts. To ALL who worked tirelessly on the bikes, WOW! Words cannot do justice! We met an incredible number of people, friends, family.......it's great now to be able to put faces to names here on the site. Already wore my new T-shirt...and yes, the XL does fit! Garry and Mary, thanks so much for your hospitality, the shade, chairs, food and refreshments are all very much appreciated. Ian and Pat, looking forward to the six of us getting together for a barbeque and maybe planning something a little larger??? I'll post what pics we have later, I have to work midnites tonight, so it's off to bed for a bit before I go and pound salt.....again! There's always a bed and a garage with tools for the "family" that has adopted us! randy and beth:happy34:
  10. I Have room booked @ Hub for VR International. Now I'm sure Lina is not going to be able to get vacation time, so there is available bed to share and cost. Better than camping, Shower and clean bed, Fridge and coffee maker. Fridge is reserved for Heineken, but we can share coffee maker Anybody interesting?
  11. just got back from the final run to the hub, to tie up the loose ends. shared a room with la pryor, so we got the first hand scoop on the accommodations. the room was nice and large and had a refrigerator, microwave, coffeepot, kingsize bed ( i had a room with single bed). i ate lunch and dinner there and my meals were great. had a slight malfunction at dinner on the service but they took care of it. randal and his wife, the owners bent over backwards to make our stay a-1. hit alot of rain going down, and out ran the rain coming home. the ambassador recruited some new venture riders. all in all it was a great time, and we got to see buddy's new wing first hand. really nice. i think the 09 rally is going to be a great success. looking forward to seeing everyone there. bill
  12. FW: Cute-Who Said Poetry Was Dull? > > > When me prayers were poorly said > Who tucked me in me widdle bed > And spanked me till me ass was red, > > Me Mudder! > Who took me from me cozy cot > And put me on the ice cold pot > And made me pee when I could not, > > Me Mudder! > And when the morning light would come > And in me crib me dribbled some > Who wiped me tiny widdle bum, > Me Mudder! > Who would me hair so neatly part > And hug me gently to her heart > Who sometimes squeezed me till me fart, > > > Me Mudder! > Who looked at me with eyebrows knit > And nearly have a king size fit > When in me Sunday pants me ****, > Me Mudder! > > When at night her bed did squeak > Me raised me head to have a peek > Who yelled at me to go to sleep, > Me Fadder! > !!!!!!!!! >
  13. raider is 12 weeks old now i got new pics i will be posting later on tonight he is now climbing on my bed right now
  14. Guest

    chat night

    i am not getting on the chatroom tonight i am working on raider petpop tonight then i am going to bed early tonight
  15. Gerday all. Just doing a little test. I wandered into my local electronics store yesterday and picked up a wireless router so I can run my laptop as well as my PC. I managed to get it all hooked up, and am now submitting via the laptop. Might be old hat to some of you younger guys, but for me this is good stuff. Now the pillion can't complain that I'm on-line when she goes to bed. I CAN TAKE THE VENTURE FORUM TO BED AS WELL.:Im not listening to:rotfl::rotfl:
  16. just wanted to drop a quick line. i was able to come home for xmas but i was sick for the most of it, but i got to see family still.training here sucks it just seems more like 1st army just finding stuff for us to do till d-day its like waitting for a bed to open at the prison. i wish they would put us in a base in the desert and let us run mock missions like that ran real time 6 hours time frame. well gota go on to bed wish all of ya well and cant wait to ride with ya again soon:15_8_211[1]:
  17. well we made it back tonight and i see i have a lot of catching up to do.......you guys were busy we are tired and dale had to make the trip back with the flu so he went straight to bed... we had a good time and great Christmas! and of course i got to get my hands on the new grandbaby finally !! He is beautiful and so big already ( 4 months) was great to get away , but its great to be home to my own bed....... will catch up tomorrow !
  18. No, no its not another motorcycle. It's Pebbles, she is boxer and pit bull mix. Fell in love with her. She sleeps next to our bed at night. She's too big and smelly to sleep on the bed. Hmmm...maybe Steve could sleep next to the bed too. Steve built a dog run for her and our Jack Russell. It didn't work out to well. Pebbles took her big head and used it like a hammer. She broke off a piece of the house that was holding the fence. Pebbles is more of an inside dog. Photo Gallery Link http://helmetspeakers.741.com/myimages/forums/100_1931.jpg
  19. Her Diary Tonight I thought my husband was acting weird. We had made plans to meet at a bar for drinks. I had been shopping so I was a little late. I thought he was upset about that but he made no comment on it. Conversation wasn't flowing so I suggested we go somewhere quiet so we could talk. He agreed but didn't say much so I asked him what was wrong. He said "Nothing". I asked him if it was my fault he was upset. He said he wasn't upset, that it had nothing to do with me, and not to worry about it. On the way home I told him I loved him, he smiled and kept driving. I can't explain his behaviour. I don't know why he didn't say " I love you too". When we got home I felt as if I had lost him completely, as if he wanted nothing to do with me. He sat there and quietly watched TV. He seemed distant and absent. Finally, with silence all around I went to bed. He came to bed later. To my surprise he responded to my caresses and we made love. But I still felt he was distracted. I don't know what to do. I am sure his thoughts are with someone else. Our marriage is over. There is someone else. My life is a disaster. His Diary Bike wouldn't start today, but at least I got laid.
  20. Holy Cow! I swear that we are a bunch of Masochists, I dont have the exact miles, but it is over 1700 for us in 58 hours. What a weekend, I can say it enough to all Thank you for all your support in this effort. I wont go long winded as I am pretty much dead right now, but you all know the folks that put this together. Please give them a big thanks as this wouldn't have happened with out several key players, and I'm not talking about me. I'm going to bed and will bore your ears off tomorrow...Good Night!
  21. Here I am!! Up at 4:30 in the **** morning!! 1st Dayshift in years. Going to be interesting!! I want my BED!!!
  22. I recently put some 85.5 gas in my bike and couldn't tell any difference. I did however burn it all out before I put her to bed for the night. Has anyone used any of this stuff and had problems with it?
  23. The Dragon Cave is becoming a regular stopover for VR members. Ken Derret aka 1-Up is on his way to Indianapolis to his cousins house, who just so happens to be married to my cousin, (small world isnt it), and stopped here for a visit and an overnite stop. His new trike is awesome and Ken really loves it. We sat and talked for a while, but alas I had to retire and leave Charlene and him talking in the livingroom. Its great having members stop by and visit and the door is always open and if there is an empty bed, which there always is, any VR member is welcome to spend the nite or two. Wont see Ken before he leaves as I have to be to work at 0600, but it was great seeing him and being able to visit.
  24. I just got home from the hospital. Cindy called me home from work because she had a 104 fever and was vomitting. Took her to the ER and they admitted her. They dont know whats wrong yet. I will keep everyone updated. I am off to bed. Have to get up in a few hours to take Haylie to see her counselor. My ladies are wearing me down. Dale
  25. Man that was rough!! 4 & 1/2 days of putting up with Scooter Trash, riding and fixing motorcycles!! Rough I tell you!! Just got in and looked at my bed. Gotta unpack Scoot first.. You like them pics of it Squid????
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