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Everything posted by Snaggletooth

  1. Sounds like the oblong section you describe is what we call the "twinkie". The nipple sticking out of the top is the crankcase breaher. There is a black hose that attaches to the bottom of the plastic air box that drops down through the carb rack and attaches to the nipple. This sucks up fumes from to crankcase back into the intake system and burns them off. Getting that hose to fit is a trick most times. It gets hard and stiff and loses its flex. A set of 11" long nose pliers is the easy way out. This is a notice of an upgrade done the that hose and the drain hose from the air box to give you an idea of the set up. Mike
  2. Hey Saddlebum, Got it covered. Once I did the click for the manual it took me to another page. One of those "Answer" sections. After digging in that for a while I found note on going through the "Support" menu and found the info there. Clicked on the 550 XXL and it gave the the manual for the XL. Looks like the same set up so I'm good to go. Looks like I lose a couple of handy features from that old unit but the upside is the big display and the updates and traffic info. About all I use these things for anyway is finding gas stations and a bite to eat when I'm out wandering in uncharted territory. Not a huge demand for the uses of this thing but I can locate gas when I'm running low. And you were right of course on using the Home site. I remembered that I saw that screen when was setting up GPS up to sync with the computer to enter info from the keyboard. Thought I could access from the unit THROUGH the web site. D'oh! I'm still on my learning curve here my friend. Kinda flat right now but it's picking up. Thanks again for your help. Mike
  3. Thanks Saddlebum, I'll take another crack it it. That should do the trick. I was focused on finding the manual on the home site rather that accessing it through the unit. Off I go. Mike
  4. I'm sorry... I'm trying to stop laughing. I've been through the squirrel wars. Lil furry terrorists!! I came home from high school one day and found my mom wearing of all things, my dads leather jacket with his leather welding apron and the right welding glove, my baseball catchers chest protector and my catchers glove with my hockey goalies leg protectors, arm pads and goalie mask. Odd picture don't you think? Ahh .. but she's down on her hands and knees with a broom stick smacking it around under the clothes dryer and screaming at the top of her lungs. Was this the same woman that always questioned me about smoking pot? The very same! Was this the first time I considered grabbing the bare essensials and beating feet to a new and unknown location? Well that's another story. As it turns out a squirrel had pried open the dryer exhaust vent on top of the back porch roof and found his way though the venting pipes until he fell down the vertical vent pipe into the back of the dryer. He was not happy, mom was enraged and the fight was on. Somebody was going to die. At that point it was a toss up. I was able to get her out of the room and got her to calm down a bit. Just a lil. I was able to make a block off from a 2 x 4 and pried open the the kick panel on the front of the dryer. Did I want the squirrel to get loose in the house? Nope... but that is again ANOTHER story. I made a snare noose and attached it to the broom stick and worked it under the dryer. It was like squirell fishing. I kept poking around until I felt the line jerk and I reeled him in from out of the bottom of the dryer. Now I got a ticked off squirrel on a string. This is not going to be a calm, cool, collected walk though the house. It was like having an atomic yoyo going into meltdown. I got it out of the house with as little damage as possible to carpet, curtains and surrounding knick knacks but decided to let the little demon keep the snare line. There was a series of unexplained walnut bombings for weeks after that to the roof of the house and the cars and even on mom while she was hanging clothes on the line in the back yard. Yep.... she quit using the dryer after that. Now as dad coming home and asking why all his welding outfit and most my sports gear was in their bedroom ... I let mom explain that. I was too busy stuffing my hand in my mouth so she wouldn't hear me laughing. So my heart goes out to you. Been though the challenges of cohabitation with our furry friends. I wish you the best of luck, I really do. But if you continue to have problems let me know. I have a weeks vacation coming up and I haven't had a good laugh is a while. Be happy to come down and watch. I'm there for ya. Mike
  5. From what I understand it makes no difference on which way the springs are installed, tighter winds up or down, as long as both sides are the same. I've never heard of a complaint about spring noise with a Progressive change. The only thing I can think of is if the rebound springs were left off the dampers that might make a knocking noise when the forks fully expands and tops out. Other than that you got me. Mike
  6. I recently bought a TomTom XXL 550T to upgrade from my first GPS. I had a good understanding of the the Nextar unit and had all my favorite locations entered. I figured it's a no brainer to punch the locations into the TomTom to build my favorites file. BUT the Quick Start book that comes with it is a lil lacking. :rotf: So I load up the TomTom Home site and figure I'll find an actual users manual that will give me detailed directions on the operations of my 550. Either I'm blind or I'm just not seeing it but having no luck. I've done my upgrades, made some mods and added some features so the home site has be useful for that. Pretty much just interested in building my favorites file, and naming them if possible. I did manage to get my home location set. Yea! (Like I've ever failed to find my way back.) Anybody have any info on how or where to find a manual on this thing? Lost.......... Mike
  7. These are the OEM springs and spacers out of my '84. The Progressives will be as long as the springs and spacers together. Oops.... looks like Earl has a grip on the issue. Mike
  8. Early last spring, right about the time the monsoons started here, I bought a new set of Frogg Toggs. The two piece set. I had an older two piece set of Froggs and a River Road two piece set at the time. The River Roads fit well but I was soaked to the bone from sweating in them. Might as well go without. The old set of Froggs were great even being several years old but the new line had some features I wanted. The adjustable sleeve cuff, the roll down hood and the longer zippers in the legs. I've tested them well during the last years riding and have had no trouble with any leakage anywhere on them. The breathability is great with them even on the warmest days and bone dry at the end of the ride. On the cooler mornings I wear the jacket over my mesh as a wind breaker and pack it in for the hotter afternoons. The pants are easy to get in and out off but the legs could stand to be a tad longer. But I'm about 6'3" and that's a given for everything for me. But they do have a heel strap so they don't ride up. For the money, I don't think I'll be changing from the Froggs for a while. Good investment. Mike
  9. And .... while you're in there..... change the fuel filter. Much easier to do with the tire off. Hope you get a grip on it. Mike
  10. That's good to hear Bob. Sure makes for one of those cliff hanger moments though don't it? You gonna LOVE that new engage clutch. It's one of those mods you do and never have to give it another thought. Dan's Da Man! And kudos to Squeeze to.
  11. I'm thinkin' a 12mm but I might be wrong. I've had the pipes off so many times I don't even think about it. But...... the last guy who tightened those got it on a bit off whack. Once you get it loosened a bit you can rotate the clamp to get a better grip on it. My clamps have a nut on the other side of the clamp also. Can you get a socket or a wrench on that to loosen it up so you can rotate the clamp? Other than that I'd say you might have to work at it with an open end wrench untit it works lose a bit. Mike
  12. Hey Dean, I think I was the one that kind of started this whole ground wire mod that ended up being so popular. Wasn't even my idea origianally. I was tearing down the '84 I had bought and found a modification done to the brush plate by the PO apparently. He had used a section of spring steel, like the tension arm on a set of points, bolted to the brush plate and then it pressed against the inside of the starter case. It was obviously there to increase the ground properties but it was a bit complicated to set up. I was talking to Dingy about what I had found and he came up with the current mod as most are doing it today. It works. Mike
  13. Other than the first glance cool factor..... I'd be running the other way I had to try to pull that thing behind my bike.
  14. :rotf: Don, you sound like a friend of mine. A few years back his son was working at a computer store and was recruited to work for Apple. He took the job and has been working his way up in the company much to my friends frustration. Everytime I get together with his family I alway like to ask how everyone is doing. He'll talk about his wife, his daughters and even the family cat. But when I ask about his son it's like, "I have a son?" He blames it all on the Garden of Eden, Eve and that danged snake. I claims that's where everything started going wrong.... with that danged Apple.
  15. Shoot a PM to skydoc_17. He's selling a Shindengen unit I beleive.
  16. You might PM Rick Butler about that set up. I do believe he's pretty informed on them. I talked with him quite a while back when I was considering doing mine. He had some good advice. He does recommend the Sonic springs with the Rach Techs as the springs are heavier and he can explain how to set the SAG while installing forks also. Be prepared to do some mods as it does require drilling more holes in the damper. All I can tell ya. Mike
  17. LAZY? Surely you jest! I'm pacing myself. Old is a given. I posted to your thread. Next time you need to pick a bone ...... make sure it has meat attached. I'm hungry. Mike
  18. Ok,ok..... I was waiting for someone with a 2nd gen that had done the Progressives to pop in with a comment on that one. I can only assume that Yammy continued into the 2nd gens with the same low quality springs they had in the 1st gens. So if that is a given I'd assume the improvement would be at the same level as it is on the 1st gens. I know some have done this upgrade on the 2nd gen so again, it goes to show how slow they are. Catch up guys..... Fuzzy needs an answer. And there ya go. Mike
  19. Like we should have expected anything less. Geesh!
  20. Looks like you're making a lot of progress. Looking good. A had a room mate once with that bike. I had a '64 Impala he was fond of so we would trade off on some weekends. I got to admit I put a lot more miles on his bike that he put on my car. Fair trade by my book. Mike
  21. I'd have to vote "NO" on that one. I'll say I've never tried one on a bike the size of ours and not inclined to. My issue would be the bikes weight. These swing arm lifts are useful for dirt bikes and crotch rockets, much lighter, but I'd bet that the lift would bend under the weight of your bike. If it would lift it at all. If it would raise it then you have to be concerned about stabilty. That is a big issue once you have the bike up in the air. So....... My recommendation is go the extra bucks and go with a floor type lift. Even the cheapest ones for HF will do the job safely. IMHO. Mike
  22. Gary, just wanna ask, have you moved your rear trunk back? Or did you just move it back for the pic? I like the mounting spot, but I don't think I'll have room with the trunk where is is. I'm getting ready to tee off my CLASS \air lines and install the valves so I can reach them from the outside of the bike. With the Tee's I can still use the pressure gauge in the CLASS display and in case I EVER can another CLASS controler to work right I than will have a back up sytem.
  23. Two things in this world you can believe are going to change your life. Got nuttin' to do with death and taxes. PROGRESSIVES AND SEA FOAM!!!
  24. You're not going to get many flames on the DEKA. One tough battery. I installed mine in April '09 and still cranks like a new one. Always have 12.8 on the digital voltmeter when I hit the switch. Never been charged, never been on a tender. Never needed it. You made a good choice and you should be vey happy with the performance. Mike
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