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Everything posted by Snaggletooth

  1. So we have the same neighbor looks like. A couple years back I was setting my float levels on the bench in the garage using diesel fuel. The neighbor showed up and was asking questions about what I was doing and surprised at the diesel fuel. A few days later I had the bike out in the driveway running and he stopped over again. He commented he was surprised a bike that ran on diesel burned so clean. I still haven't told him. Probably won't. I have considered putting a "Diesel Fuel Only" sticker on the tank cover just for chuckles. Mike
  2. Ok...... I'm waiting to hear from Bob on how long his "Short" one is. But this is the list of interested parties so far. I'll try to keep this updated so Bob can see what is wanted. Dingy Short 2 Trader Short 1? reddevilmedic (contacting) Prairiehammer Short 2 painterman67 Short 2 calgaryrider Short 2 Wizard765 Short 2 Jayceefolly Short 2 tz89 Short 2 motorcycle.jockey Short 2 As of 050912
  3. Nice ride...... and ya got to love that color. Glad you're sticking around. Mike
  4. I just got this from my friend Randy, the Marine I've known and grown up with since we were kids. Drat... didn't work.
  5. Yep. One item to a side would probably be about 3". The thing to consider is the over lap of the item mounted. Like the waterproof case for my GPS is wide so that covers a fair bit of the stud on the rear side. Something you wanted to mount on the same side of the bike on that stud may not fit mounted on the rear of the stud. Depending on the item it might fit turned mounted towards the front of the stud. Even at 4" two mounts to a side can be a bit tight.
  6. Yes. Nut off.... stud on. Stud is threaded to fit.
  7. I'm sure Bob can do the bullet shape on whatever ends up. But the question still rides guys......how long do you want them to be for your applicatoins? How much space do you want available? The short one?........ You guy ain't making this easy.
  8. The other day I posted about a recent project I had done. My handlebars extention studs for the 1st gen bikes. I had a few responses that some of you were interested in them. It turned out Bob Myers had done something much like my studs back in '08, much shorter than mine are at 4 inches and he made his at a much higher level of quality than I was able to. He actually has the right tools!!! So I contacted Bob and we talked about it. He has offered to make some of these sets for the guys interested, if there are enough to justify setting it up. So in the exchange with Bob the questions discussed where the material and the big one was how long should they be? Bob is looking at using 1" aluminum in stead of the 7/8" I did mine out of. The one Bob did for his bike is the 1st picture. Mine are the second shot. Which one looks better? Hello Mr. Myers! With mine at 4" on the bars there is exactly 4" between the inner ends. Some of you were interested in shorter ones. So for those that are interested in a set, or one, or a handful post your preference for for how long you would want them on this thread and we shall see what the choices are and what can be done to get this rolling. I can't give any idea of what the cost might be until we hit on some specs for Bob. By the way..... these will probably not be available in wood at this time. Sorry. Let us know. Mike
  9. The ones at Wally World I checked out. They are much lighter, thinner than the ones I wear. Probably as dry and breathable, maybe not as durable. All I can find on my tags is Style # FT10322-01. They are labled as Fogg Toggs outerwear. No other clue as to any other model. Bought mine at a local independent bike shop for about $79.00 bucks. You already know how I feel about mine. I'm 6'2" or so and 280 lbs. I wear the XXL to a allow for over the riding jacket and pants. Mike
  10. Nice ride Dan. Off to a fresh start and ride safe buddy. Mike
  11. Now see what ya started! Now I can see piles of saw dust, shaving everywhere....... Teak accessories.... Brazilian Rosewood trim.... Tiger eye Maple side panels..... OMG!! Wicker seat covers! NO NO NO! Stay away from the Bamboo! Wait! They have been making helmets out of Bamboo haven't they. http://www.webbikeworld.com/eicma-2011/2012-roof-helmets/ Carry on guys..... Never mind me. Mike
  12. What you laughing about? My first mock up for these was made from a piece of broom stick. That was left over from what I used to use for my first damper tool for fork rebuilds. And every guy knows every good idea involves a woody.
  13. Ok, some of you have expressed interest in this idea and I appreciate your comments and kudos. But being a simple guy with a simple shop I can not produce these cheaply or with any decent quality control to produce a product I would be proud of offering. So..... I've talked to Bob Myers and he would be interested it making these for the folks that are interested in a set. The deal is you contact Bob via PM to let him know you want a set and he will let you know what he can do. He's talking using 1" aluminum round stock for his studs. There is no doubt that he will produce a stud far nicer than what I came up with. So there it is..... PM the man if you want them. Thanks again for all your comments. Mike
  14. I was thinkin' about it......... Then I thought about it some more..... Then I ran out of chilli and got to work.
  15. Ok... got them on the bars. They lined up fine thanks to Danos drill work. The studs are 4" long and there is exactly 4" between the inner ends. From the seated position the line of sight was good for the gauges. Nothing was obstructed. I hung one of my Venture bags on the riser and that holds the power cord for the GPS tucked in out of the way for use and storage. In my opinion, 4" is about right. Maybe get away with 3" depending on what you decide to mount on them. So that's a wrap on that project. Mike
  16. No issue with it at all. At some point it time everyone has an idea. Some act on it, some share the idea, and some file it away as a brain fart and space it off. But I'll bet more that Bob, Dingy and I have looked into that nut in the past. If I had seen Bobs post from '08 I would have probably called him to try to buy from him. Would have saved me some brain cells. I know in the past there have been times where feathers got ruffled because someone had brought up an idea and never acted on it. Someone else picked up the ball and ran with it and made it work. I was caught in the middle of one of those situations and it was nuts. No reason for the anger over it. Something good come out of it and to me that was all that mattered. I have sent a PM to Bob Myers to see if he wants to run with it. He's got the tools and skills to turn these out at a higher quality than I am. So if he wants it, it's his to do. I could not produce these in mass with any promise of quality. Hey ya know, I'm working with a bench grinder and a file. I was thrilled with ending up with two decent ones for myself. So we shall see what happens. Mike
  17. You were where I was at. Nowhere to mount anything and so many options available for handlebar mounts, rams and clamp ons. I never had the OEM plugs for those riser holes and that bare nut drove me nuts. Well ....... do something with it right? The idea of the bar all the way across didn't work for me as I wanted to keep the option open for being able to move the angle on the risers to change postions without having to rework everything. I'm hoping to get a little time tonight to mount both sides and then you can see space between the bars and the usable space on the studs once mounted. I used 7/8" aluminum rod stock as that seemed to be a popular size on the mounts avaiable and had the first four cut at 4" long. That right now allows two mounts on each side. Once I decide on what I want and where what will go they can be cut down for a cleaner look. I'll post some mounted pic later. Mike
  18. That is the remote control to turn the Drift HD 170 camera on and off. I can mount the camera and flip it on/off without having to reach for the camera itself. A bit safer and I can select what shots I want to record without wasting a lot of space on the SD card. Kinda handy. With the camera mount I'm working on now for the front I can see the veiw finder to be sure it comes on when I hit the button. Another project. Then one for the back and lower down for a different view. All on quick release mounts. Mike
  19. Ahh dang! I'm a pirate! Arrrgggg! My bad Bob, never saw that. But at least I wasn't the only one that saw the possibilities for that particular spot. I'll be talking to you later. Mike
  20. That idea has been tossed around before. The CLASS compressor on the bike provides very little volume of air to the system for adjustments. In order for it to fill a tire to the needed pressure it would have to run for a long, long time and probably damage the CLASS compressor or wiring in the process. Good idea, wrong kind of pump. I carry a $10.00 12 volt HF pump and a string patch kit for emergencies. It will get me to a shop or home or at least off the side of the road. Mike
  21. I've been playing with this for a while and finally got it worked out. We old Maytag 1st genners are seriously short of handlebar space for mounting all those lil dodads and gizmos. Got that handled without drilling into the bodywork or fabbing up something to bolt onto the bike. I had to farm out a bit of work to our friend Dano to get the holes drilled square into the round stock as I had no luck with the hand tools I had available so, thanks again Dan. I first got the idea from Dingy when he welded up a nut to go on there to make his GPS mount. Pretty simple idea. Remove the nut recessed into the risers that retains the hand controls and remove it. Replace it with the stud extension to add the space needed. Roll an o-ring into the recess to keep out the grit and water and it's done except to mount on the handlebar clamps for the needed mounts. So from this day forward these shall be called "Snagglestuds". I made a pair for both sides so now to buy more stuff to mount......... Mike
  22. I just replaced the Avon Venoms on my '84 this summer. The rear was at the end. When it hit the wear bars it was done within a week. But.......It had 24,500 miles on it when I came off. I ride solo most the time and not a lot of slab trips so it wore side to side pretty even. Kept the pressure at 48 lbs all the time. I never expected that kind of miles out of a soft compound like the Venoms but it did me well. I bought them for the load rating on them so that will be a point if you're pulling a trailer. Just my experience..... Hard and heavy with a trailer..... probably won't get the same results, but it's a heck of a tire by my vote. Mike
  23. You got 'em Yammer, for all of ya. Mike
  24. I've been using Caswells Epoxy Sealer on several fuel tanks since I did my '84 tank a few years ago. I'm happy with the results and the epoxy does an excellent job of bonding to the interior of the tank rusted or not. It's tough stuff. http://www.caswellplating.com/restoration-aids/epoxy-gas-tank-sealer.html I just got an updates from Caswells on a new product, another epoxy sealer, but with a new feature. They have added a red color to the product so you can see the coverage on the inside of the tank, (for what you can see without an inspection camera). It's the same quality product from the original kit so I wouldn't be afraid to use it for any major repair. http://www.caswellplating.com/restoration-aids/epoxy-gas-tank-sealer/dragons-blood-gas-tank-sealer.html?utm_source=MailingList&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=May2012 So it's worth a look if you're in the market for a tank sealer. Mike
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