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Everything posted by Snaggletooth

  1. Well, Dang!!! My 20 year old daughter was just offered a position with her current company to do a remodel at one of their stores there. Looks like the possiblity of a long term position. Now I haven't spent any time in Windy in 25 years but I have no really fond memories of the place, traffic or anything else. Sorry. Maybe it was just me and the business I was in. I spent most my time there in Cook Country Court representing transportation companies. So for anyone familiar with that area these days, what's the area like now. Open to any and all feedback. Anything that will make me feel at least a little bit supportive of her new position offer because right now I'm not feeling it. Being a single Dad to tough sometimes. Mike
  2. http://www.motorcyclecloseouts.com/parts+&+extras/covers,+locks+&+straps+/mc+enterprises_helmet+lock+extensions+-+twin+pack?utm_source=gps&utm_medium=csn&utm_term=Helmet+Lock+Extensions+-+Twin+Pack&utm_campaign=parts+&+extras-covers,+locks+&+straps+&gclid=CN-agKyli7ECFQff4AodSxZVhA Well..... Prices are all over the place from $5.95 to over $60.00 depending on the finish and brand but I'm pretty sure you can get something a lil more reasonable than the number you mentioned. (Even with the robbery commited with Canadian shipping costs) There has to be somebody on your side of the border than can hook ya up cheaper. Mike
  3. You talking about the T shaped pieces that slip through the D rings to hook on the helmet locks? Mike
  4. That's possible. I'll try to buy 10 liters of roasting corn at the farmers market tomorrow and see how that works out for me. Bet I come home hungry. But ..... all I can find for an actually figure so far is the MKII had an increase of 50% in storage capicity over the MKI. So I'm not much help. Now I'm hungry for roasted sweet corn. Dang. Mike
  5. My God man, you live in Iowa! Speak English will ya! :rotf: But I can put in 24 boxes of quart size ZipLocks in the top trunk if that helps. I'm gonna start running now.... you ain't that far away. Mike
  6. Wait a minute...... That just hit me. That sounds like an honest answer from a stealer. Make note: Might be a good one. Mike
  7. Yep, nuttin weird there. Nature of the beast. But a +1 on the block offs for the side covers will make a lot of difference in rider comfort in the hot weather. They keep a lot of the heat off the motor from blowing out on the riders legs and they have hardly any effect on the engine temp itself. Worth installing or making a set for the summer months at least. Mike
  8. And don't forget you'll be needing to get 2nd gen rotors also. I've been pulling together parts for the upgrade for two years now. I've got everything I need now.... almost. Worst of my luck has been with finding decent, usable, rebuildable fork sets. I've bought three sets so far. With every set there has been one problem or another. Damaged inner forks, you wouldn't belive how many missing parts there have been, and even found one set of outer legs that looked like they had taken the seals out with a chisel. The last set beat all. The PO had appartently used JB Weld or another epoxy to install the oil locks in the forks. They ain't coming out. I don't blame the sellers (EBay items) as they all appeared to be usable. But the PO's sure had good reason to get rid of the bikes. But for sure, open up what you buy and do an inspection and rebuild for you own safety. Mike
  9. I've been using the upgrade from Buckeye Performance for several years (4?) now with no issues at all. I added the Shindengen R/R a year ago and no regrets. Check with Rick at Buckeye on the price, core charge and club discount before ordering. I'm not sure what's up but there there may have been some changes since I bought mine. No issue with the quality of the stator, but price might be more than it was. That said, if this one fails, I'd buy another from him to replace it. Mike
  10. Dang Jeff, glad you got past that without injury. That would have been a nasty impact. Not to mention that going though someones windshield. Everbody got lucky today. Mike
  11. I saw anudder birdy! I did! I did!
  12. Thanks Bummer, It started out as one of those things after wiring the trunk that was the old, "As long as I'm in this far....." I was tired of lil scratchs on the helmet and digging in the trunk in the dark to find a flashlight to well, find stuff in the dark. I like it. Seems to be holding up pretty well to. Been lined for maybe two seasons now and still looks good. Mike
  13. Check out the local Rat Shack. They have a decent selection of project boxes in all shapes and sizes. You could put in about anything you need to. I'm building another box to install in the top trunk to have USB ports and power plug ins for charging the toys I drag around.
  14. If you are in a bind I found a repair that seems to hold up very well for quite a while. I had a lot of pin holes in mine but no tears so I took the diaphrams out and cupped them over the tops of some milk cartons so the slider was protected inside the carton. Taped off the outside of the slide and wiped the diaphrams down with alcohol to clean them. I gave each one a light coat on the oustside only with spray Plastic Dip and let it cure for 24 hours. Thinner and more flexable than the heavy coat of Liquid Tape. That treatment made an immediate difference in the bike and it ran well over 2 years with that being done. Like I said, if you're in a bind, it will get you by for a while. By the way, I got an e-mail from Martin at SCI yesterday and he is going to let me know when the new shipment comes in. Their price is at $69.99 for the SD-1 x 4 set and $12.00 for shipping if you let them know you are with the Ventureriders. I talked the seller on eBay and he said he was getting his from a suppier in South America. I have no idea on the quality of his product. Mike
  15. Or put something together like this....... Ok.... I'm cheap. But it works fine. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=34990 Mike
  16. Ohhh dang! I was gonna go out to the lake today but now I'm afraid to go near the water.
  17. Here in Nebraska it was up to about $75.00 this year with the $25.00 increase in taxes on my '84. Mike
  18. What ever you decide, take care in the heat. A man passed away yesterday here in Omaha when he had a minor accident in a construction zone and left his car to walk for help. They said he made it a half a mile before passing out and collapsed on the side of the road. Medics on site said his core tempurature was 110 when they arrived. I don't suppose his just getting off work on a roofing crew had anything to do with it ya think. Hydration is critical on days like this. Mike
  19. Just a note: I'd only use sealant on one side of the gasket. Me, I put it on the case side and stick the gasket to it. There may be the day you find the need to open the old girl back up. I've done this many times and I get away without replacing the gasket and being able to reuse it several times without leakage. When pulling the cover off there is enough fight from the magnetic pull from the rotor and stator without having to fight the sealant also. Condors idea on the Crazy Glue sounds like a decent trick to try in the future to seal up that pass through on the cover. I usually pack both sides of the pass through grommet with High Heat Black Silicone and have had great results. Mike
  20. I almost wet myself laughing. My ex-inlaws were right in that bracket. Their daughter bought them a VRC years ago when they both retired. She also bought them a membership to Block Buster and a stack of their favorite movies. I got at least one weekly call for a year or two to ask why the thing kept blinking "12:00". Quit unhooking it would stop it ya know. They still had all the new movies in the factory wrappers last time I saw them. I don't think they ever used the thing. Then she bought them a cell phone. It was the first cell I ever saw that was 5 years old and only had 3 minutes of usage on it. Don't even want to get into the computer system she bought them. Nope. No way. Mike
  21. This is on the WebBikeWorld listings on the right side of our home page. http://www.webbikeworld.com/triumph-motorcycles/2013-triumph-trophy/ It does look interesting. Mike
  22. Well I guess 70 responses in one day in defense of the site says it all. I suppose you can see the support of the members on technical advice, road side assistance, riding and maintance meets, and the sharing of ideas and products (and some items that are not even available on the public market) not to mention the friendship of like minded riders. I remember when this was a free site and the regret that come from Don when he turned to the members with the idea of a subscription fee to help carry the costs of the site to keep it up and running, upgraded and trouble free for all of us. Don carried that cost out of his own pocket of years. I've never had a moment to regret of paying the $12.00 a year for the suscription fee. I'll keep paying it even after, if I ever give up my bikes. But to be fair, I'd walk a mile in your shoes. I'd ask the President and CEO of my company to provide me with full disclosure of all the expenses and profits involved in his company. I can ony hope my question would be answered in a manner that is similiar to the responses here today. I doubt it would be. If you see some of the value of this club, welcome to the site. If not, it was nice meeting you. Ride safe. Mike
  23. Hey Phil, I was one of the guys with a similar problem since the weather got hot. Been doing a lil playing around with the odds and ends since I posted on the other thread. So far I've chased down one issue. My vacumn caps on the intake boots have never been the best. I took them off and dip coated them with "Dip It" and let them dry. The next hot day I had only a smaller increase in the idle. Looks like I'll be ordering new caps and clamps as I don't see the Dip It as a long time fix. Most the rubber lines have been replaced over the years but a few still remain. I'm going to pull and spray each one of the lines with "Dip It" to check for changes or replace them as I go. I always figured the rubber lines would be more prone to leak when cold rather than hot but I guess the heat will cause more movement allowing any small crack to expand. My intake boots don't seem to be an issue anymore since the last time I R/R'd the carbs but it is a good place to start. It's supposed to hit the triple digits here again the next few days so I guess that's good "testing" weather. Mike
  24. From the rash of mishaps and injuries suffered lately by members while working on their property, homes and shops I think I'm going to pass on upkeep for a while and just go for a ride instead. Sounds safer. Hope ya heal quickly. Mike
  25. Well I broke down and ordered a set of the SD-1 x 4 diaphrams from SCI last Friday. Figured I might as well get the new ones installed for the summer. Got this reply today. Sorry sir...we already sold out last week refund on the way and we are expecting more, in about 4-6 week sir... Mercedes Dang! They had already refunded my PayPal before I even received the reply. I got to call that good custumer service. Guess I need to mark that on my calender to reorder. But they are currently $69.99 for the set and $12.50 for the shipping. Totals at $82.49 through PayPal as a personal transaction. Mike
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