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Everything posted by Snaggletooth

  1. Best of luck on your ride John. You've put in enough effort to made it trouble free. Make sure you don't forget the camera. You know how these guys get. Mike
  2. Yamaha used to list them as an assembly only if I remember right. Crazy price. But take a look on eBay. They are listed quite often. Mostly lens. Prices on them are usually quite reasonable. But then again, one of these guys might have one laying around to. Ya never know with this bunch. I can't help ya on the front. All I have is the rears. Glad it wasn't any worse. I've come close to that happening a couple time. I use a 1 1/2" thick piece of plywood with a handle to keep mine close to level so it don't lean too far into the wall. Sometimes it's a lil too close to level ya know what I mean. Good luck. Mike
  3. I got a new dog to guard my house. It was a little more than I thought I should pay but I think when word gets out I'll be a relatively crime free neighborhood. The nice part is he is a year old and already fully trained. For your safety you might want to call the house from the driveway and in the safety of your car!
  4. I'm pretty sure either the 1200 or 1300 will both work as long as the 1300 is a 1st gen model. If I remember right this mod will not work for the 2nd gen 1300. I'm sure Dano can confirm that. If you're hearing the hammer bangin' in there you're probably going to find the cracked body like most others have found. Be a good time to get ready for swap. You might PM Dano to check on availability of his parts for the mod. Mike
  5. Check with your local snowmobile or jet ski dealers and shops. Many of those offer the DEKA batteries also.
  6. This has been one of the more popular choices with the 1st gens for a while. I've had mine in for about 4 years now and it is a tough one. Still cranks like a new one every time. American made, AGM, and stronger cranking amps than an Odessey. For the quality and dependablity you can't buy a better battery for the money. http://www.bohannonbattery.com/html/deka/etx18l.html This thread will offer some interesting reading on battery options and one of the posts that led up to finding out about the DEKA line. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=33375 Mike
  7. Well yeah!! Mike
  8. I'm in for one at least. Mike
  9. From after the party in 2010. Love all the oil spots.
  10. Wanna be guitar players can be as bad... or worse. I played for years and many times I was asked for info on guitars. The last time a friend asked me for help as he wanted to learn how to play. I went down the list of what kind of music he wanted to play, hollow body or solid, electric or acoustic, bass, yada yada yada. He kind of lit up and said.............................A RED ONE. Ya can't help everybody.
  11. I have to buy this stuff because I can't make it this good. Burnt Fingers BBS Sauce If you ever make a Bacon Fattie........ Use Burnt Fingers. The next time you feel the need to stiffin up your arteries try one of these. It says it will serve 12 but I'm calling BS on that. Mine only end up getting served to...........ME! http://www.bbqaddicts.com/blog/recipes/bacon-explosion/ Mike
  12. After a couple of incidents in the last couple of weeks, one involving a friend of mine, I thought I'd throw this out as a reminder of the rules and standards involving the other end of the motorcyling world. The Clubs. This is most certainly not intended as a post to incite arguments of right or wrong or who has what rights to do what. It's just a reminder that another part of the motorcycle social structure is different from what most are used to. But in my opinion, everyone of us needs to be aware of the rules they live by. We all expect a certain amount of respect, some demand it. The lack of respect to a club or even a single member has a price and it's not cheap. My friend found out the hard way. He's learning. He was not trying to cause problems and had no idea that he was causing one with his behavior. But with that said, this is worth a read for those unfamiliar with club rules and how to respond to club members and interact with them. Might save someone from getting schooled..... the hard way. http://www.rcvsmc.net/id4.html Just info. Nothing more. Mike
  13. And the winner is.......
  14. Yep sounds like the bowl fuel level is to high. As far as testing the floats for sinking, good luck. Probably not going to sink. They are a solid fiber body and are very bouyant. They can and will soak up fuel over time and that weight change will change the float level as it does. I had several floats that were prone to saturation when I bought my '84. It had been stored for 9 years and the floats had deteriorated over time. The bodies were turning soft and where the brass tang attaches was breaking up. Out of the four old floats taken right out of the working carbs I was getting four different readings off the scale. They won't be exactly the same but they should be real close. I ended up drying them in the sun for a few days and then coating them with Airplane Dope to reseal the bodies. That did work. But the tangs coming loose was a problem. I ended up buying all new floats and ended my problem. When you look at the floats check for extreme softness and where the tang mounts into the body. In the pics you can see where the soft spots were and the discoloration. The one pic is a side by side with a new float. But, like I said, I'd lean more to the fuel bowl level before anything else. With all four carbs overflowing at the same time, pretty sure that's your problem.
  15. I've been using a Cannon Power Shot A410 for several years. It's a 3.2 MP so it's pretty dated but it's been a very dependable camera. Seen some miles, been wet a few times and been hockpucked a few times to boot. I've been happy with the photos but it was always lacking a bit on the vid quality in my opinion. I'm sure that has been improved over the last few years. Mike
  16. The probe is actually a mini battery in itself so yes, it must be down into the elecrolite to work. That is why the red warning light flashes when the fluid gets low. The probe is no longer generating a volt reading.
  17. Or a tax deduction!!!
  18. Congrats on the roll over! Damn, and I was hoping to hit 100,000 before my bike turned 30 years old. I gotta get out more. Mike
  19. Sorry to hear about the job. Lots of that crap going on these day. The company I have been with for 7 years just sold to a larger company and it did not work out well in my favor either. About every employee that had any time in with the company is gone and replaced with minimum wage staff. They now have kids that were stocking supplies wearing white shirts and ties. Manager material.... sure, whatever ya say. They are cheap help. BUT..... after spending 26 years in the OTR game, both behind the wheel and as Director of Safety for several companies all I'm going to say is be damn sure you know what you're getting into from the start. If you are looking at companies that will put you through training and set up up as a company driver read all the fine print in the agreement before you sign on. You can end up married to them for a lot longer than you expected. They hook ya good. If you're looking at a truck driving school..... can be about as bad. Most are not cheap and include very little actual road training. Many companies are leary of the newly trained drivers if they will even talk to ya and you will still end up second seat for a long time anyway. I can't count how many newly trained drivers showed up in my office over the years with a list of companies that the school had claimed would place them after graduating. Nuttin' but BS. But I'll say I did enjoy my years behind the wheel. 13 years of traveling the US, Canada and Mexico. Saw about everything I ever wanted to see, (as well as ya can from a semi seat) and met a lot of great people. Back then I was single and lived in my truck. Looking back I gave up a lot also. Give a lot of thought to your choice. I'm not trying to talk you out of it, just be aware that it is a very different life style and how it will affect the life you're used to. Either way, best of luck to you. Mike
  20. But... but... but..... Ok no treats for you. But KIC, the thing is...... you weren't the first and I'm pretty sure you won't be the last. You were just kind of there when it happened right?
  21. Yep buddy. Happy B-Day!!!! Mike
  22. We're looking good here. All the dead grass fell into the cracks in the ground.
  23. Valve covers are not all that tough, but time consuming. Your best friend for removing the cover bolts would be a box end ratchet wrench. It's tight in there and the box end will make the job easier. The trick to removing and replacing the covers it take your time and look at what room is available and how to use it. It's kind of one of those "Ship in a Bottle" things. Now to make it easier, make sure to buy the valve cover gaskets for a 2nd gen. They have a lip that runs around the outside that makes installing them much easier. This is a point of arguement with some but to save the headches of having to redo the project again, replace the rubber stopper plugs on each and everyone of the valve cover bolts. That adds to the price of the job a bit but I found a new set of them for under $3.00 each. You will need 16 of them. Eight to a head. When tightening those bolts you need to remember they are shouldered. They will only go so tight. You can't crush the rubber plug any farther than the bolt will allow. Some have broken the bolts trying to over tighten them. So again, have fun, Mike
  24. You said a mouthful. I fully agree. The skills shared here are the finest you can find. But, on greasing the splines..... you proabably should get that done. If it's never been done before it's well worth the time to pull it down and check. Some have been in sad shape from lack of attention. I pull mine with every new rear tire install. I used Moly the first time ( and it was dry) I did it and that has paid off well. Hasn't been dry since. Just a quick clean and touch up with fresh moly. When you did the diaphragms did you follow up with a carb sync? That may clear up some roughness and back firing as you have changed the airflow with the new diaphragms. As far thas the clutch slave, if it's been leaking that long you would be better off replacing it with a new one. Not too bad on cost, around $70.00 to $75.00 bucks. They are made out of low grade metal and subject to pitting. Waste of money once they pit up. You won't stop the leaks with a kit. So a couple of quick projects to keep ya busy. Mike
  25. Anybody around there building a go cart track?
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