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Everything posted by Snaggletooth

  1. Yikes! No thanks. My opition would be a u-turn. Love your name tag on the pic. Mike
  2. Must have got tired of chasing "fast food".
  3. When I got to thinkin' about it...... this is one of our guys ain't it?
  4. Got a guy pulling one with his bike around town here. Painted on the back it says "Dieing to Ride". I'd go for it. Mulitpurpose to boot. Mike
  5. Check this thread out. I was about to do this to mine before the gremlins fixed my CLASS system for me. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=63444&highlight=schrader Mike
  6. Some of us have to get up early to go to work. At least I miss the rush hour crowd.
  7. Cool, Thanks for helping him out. Mike
  8. Ok, John. I see you were able to get onto the site. Like they stated the fuse holder and starter switch are a good place to start. Mike
  9. Ok, that's jimmyenglish. I see he got onto the site amd posted. Mike
  10. I just got a text message from a member named John with a SC phone number that is stuck in Kalispell, MT with light isues. He has no acess to WiFi or a way to contact this site. Is there someone up that can call him at 843-251-7789 and see if you can help him figure out his light problem. I'm waiting for more info from him as to his handle and what bike he rides. Let my know if you reach him. Mike
  11. If it was me, and I do some odd stuff with ABS, I'd cut any and all intact mounting tabs and flanges off with a bit to spare and hang onto them. I've had to fabricate shattered tabs with some decent results but I prefer to spice the intact tab or flange back on by laminating it back onto the body with thin strips of ABS sheeting. But that's just me. Ya never know when you might need to do a repair. Sorry to see you didn't have much to work with after your accident. Mike
  12. Glad it's working for ya. I'm still running the treated ones in mine and they are doing better than I ever expected. Should be getting my new set from SCI before too much longer. Mike
  13. A regluar old 12V 4 post (or 5) relay from any auto parts store will do just fine.
  14. Hi Gary, Nope not stolen.... They would have to carry off a lot of pieces at the moment. Injured........ Not too much ........... I hope. Not lazy............. But I'm not walking any farther than I have to. Which for the time being means I'm not going anywhere off the top floor of my place for now. And yep, I sent ya a reply by your regular e-mail addy. I'll PM ya in a bit. Gotcha on the 40mm. Thanks. Mike
  15. The first diagram is for wiring direct for the driving lights through a relay. The second diagram is the one for using the high/low switch to activate them. (correct me if I'm wrong guys) I've aways run mine direct so I've never run into that problem. Mike
  16. The PGR is an outstanding organization. They rode a mission Monday here for Officer Dan Ottis from Ashland NE that was struck down on his bike in an accident last week. It was an impressive sight to see the streets lined with American Flags and the PGR members standing the flag line. Dan rode himself with the PGR, Sons of Legionnaires and the Blue Knights. End of Watch Dan, you will be missed. Mike
  17. I'm not sure of my memory on this one but both the MKI and MKII inner fork tubes are 40mm or 41mm diameter? Mike
  18. I've seen this problem before. Yep. Just a misunderstanding of terms used.
  19. You gonna list it on fleaBay as "Adult Owner, Gently Used"? I mean they have tried to sell used spark plugs........... Mike
  20. Hey Walt, PM sent. Mike
  21. I've run Avon Venoms on my '84 since I bought it in '07. The first set took me to 25,000 miles. I ran the rear to death and still had some miles left on the front. During that time the discussion came up on the cracking problems some had. I watched mine closely but never saw any problem develope with the cracks. I had a few very minor ones start to show on the front in between the tread right before I replaced it. I mounted new Venoms this spring and now had about 3,500 miles on those with no sign of cracking. I chose the Avons due to the high load rating. One of the highest available. They are an excellent wet weather tire also. I ride solo most the time and keep the tires at Avons recommended pressure. I can't gripe about the life or the perforance of the Venoms. Mike
  22. I can't..... but basic training starts with the cat. (pic1) The really loud one. I have no idea. All these pics were sent to me by my old friend Randy, a Marine with an obsession with shooting things from a long, long, looonnnng way off. I believe he is raising this dog. I haven't been to his house in a while but I'm calling from the car first. Mike
  23. Hey Steve, I'm sure you're going to have a ball with the Drift. I've got the 170HD. The only problem I ran into was the Drift 170 uses the .mov format and I had to find software to convert it to .mpeg or .wnv format. If you have software that convert that over you'll be up an running in no time. Mike
  24. :sign yeah that:Yep, I'm pretty interested in what ya put together myself. But I'm sure there will be help along shortly on your carb question. Mike
  25. Ok, ya got my attention! Ya got a blonde! Atta boy! But what caught my eye is your headlights...... Not many of those around. Maybe 3 or 4 setups like that I know of. So welcome to the club. I'm sure we will have some things to talk about. And this place is like Hotel California.......You can check in, but........... Mike
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