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Everything posted by Snaggletooth

  1. Or even the actual Yamaha Teddy!! http://usa.yamaha.com/news_events/drums/yamaha-drum-artist-teddy-campbell-on-the-hub/
  2. Or this....... [ame=http://www.amazon.com/yamaha-Plush-Teddy-WHITE-T-Shirt/dp/B00550JVFK]Amazon.com: get a real ride! Get a yamaha Plush Teddy Bear with WHITE T-Shirt: Toys & Games@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51OTIJPK5kL.@@AMEPARAM@@51OTIJPK5kL[/ame]
  3. How about....... [ame]http://www.cafepress.com/+yamaha_girl_teddy_bear,27239627[/ame]
  4. Teddy isn't with Yamaha any more. He's a gun lobbyist now.
  5. I did find a cell phone cover that makes me a lot more comfortable with the new technology.
  6. Well that was fun. I installed to app called "SMS Notification Popup", my bad. Looked to be the ticket I needed but it raised havoc with my phone. Scene stalls, lost my tilt function and keyboard function. Couldn't even get the home or menu functions. I was finally able to force it to close and uninstall it. Scratch that one off the list. No problem Joe, like you said ....Untested. Until now. LOL! I just installed the "SMS Popup" by Adam K. that icebrrg3rd mentioned. That one seems to be working as intended and works well. No issues so far. Does what I need and a little more. I'm good. Until I find something else I need. Thanks Mike
  7. I've had "Happy Pockets" for years. You might have me on the right track with this one. Got it downloaded and waiting for my daughter to text back to see how it works. Oh I'd love to have a voice chat! But not going to happen I'm afraid. Thanks for all for the info. But here is what I failed to mention. I'm deaf. Lost all my hearing about 3 1/2 years ago. Something they call Sudden Hearing Loss. Kind of a PITA as you go to bed at night as a hearing person and you wake up in the morning as a not hearing person. I lost 50% overnight and then big chunks every few months after that until it was gone completely. And people ask me why I like my MAC exhaust pipes......... I can feel those suckers!!! One of the best functions I've found with the Smart phones the "voice to text" feature. That alone is going to save me a lot of time. But again, thanks for your info, Mike
  8. I've arrived in the new age...... and still wandering around in a fog. My daughters Blackberry had finally seen its better days so I went cell phone shopping with her. 1st mistake. She found a Samsung that she liked and we were talking about some of the features. I saw a chance to upgrade my old Motorola to something more compatable with hers and have features that allow me access to the web and other communications. #2nd mistake. So we bought a pair of new Smart Phones. #3 mistake. Now I got to learn stuff. Ok, I admit it. I'm an old fashioned guy. I used a phone for phone calls. I still miss my first cell phone, a litttle. Remember the ones that came in the small suitcase with the motorcycle battery? Yeah, that one. Worked for me. In the recent years texting and e-mailing has become a way of life. I've come to depend on it 100%. Can not be without it. So here is my issue. When the phone rings from a regular call the callers icon and number flashes up on the screen to notify. That's just dandy. BUT.......... What I need to have is when an text message or e-amail arrive is the callers icon or number to flash up like a regular phone call does so I know I have an incoming rather than a lil tiny icon in the corner of a blank black screen. I've dug though all the info I have on the phone. It's an Android based Samsung. I can not find any settings to make this happen. I started searching for an app to make this work. Even my kid has been digging. Nothing so far. To save some time, ring tones and ringer volume aren't the answer. Not going to hear them. I need a visual display to see the call come in. Anybody have any suggestions or point me towards an app that will do this? Thanks Mike
  9. Ever wondered what the acceptable standard is for dropped food? So much for the 5 Second Rule. I never liked that one anyway. The cat always got there first.
  10. It was back when I was still in High School that I got my first lesson on priming a carb with gas. I'd bought a Buick Special for a few bucks and several items didn't work. One of them was the gas gauge. No problem right? Just keep track of how far I drove it and throw in a couple of bucks worth of gas now and then. I think gas was .55 cents a gallon back then. I had stopped at the new K Mart on the way home and the car died as I pulled in. I knew I had cut it thin and now I'm going for a walk. Nope, I decide to call dad at home. We only lived about a mile away. He always had gas cans in the shop. So he drives over and brings a two gallon can (the old metal ones) of gas with him. He's laughing at me a giving me a hard time as he pours gas in the tank. He only added enough to get me to a gas station, about half the can. Dad was kind of frugal and reminded me I owed him for the gas. He had me crank it over and it didn't fire up so he opened the hood and pulled the air cleaner. He poured a little gas into the carb and had me crank it again. I popped and ran for few seconds and died. I'm watching under the hood as he "filled" the carb with gas, a lot of it. He yells "crank it" and I hit the key. Then there is this "POOF" and a flash and I jump out of the car to to see flames rolling around my engine compartment and the gas can is sitting between the motor and the fender fall. It's got flames licking up the side of it where the gas had run down. My dad, being of quick reflexes, grabbed the can and threw it as far as he could across the parking lot leaving a trail of burning gas behind. It got even better as the gas in the can is now flowing out and leaving a flaming pool in the lot. Now one of my fondest memories of my dad was him running through the parking lot, kicking the burning can away from cars and cussing a blue streak all the way. To this day I don't know what drew the bigger crowd. The flames in the parking lot or the cloud of old sailor language flowing from my dad. The looks on peoples faces would have covered both I suppose. I always gave my dad credit for creating the term "shock and awe". About the time I heard the fire engines coming I remembered my car. The flames had died out and low and behold the car was running. I put the air cleaner back on and closed the hood and made myself comfortable to watch my dad explain to the cops and the firemen what had happened. The fire department washed down the area and with quite a bit of laughter and back slapping they left the lot leaving me and my dad alone. I pulled over to him a reminded him I needed to get to the gas station. All I got was the "dad" look. Dinner at the house was kind of quiet that night. Nothing was said about the inferno at K Mart. He did remind me I owed him for the gas in the can. He wanted the whole dollars worth to. After dinner he did say that tomorrow we would figure out how to fix my gas gauge. That old singed can sat in the corner of the shop for probably another ten years or so after that. To this day every time I think about priming a carb I still see the image of that can in the corner. And crack up thinking about dad that day. But it was a learning experience for me. Don't let dad handle the gas cans! My dad was an interesting guy. He was a cross between Red Green and Red Foreman. Never a dull moment around him.
  11. I'm still trying to figure out if you fling the Assault Rock with the Assault Spork if it becomes a WMD.
  12. When I bought the new MAC turndown pipes for my '84 they were a bit out of round and would not slide onto the header pipes off the engine. I stopped into the local muffler shop in my neighborhood and explained my problem and showed them the pipes. The manager said be right back and took them out to the shop. He was back in 5 minutes and they were opened up a bit and round like they should have been. When I opened my billfold he waved me off and told me to stop back when I got them mounted so they could see them on the bike. Walked away with a handshake. Worked out pretty well. My next stops were to be the auto supply stores to rent an expander or Harbor Freight to buy a cheapie one.
  13. Maybe I should move my rock collection into the gun vault. But I never expected the day I'd see Twinkies going for $45.00 a boxes either.
  14. My dad gave the safety course when he caught me throwing rocks. Didn't take no 40 hours either. That belt hurt!
  15. And another one........... Just when I was starting to worry the world had gone nuts......now I'm convinced. http://www.ebay.com/itm/160953713972?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 This one looks a bit pricey.
  16. My advice is DON"t DO THAT!!! Take it from a guy that went from 398 lbs to 270. It took a while but I got there. May have some more to lose. It's a battle every day. But my point is...... the daily weight checks ......... you will find them depressing. Once a month is good enough, once a week (as stated in your post) will show some minor results. But the lack of changes from day to day, up or down, will make you second guess yourself or fail to follow the orignal plan. Good luck on your journey. Mike
  17. I've been sitting back watching all the info over the proposed weapons bans over the last few weeks. Won't even go there. No desire or need to. Don't intend to either. So please keep with my theme. But I ran across this listing this morning on eBay and it cracked me up. It's nice to see someone still is keepinng a sense of humor during all this. Found it a little late to post the link but made a couple .pdf files of it. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Tactical-Assault-Rock-from-CroMagnum-Arms-International-CAI-/261153926569?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&nma=true&si=8aRuiXd0wPHlQiprQbVkPlE1YQk%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc The questions posted at the bottom of the listing were the best. Some people can still laugh about all this. The seller even has a Assault Spork listed. http://www.ebay.com/itm/261153740945?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 Mike
  18. Then I used 7/8" and Bob went bigger. Been a while.
  19. On the sections for the hand grips it's 7/8" if I remember right. For the Snagglestuds I think Bob used 7/8" stock also.
  20. Me, I like a little more direct approach.......
  21. I ordered my DEKA from Bohannon's I think over four seasons ago. It was $82.00 back then shipped to my door here in Nebraska. Had it threes days after I ordered it. No regrets at all. It's a 12.8 volt battery and that is the least it showed on my digital voltmeter every time I hit the switch. I've never had to use a Tender on it for any reason. Never had a need to. I was in the garage this morning and checked the reading. It was at 12.6 and hasn't been touched in over a month. That's on a four+ year old battery. Fired right up. Some claim you can get 10 years out of an AGM if cared for. I'm hoping. I've paid over $120.00 for a Name Brand L/A and only got a season or two out of it. I'm liking this one alot. I know you'll like it. Mike
  22. Yep, sounds like the end is getting close. I think my favorite people to deal with are in your state, if not area. Check out Bohannon for the ETX20L for your bike. Josh is great to talk to there. http://www.bohannonbattery.com/html/deka/etx20l.html You can't beat the DEKA AGM's for the CCA, money, quality or performance. Mike
  23. I keep hearing stories about that stuff...........
  24. Also, if you're in the mood to play with the diaphrams before replacing them, check this thread. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=71496 If they aren't totally dried and cracked it might get you running. I've done this on several bikes with very good results. This spray will seal all the lil holes and seems to revitalize the rubber a bit giving it a lil more flex. Not a permanent fix, but it holds up very well. Still have one set in my '84. Mike
  25. Does the canister look like the black one in the pic? Is so, it's a California model. I can't help you with that but someone else should come along with more info. The middle .pdf file is the drain line mod from the air box. Nothing to do with the carbs directly but more hose confusion for a new owner. Mike
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