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Everything posted by Snaggletooth

  1. Yep, it does the job. That and a PVC seal driver works pretty well. Check your local listing for Tool Warehouses. I bought my 17mm for about $20.00.
  2. You might feel right at home at one of our Renaissance Faire and Medieval Pageants. But no hope for plucking the yew here....... not safe for the public.
  3. "A small amount of RTV on the plug and the wires will aid in preventing oil leakage." Boy did I screw up! I used a LOT!! Just kiddin' Camos. Well kinda. I was very "liberal" with the stuff. I took no chances. Seems to have worked. BTW, good post. Mike
  4. I've been reading these posts since the first one. Why not? I'm interested in the subject. Over the years here I've read about every post made on all kinds of motorcycles (Yes, the theme of the place), photography, guitars, airplanes, boats, archery, fishing, dogs , cats, insane road trips and yes, even guns. Some of these are popluar subjects with the members here. Some are not everyones cup of tea and some hold no interest to some of the others at all. But they still get discussed and in my view they are all handled in a civil manner. Ok, some fur has been ruffled a few times but nobody died from it. I guess this is where, and actually the only part of your post that concerned me was your statement, (or even of being shot!) I'm sorry you see some of us that way. I really am. This crew for the most part is one of the most open minded, reasonable, rational groups I assosicate myself with. And that's where I'll leave it. But your statement seemed a bit harsh to me. Mike
  5. Yeppers
  6. Great idea, some good points to it. The search seems to lump everything together and don't seem to identify the partys group they are with in the display. Being available to ALL the groups is not attractive. Be a nice touch to be able to access our VR info that way.
  7. Oh yeah, a note on that drain valve. You need to completely remove that screw on the side of the drain valve housing in order to remove the valve body. When you go to remove that screw...... wrap a rag around the valve housing. There is a steel detent ball and a spring behind the screw and they can, will and probably pop out. I know a few of us have crawled around on the floor trying to find them. The screw is shaped on the end so it's not a drop-in with another screw to replace the lost one. A new shaped, SS screw is part of Earls repair kit.
  8. Nebraska requires a helmet for all. I can run across the bridge into Iowa and go without when I feel like the breeze in my hair. I think Iowa still requires a helmet for those 17 and under. These day I don't go without very often and I won't let my daughter on the bike without one no matter where we are. I keep it fair. If I say she has to wear hers, I wear mine to. She thinks I'm an old fuddy duddy as I make her wear jeans, riding jacket, boots, gloves and a helmet when she's with me while she's watching the cruiser and crotch crowd blowng past us in flip flops, shorts and halter tops. She's catching on. She's seen the results of some pavement slides. She's learning the price you pay.
  9. I was able to reuse the exhaust gasket a couple of times as it stayed in the head and didn't appear to be damaged. The third time I replaced it. I figured my luck was running thin. That drain valve leak has freaked a few out. I installed a lower chin from an '86 on my '84. The first time I moved it the next spring I had antifreeze pouring out of the bike. That little drip left quite a bit of antifreeze sitting inside the chin. Made quite a mess and took me a while to figure out where it was coming from. Earls kit fixed me right up. not a drip since even in below zero storage. You're going to enjoy that new 4 brush to. Makes a heck of a differnce. Drop a DEKA AGM battey behind that and you're done worrying about starting.
  10. Niffty lil phrase ain't it? Can be applied to about everything. I'm getting to the point where it's turned into "Before I get in there" and then "I didn't know that was in there".
  11. Here is the one replacement I used. NAPA 156. This thread might be helpful also. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=40737&highlight=NAPA+thermostat
  12. Hate to be the one to tell ya but.....No. The thermo cover does have to come off to get the starter back far enough to remove it. Very tight in there to remove the two bolts on the cover. Can be a bit of a trick if the bolts in there are Phillips heads. Make sure to replace them with Allen heads for the future. I usually loosen the right front header pipe for a little extra room to. You probably want to replace the o-ring on that cover while your in there and never hurts to replace the thermostat at the same time. I've got a NAPA number around here somewhere for one that fits. As long as you're in there you might concider putting a new o-ring on the drain valve also. They are known to be a weak spot, mostly during the colder months. Skydoc_17, Earl on the site has carried a nice little kit for that valve. Takes care of the problem. He can help you with other parts you'll need as well. Doing the thermo, o-rings and 4 brush starter all together will probably be the only time you will need to go there again for quite a while.
  13. The '84 is a plug in bulb. Popular replacement is the SilverStar Ultra. About $15.00 or so. Gives a much better light than the stock bulb. HID is a good upgrade but there are a couple of tricks that need to go with that due to the headlight cutoff on the starting system. Someone will probaly be able to answer what they had done with that. There are several ways to improve the lighting from cheap to ahh damn! I believe the HID would give you more lighting and less amp draw on the system. The first pic is the pattern from the SilverStar Ultra on high. I went with ahh damn. Hella 90mm projectors.
  14. Ain't that the truth. "Used gently by caring owner. Ratings dropped harshly."
  15. I would have to guess that having a moisture filter AND wearing a mask at the same time would be difficult.
  16. Login on PP. Go to "Send" money. Enter Dons e-mail address he posted in his thread. dnelson@venturerider.org Enter amount of payment in USD. Choose the type of transaction (You want to use "Personal" so there are NO fees) Mark it as "Payment Owed" After "Continue", in the note section enter your club user name, your actual name and mailing address. And what you ordered and how many. That should get you there. Remember any time you are sending a payment to members to always use "Personal". It's the only way to send money without a fee being paid out of the amount you send. One of the few Freebies left in the world.
  17. Now that's the best fence sittin' I've seen in a long time.
  18. What else would you expect from a sport that gives you a stick and lets you beat up the other guy and nobody call the cops? God Bless 'em. You got to admire honesty these days.
  19. You're working backwards from what I was doing. I'd found several very small cracks on the top half of the trunk body at the corners. I used JB Weld and worked it into the cracks from the inside. (before I started using epoxy like I should have done) Got all the cracks sealed and it was still getting wet inside. Then I replaced the rubber seal in the trim and that took care of it. It's nice having a dry trunk.
  20. LOL. Just been reflecting on what's available for smaller rentals around here. Depressing. It's not late! Wait... your right. It's kinda been a long day. Been out plowing snow. Going back out in a while to do some more.
  21. 1 bdrm apartment Perfect for college student! Quiet building, close to parks and public transportation Private secure entrance Exposed brick Fireplace Spacious furnished bedroom Overhead lighting Stainless steel appliances Plenty of closet space Month to month No pets Non-smoker prefered Wow! Talk about a man cave!
  22. Throw some change on top of the tank cover and watch where it goes. It's like playing Plinko. It's weird where stuff wanders off to on a bikes. I feel cheated, All I've found is nuts, bolts, screws, washers and paperclips.
  23. I hear ya on Atlanta. I was there passing through back in the mid 70's and it started to snow. Big wet flakes that melted as they hit. I was fueling my truck and the folks at the stop were near panic. Standing around under the awnings looking like a bunch of chickens in the rain. They hadn't seen snow there in decades. By the time I left the city that day they had closed all the schools, goverment offices and most businesses had closed and sent everybody home. Still nothing sticking on the roads and a just a little on the grass. Something to see when you lived in the midwest. Funny stuff.
  24. Ok, got a couple of CT50 owners asking me to get their bikes ready for spring. I got the basic stuff lined up but the thing hanging me up is the air fllters. They are both due to be changed and the owners are asking about the K&N filters. So I started checking around. The issue I ran into is from what I'm reading on other Suzuki CT500 800cc forums is the K&N's seem to be frowned upon. Don't sound like a R&R swap em out replacement. Seems to be an issue with the filters causing the bikes to run to lean without modding the air box or rejetting. Ain't going there. Any info on that? And as long as I'm here asking questions, any preferred choice on spark plugs on these? Thanks Mike
  25. I just talked to my Bro-in-law a while ago over in Lathrop, MO., just a bit NE of KC. Said they were having a bit of a white out going on there with concerns about sleet and ice to follow. It ain't all that great up here in Omaha either at the moment. Stay warm and safe down there and enjoy your visit with your family. Mike
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