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Everything posted by Snaggletooth

  1. I agree... but we don't a "Scary as He[[" section do we?
  2. Ok, looks like the ball is rolling. I heard back from the provider I'm working with and he wanted me to get a set of cables over to him to set up and see what the costs would be to build them. So those will be headed his way on Monday. More as it happens.....
  3. In my younger days that would have been a snack. My boss took me the Big Texan I think is it was in Amarillo once, They had a 72 oz. steak dinner with all the trimming. The hook was if you finished everything in less than and hour it was free. Got the steak down ok but the potato damn near killed me. Never saw a baked football before. Boss man paid for lunch that time. I felt kind of out of place there. I think I was the only person there wearing pants with a 32" waist. These days.......I'd blend in a lot better. That said I'll stick to the beef up our way. That grass fed stuff down south takes to long to chew up.
  4. Quite a few companies have tried them. Some are doing it now. Ever notice the back of a UPS van? Pretty much a field of view for backing up to a dock or something very close to the rear door. Not such a long range view for traffic behind them. Most had problems with electrical power issues through the trailers wiring. The wireless system images were iffy at best. The biggest problem was the same as cars, only worse. Keeping the lens clean. All the muck on the road and the top of the trailer blows right over the back of the trailer. Then ask a truckline how they feel about adding another expense to the operation. Most will try to run over you.
  5. Glad you dodged the bullet on that one. It's a tough spot to be in rather the tractor is pulling a trailer or not. I was in the trucking industry for 26 years and as rider it gave me more awareness of the "being seen" issue. When in stop and go traffic behind tractor/trailer rigs, step vans, or smaller trailers when the vehicle stopped I would place myself directly in line with the drivers side mirror with the high beams on and far enough back to have an escape route. I've had a few times where trucks have rolled back where I had to jump the bike forward to move beside them rather than end up under them. When I was teaching safety during orientation classes the subject of motorcycle awareness was always discussed. The owner of the company thought it was a waste of time and it didn't need to be done. One day I parked my Gold Wing in his personal and well marked parking spot. I was in my office when he came charging in and started blasting me about parking there. "I almost ran over your *&%$ motorcycle.............!!" and it hit him. He hadn't looked. Never heard another word about the time I spent on the subject in classes. That time may have saved him some insurance claims. That famous "NO ZONE" is a whole lot bigger when you're on a bike.
  6. I've seen a few posts lately with questions about what is available for battery cable upgrades. We have had some members here in the past that were able to build these sets for us but it looks like they are no longer involved with that project. If I'm wrong give me a shout. I don't want to step in on anyones sales. But it got me to make contact with a provider I have dealt with and looking into having him make 4 ga cable sets fitted to the 1st gen Venture. I'm waiting to hear back from him and making arrangments to send him a set of cables as a template if he wants to do this. At this point I can not give any idea of the cost until he agrees and receives the set being sent to him. So if you're not in a huge rush to get the cables give me a few days and I'll post here with any new information as it comes along. Hopefully this might turn into a steady, reliable and affordable source if it works out. I'll try to keep this updated as things happen or don't. It's only in the idea stage at this point. If you have any interest in a upgrade set post here and I can keep track of how many might be needed. Mike Interested Members: Bill W. Squidley bendtdj gwashorn adventure 08 Jayceesfolly wstuard tommyp61 Dizzle223 Flyinfool lwinders tz89 frankd timgray johnnycruiser Goose68 alvald83 SemiRetired robclark63
  7. I remember chasing that problem.
  8. You won't regret the change to a 4 brush. Nope. My '84 was terrible about hot starts. Had to wait for it to cool down. I started by doing the heavy guage cables. Helped a little. Rebuilt the 2 brush and installed new brushs. Even did the ground mod. Helped a little more until the starter burned out. (long story there about cheap brushs) Installed the DEKA AGM. Big boost with that. After the starter fried I changed to the 4 brush. Been about 3 years now with no issues. Perfect start hot or cold any time. While you have that all apart inspect those cable all the way from the battery to the ground on the motor. Every connection and end. If there is any doubt replace the cable. They can be the weakest link no matter how good the other components are.
  9. I asked for it and walked right into it. Had it coming.
  10. Ahh Ha! I'll bet your the one paysaw was talking about. Thanks for the pic and I'm covered on what I needed.
  11. Bingo!! That's the shot I needed. I have a NOS chrome center section I was going to list but no shot of where it goes. Thanks Gary
  12. There is a trunk bumper rail that is two 1/2 chrome rails a couple inches apart (and they had matching lower light rails for the bottom also at one time) that wrap around the trunk. I've got dozen of pics of bikes from this site and I don't have any of this set up. No need to pull your bags as these sit much higer up. But thanks for the offer.
  13. Dang. Don't look like he's a member anymore. Thanls anyway.
  14. What? No fish eye lens? Never mind...... bad idea. Really, really bad idea.
  15. Yeah, kinda weird. i was expecting somebody to get cheeky by now.
  16. It's nice to find a place like that now and then. I've found some of the best places to eat in the most forsaken places. There was a place just south of Gavins Point Dam on Hwy 12 on the Nebraska side. Cinder block building set back in the trees. Could hardly notice it from the road. Inside it was set up like a garden and the food was incredible. We had Lobster and steak with all the trimmings and drinks and it was less than $50.00 for the two of us. But that was 25 years ago. Need to see if they're still around.
  17. I need a pic of a 1st gen either MKI or MKII that has a twin rail bumper on the trunk. With or without lights don't matter. So a nice rear shot of the trunk and rail. Thanks
  18. Yep, here are a couple threads on the starter engage upgrade available from our Dano. The OEM engage is not all the tough. I'd done two rebuilds in mine and was headed into the third one when Squeeze and Dano put this together. It is the final fix for the problem. No more slip, bang, knock or rattle ever again. This was Danos original post http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=44547 This was after I installed mine. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=45768 Something to consider if not this time, the next time for sure. Mike
  19. Hello Brandon and . Well, you came to the right place for info, advice and education on the Ventures. Got a good bunch of folks here with a wealth of knowledge on these bikes. There have been a few bobber projects by members here and a couple just recently. I'm sure you'll run across their posts before long. I got to admit the idea of no tupperware is attactive at times when when working on these bikes. There is a lot of it. So welcome and enjoy the site. Mike
  20. I know someone here located the DEKA's up your way. You might check auto parts suppliers around for a Big Crank ETX20L. Same battery under another label. I've seen some sled dealers selling them to. I hope you can find one for under $130.00.
  21. I belive I used all 1 1/2" PVC. Pipe End cap Coupler Hex end adaptor (ground off points of hex to fit inside the lower leg.) The hex end adds some thinkness to the wall for a solid surface against the seal retainer washer.
  22. The early XS1100's had the same issue also.
  23. No idea on the total production counts but the 2nd gear issue was resolved about the middle of the '85 line. Somebody had a post on here long ago with the Serial # when the change was made to the new thrust washer that resolved the issue.
  24. I don't know about your neighborhood but mine has been getting a little rough lately. Always have liked sun roofs. Knew that was a good reason for them.
  25. A few pics of mine. Make sure to shape the inside of the coupler to clear the lip of the seal and use the upper steel retaining washer between the seal and the driver when installling the seal. Been using this one for about 3 years now on several projects with no problems.
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