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Everything posted by Snaggletooth

  1. Crossing in front of me I could put up with. One that wants to meet me.... not so much.
  2. HI JACK!!! Well that's two things they will cause ya trouble, but I hope this is no problem. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Looking good for an old bird.
  3. Happy to hear you got that whipped. How did you end up getting it to work?
  4. You kind of have to figure several things into play. The tank is 5.3 gallons. What is your average MPG and how far have you traveled since the last fill up? Hard fast numbers for ya? Not carved in stone no matter how you look at it. If you're stopping for fuel by the gauge it even gets more cloudy. Too many variables from the accuracy of the gauge. I usually stop around the time the red fuel warning light stops flashing and goes steady. That is roughly between 136 and 160 depending on how I've been riding. That's at the end of the last bar. Most the time between 3.5 and 4 gallons at that point. I have run up to 236 miles on the odo and stopped when my nerves ran out. It took exactly 5 gallons that time. Still had .3 gallons by the book, but how much of that would have drawn from the tank. So I'm pretty much one of the guys that sticks it in and lets it shut off. Maybe give it a squirt or two but I'm not going to fuss over it. Once you get used to the fuel rate being used you'll feel better about how much you jsut put in and how far you can go with it. Mike
  5. This was one I started with the first time I dug into my carbs. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=54
  6. What in the world is going on today with bacon? Just flipped thought the channels and there it was. New to me but......... Chocolate covered bacon. Really?
  7. I really can't argue with that. But for the price of the All Beef dogs, a steak is a reasonable opition. Then I could pan fry it in bacon fat. Maybe I need help
  8. I have a rule. If I'm pretty sure nobody died from eating it, I don't read the ingredients any more. If I did I'd probabaly starve to death. I just have bacon issues.
  9. What a way to start the morning. Hungry. The news is on. The drooling starts. I'm getting dressed to head to the grocery store. Something I need to pickup. Never mind, back to bed. Won't be available until June. Kraft has unveiled several new hot dog flavors, including a "Bacon Dog," made with hardwood-smoked Oscar Mayer bacon. I'm not that big of a fan of hot dogs but these might be interesting. Did I mention I like bacon? I guess maybe I could have some sausage and eggs to tide me over.
  10. If it's on both tires, and they looks clean and shiny I suspect the PO many have treated the tires with a tire cleaning and dressing agent. That does darken the rubber and leave a coating. If you look at the directions on these types of cleaners in the automotive stores they say NOT to use that product on motorcycle tires. It is slick and when the tire gets wet the residue may run into the contact area. But I'm just guessing on that. But it it's possible if you just got the bike.
  11. Sounds like you have a grip on it but I'm going to throw in one more thing. You mentioned the tires were "like new" and I don't know how long you you have actually had the bike. But you might want to check the date codes on the side walls to see how old they really are. A complete check of the tires conditon for wear, cracks and any damage of any kind will save you misery on the road. When I bought my '84 the tires did look brand new. Still casting nipples on them. But they were over 12 years old. Never put a mile on them. Just replaced them.
  12. Yes Sir!! That's the guy. Been bugging me all afternoon. Thank you.
  13. I know you are a driver and probably missed few on the road so I couldn't let this one pass. Happy Birthday!!! Mike
  14. I'm sorry to hear that. Never broke one but managed to relocate one of mine years back. No fun. Makes for a very distinctive method of moving. Get her fixed up and look after her. Hoping for a fast recovery. We will be thinking about her. Mike
  15. I had a buddy over this morning to help me move some stuff and he got talking about motorcycle speed records. He was remembering something about one set in a swimsuit. First thing at came to mind was Leslie Porterfield. Ok, I know that isn't right but it was the first thought I had. I guess you would call that wishful thinking. Ok....back to the subject. I know what he was talking about. It was a long time back, Salt Flats maybe, laying on his bike with this legs hanging off the back wearing nothing but a swimsuit. I can recall the pictures of him on the bike but not his name or when it was. Well, back before they required safety gear anyway. Who was this guy? Mike
  16. Of all the products you can buy Seafoam is one of the few that make claims of outstanding results and actually lives up to them. It's no miracle cure, but it does more than many other products. One of the best out there to break down the gunk and fuel varnish that cause so many carb poblems. A lot of us have had great results with bikes that have not run in years to get the carbs working again. A regular small dose every few tanks helps keep the system clean. Many use it with a full tank of gas over winter storgage to know it will fire up in the spring. Bikes, car, lawn mowers, or boats, it's a product to have on hand. They also produce a product called Deep Creep. A penatrating oil. Worth looking into. Yeah, you'll see a lot of the guys talking about the stuff. It works. Don't ya think Yammer?
  17. Tough trip for the deer but the one poor passenger in the back was grabbing their bag and wishing they had flown. Driver was the lucky one.
  18. Dang Monty ya made me look. 15/40 as well. Fixed.
  19. Yep on the Ventureline mounts, they do show up on eBay every now and then. I ran across a set that was a bit different a year or so ago. They were straight instead of curved but mount the same, clear everthing fine and rock solid with the 4 1/2" lights. At first I thought they were very well done home made ones but I since then I've seen another set show up in the listings. I have no idea what they were made or intended for but they to the job. I like the odd stuff. Since nobody knows what it is so it sells cheap. Got my dang near new and complete backrest from a Yamaha "Vista" listing.
  20. You're gonna like having the Wolos on there. I run the pair of Fiams but when I can put a soccermom on the curb instead of me I call it a good day. I get a lot of comments on the Hella mod with the drivings lights running during the day. It does stand out, even if it looks a bit lopsided. You ended up with yours rigged to run both Hellas at the same time didn't you? Mike
  21. And Howdy, Well glad to have you onboard. You found a great place to be. You have questions, we usullay can get you the right answer. Air ride problems, can fix most of them with a soldering pencil. Head bearing adjustment, we have the man that makes the tool for that. Tires? Oh yeah, we talk about tires. Save some time and search tires. Lots of comments on tires. If you get bored you can ask about oil. Can't find a part we can help point you in the right direction. You will not only find the bike addictive, but the bunch here is a bit entertaining also. But look around, ask questions and enjoy the ride. Mike
  22. Never ends does it? Had one of the local dealers here that were pulling the o-rings that came with the OEM oil filters and putting them in a ZipLock and charging extra for them. Got to keep your thumb on them boys all the time.
  23. The rule of thumb for braking pressure is 30% for the rear and 70% for the front. By losing the left side front you are losing a chunk of that 70%. Why did he do it? Ya never know. But I'd say fix it no doubt about it. You have opitions. Replace the line or install a delink kit and tie the two fronts together.
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