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Everything posted by Snaggletooth

  1. Be a good idea unless you have a lot of kitty litter.
  2. Hey Josh, Thanks for all the information. You sold me on the ETX18L. You have an order on your site. Be looking forward to seeing how well the lil criitter works out. Thanks again. Mike
  3. Geesh Bongo......don't you ever sleep either? LOL!
  4. I'm in for the fender extensions. And I like to see a pic of the bumper.
  5. What highwaypeg needs right now is a support group! She needs FRIENDS!!!!!! She needs a bunch of people to befriend her and let her AND the dorag guy she's married to that the people have spoken. NO SPORTSTER!!!! highwaypeg.......you want some more friends? We are here for you. Snaggletooth
  6. Just remind him someone has to have a reliable bike to carry the tools for him.
  7. I wish I was 28 again. I played a lot of hockey over the years and still ice skate whenever I can during the winter months to keep an edge. Good workout. I got to helping out a local club this winter with a bunch of 16 and 17 year old young men. OK, they are faster, quicker and can change directions a lot faster than I can these days but.........they need to learn that when you tangle with a 54 year old, 6'2", 280 lb. guy the meaning of "check" is "lay down now". Kids! They thought I was going to be an easy mark. Heh, heh, heh. But after the workouts I waited for everybody to leave so they wouldn't see me crawling to my car. I just don't bounce like I used to. But at your age the workout would be great for you. I'd go for it. It can't be anything but a good time one way or the other.
  8. Hey Josh. Ok, as a battery guy, answer me this. In your opinion, between the Deka ETX18L and the Odessy 680, what are the pros and cons on these two for the Venture other than the 680 is smaller and costs a bit more. Which one will have the longer usage life (under normal use) and the highest dependability? After my experiences yesterday I'd like to hear from somebody that can answer some simple questions. Thanks. Mike
  9. Went shopping today for a battery. I went to the location listed on the Deka site for Omaha and well, it isn't there. Long gone. New location and they only handle the Deka Industrial batteries. Oh well. Tried two parts houses that I deal with on a regular basis and neither one had Deka but when I gave them the specs on what I wanted they both tried to sell me lead/acid batteries. I reminded them I wanted AGM and was told that that the lead/acids were just as good. I told one counter guy that I wanted to mount the battery on it's side so I needed a sealed battery. (I lied) He told me to make sure the caps were in real tight!!!! What the *&%^? And these people are allowed to sell batteries? Good Lord. I asked another one about the Odessy........his answer. "Is that for the Honda?" I might stop by the Interstate store tomorrow if I'm to facing more stupid answers. Where do these people come from?
  10. Hey Jack. I'm upgrading to the higher output stator and have installed a digital voltmeter to keep an eye on things. I changed the rec/reg last year because of charging problems. But due to the problems I am having battery problems so I'm looking to the AGM options after everything is upgraded. So my question is the charging technology is different for the AGM isn't it? As far as a battery tender anyway. With the colder weather here I use one a lot. I'm waiting with great interest to see what your opinion is on this new battery that you ordered. May go that way if it turns out for the good.
  11. I was able to catch those. Not too bad of a deal for two set of two NOS lens covers. When I bought my rear light bar a couple had cracks so I pulled them all off. Now they are going back on. Don't see them much and no shop around here carries the minis. Got a few with the large in stock. Hey Bongo, you get that master in the wind. Got my SS lines on and holding on the the master. Let me know. Thanks.
  12. Awaiting the verdit on this myself.
  13. I started using Ergo air filters a couple of years ago. They are the same configuration as the stock filter at about 1/2 the price. I found my first one on eBay for $19.00 and then found a source that had them for about the same price. I'll find a part number when I get out to the garage. They seem to be working just fine and at that price I don't grumble too much aout changing them.
  14. Well Howdy. Been though that situation myself with mine. I got to admit if I had the chance at the time to by a set of new tubes for $265.00 I may have went that way myself. But I went eBay and it worked out fine. You got to figure you're buying a set of forks and you only need 1 side.....50/50 you have a good one for sure. There are at least two sets that I saw today for really fair prices but that can change in a hurry if they look good. No matter if they state no leaking you are going to want to install new seals before putting them on the bike. Cheap insurance. Look close at the pics on eBay for pitting and don't be afraid to ask for more pics and ask questions. A good seller will tell up straight up where it is and how bad. Above the wear points I wouldn't worry too much. In the working area it needs to be good. If you can grab a set for less than a $100.00 that is not bad. If nobody is bidding they may of asked a question that you didn't. And enjoy the Progressives. It's an great change to make to the bike. My question on the aftermarkets is are they ported for the air suspension collars? Who makes them? Mike
  15. We have so many to the intersections here on the newer highways with the sensors that it will make ya gring your teeth. They simply do not pick up on a bike. Even these overgrown scoots we ride. The only thing that I have found that will actually trip one in the line up on the roadbed sensor and drop the side stand and lean on it. The light will change in the next cycle. A riding buddy had the Green light trigger on his and it does nothing.
  16. I finally got mine hung on the bike after I got that flange fixed on the slip-on end on the one pipe. It was crushed about 1/3 of the way closed. Couple of minutes at the muffler shop took care of that. They hung straight and look to be the same on both sides. Nothing really out of line. I have to put my rear light bar back on yet so I still have to see how all that clears. But as far as the finish, it's good. No rust anyway. And they sound good for idle and revving sitting in the garage. Still haven't have her out on the road yet. Still got more work to do before the big 1st ride of the season. All in all it's good. Mike
  17. Only one holdup today? I'm moving there ASAP! It's nuts here in Omaha. The best one today was a holdup attempt at a gas station where an police officer was filling his car at the pump. The robber didn't notice the officer was standing behind him when he pulled the gun. Didn't work out so well for the bad guy. LOL! I never said these crooks were bright........just a lot of them here.
  18. Changing from stock pipes to a set of Macs resently I gotta say.......oh yeah! I love the change. Louder by a bit but a nice rumble to them running down the road.
  19. Take a look at this sight. Not the same but might be some useful info for you on it. http://home.ptd.net/~theragos/index.htm
  20. Here are the different specs on '83 and '84 TCI's These specs are from the original spec sheets I found. 26H is from an 83. 5*@1000 rpm and 32*@7000 rpm. 41R is from an 84. 5*@1000 rpm and 32*@4500 rpm.
  21. The '83 TCI is all alone. I ended up with one by accident and tried it. My '84 started and idled fine but I believe it's the advance curve specs that are different. I had the specs on an old post somewhere. If I can find them I'll post them. As a replacement on an '84....won't work for the long run.
  22. Well the master should feel at home at least. Another blonde! I was just looking at your album and wanted to ask what kind of windshield you have. I like the width on it.
  23. It's been a lot of years since I've been bow hunting. I had a short brush setup called a Warthog. Nasty little thing but dead accurate. Took a few deer and something the cajun crazies I hung out with called a "pig". Didn't look like a pig to me. Looked like a demon from hades just before it went down. Tasted like it to.
  24. Hey Red.. Just curious.....where did you run across those chrome clutch and brake master covers? Never seen them before. Might have to get into a shooting match on those. Me wanty. Mike
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