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Everything posted by Snaggletooth

  1. Yeah I know Rocket. Problem is I get up a 2:30 AM every day. I was 12 hours into my day when that happened. Right in the middle of my power nap. LOL! Bob knows when I pass out everytime then tries to give stuff away when I'm sleeping. He's good. Later
  2. Refresh my memory here will ya guys. I think Kilroy was before my time but if I remember right he originated during WWII didn't he? It was a way that GI's marked where they had been wasn't it? Just digging in my grey matter. Damned dust bunnies!
  3. Ok....this is it......no more.....the trunk is done. Made up a partition to fit on the left side out of 1/4" foam core and covered it with the same liner. Fits into place and it tied down with a couple of pieces of Velcro hook tape. It sticks to the liner well. Found an organizer at Wally World that fits perfect in the center. Both lift out if I need more room on a trip. This is for my daily runs and shorty trips. The half helmet still sits on top of the organizer with room to spare.
  4. Ahh.....you guys are special. Real buddies ya know. Right off the short bus. LOL!
  5. Damn..... Always napping. PM sent anyway.
  6. (Now watch what happenes) Woman and phones! You know what that's like right. Yak yak yak!!! (And that's when the fight started) Mine put 24 hours talk time on her phone in the first week she had it and about the same for each week for the next month. I think she finally got tired of talking. What? Nah! I've had my current cell since she got her first. I just checked. I've got 62 hours, 53 minutes and 19 seconds on mine. That's over four years. Average call on mine: "Hey, Hi. Yeah, Thanks. Sure. See ya later." Click.
  7. Touch base with Squeeze on the V-Max rims. I think he's done something like that.
  8. You have Cricket up there Jack? When I got my daughter her first phone I was concerned about her er......self control.....on call times. Cricket has no contract and a variety of phones. Unlimited everything for a fixed rate every month. She survives primarly on texting, as I do because of my hearing loss, and she simply wears out the key pad. She's on her 4th phone in 4 years. I paid for the insurance and they have replaced every phone for $50.00 each. She turns 18 next month and she asked me what she was getting. Responsibility! I'm going to give her some personal freedom and she can have her own service and pay for it out of her own account. Not so sure that was what she wanted. LOL! But Cricket is a limited coverage area deal. If you're in the a primary coverage area she's good to go. She can't wander too far from home as the phone drops service out side of the area. With my daughter I see is as kind of an electronic leash. Heh heh. I offered to give her one of my old phones but she wanted no part of that.
  9. Congrats there Randy. You're doing good. Take it from a guy that was topping out at 398 lbs 6 years ago, it's an every day challenge. I'm at 285 now and hoping to get to 250 one of these days. Going from ripping the button off of a pair of 58" waist pants to sliding into an old pair of 38" jeans is pretty satisfiying. I got a pair of 34"s on standby..........I'll get there. Hang in there. Mike
  10. Ouch!.......already did yours huh?
  11. Mine arrived today. Nicely done Gary. Thanks. Mike
  12. Hey Erick, Try your luck at a West Lake / Ace Hardware store. That is where I bought mine. I think they were about $6.00 or $7.00 bucks each. Pick up some thick hardened washers to go under the bolt heads to. A standard washer will pucker right up when you crank on these things. They don't slide off like a harmonic balancer I'll tell ya. LOL! An Flyinfool.........it will be back soon. You can do it. It's snowing again here a bit and it's still around the mid 20's. Be a while before I hit the streets again. Decided last night that I'm going to finish all my other projects before I put the engage back in. I know......for a fact......that as soon as this old girl fires up I'm gonna be wanting to ride. Might as well have everything ready to go. So with that said......back to doing my saddlebags.
  13. Well Dano, it arrived today. Nice work my friend! Couldn't have hoped for an better job. You rock dude!!!!! Now to find time to install the thing. Later Mike
  14. Howdy Bryan, Hey! We never did manage to get together last summer did we. Oh well...the life of working stiffs. Hey ya know.....why can't ya? If you are allowed to play with sharp objects without parental supervision and have a tolerance for adhesive fumes.....or enjoy them.....you to can be a man cave interior designer! You see rather you are building a coffee table from a V-8 or sticking a rug in a trunk.....the artist will be revealed! But then again I think it helps if you are a Gemini. ahh.....yep.....it's the fumes. I gotta go turn a fan on.
  15. I found out......by accident.....that the NAPA spray gasket remover takes that coating that has yellowed off in minutes. I was installing the new stator and the gaskets were pretty well baked on. I flipped the cover over and sprayed a light coat of the remover and let it sit about 5 minutes. The gaskets peeled right off and when I turned it over the coating had blistered up and was peeling off. Worked out fine for me as I was going to polish them anyway. To mask off a section use a couple of layers of masking tape and aluminum foil. Don't leave the tape on long or it will be sliding off to.
  16. Well Deb.....at least he's organized. Must be a Midwest thing.
  17. Hey ya Squeeze... And it's gonna get worse I'm afraid. Been watching the thread on the trunk organizers and I liked the one with the plexi divider on the left side. So......back to the drawing board. I was watching my neighbor the other night opening the cover on his pickup with his remote control. Hit the button and the lil motor cranks the rams up and tips the cover up. Hummmm........wonder if that would work.......ah STOP IT!!!!! Still trying to figure out where the disco ball is going to mount up at. I need to get out for a while. I think the adhesive fumes are having an affect. You ever notice when you're not riding you're "fixing" something.
  18. Hey don't blame me! The PO bought it new in '84 and then it got stored for 9 years. And I'm planning on doing that as soon as I can get it started! (cough....cough) eh?
  19. Well Jack........I've been through about every storage box, zip lock baggie, tool box drawer, shelf, parts bin, my pockets and the trunk on my car. Sorry man, I can't find it. I have created a new storage bin labeled "Send to Condor" in case I find it. Mike
  20. Nice pic Dingy. You slip in a plug for your spanners did ya? LOL! (It's not subliminal. it's not sunlimina, it's not subliminal)
  21. Jeff.....how many miles you have on your bike? Opps......just saw the 40k. I'm at 52K on mine.
  22. Ohh yeeaaahhh.......Lookin' good! Come to Daddy! Squeeze........thanks for sharing this with us. And Dano.......what can I say? Nice job!!!! You guys better get awards for this one.
  23. Hey elag. The liner I used was from Wally World. All Purpose Replacement Carpet by OZITE. 36" x 72" rolls. They had black and gray but were not able to get the tan which was what I wanted. Used the best part of one roll for the trunk alone. I tried two different adhesives. I started with another product from Wally World called All Purpose Spray Adhesive by DURO. About $7.00 a can. Good mist and easy to apply and seem to stick very well when coating both the trunk and the back of the liner. I ran out of that so I grabbed a can from NAPA called Body Shop Heavy Duty Headliner and Carpet Adhesive. About $13.00 a can. It was a heavier spray and a lot more fiberous when applied. When you laid the liner section you had to pretty much be on the money the first time. It sticks really well. I had a few loose edges so I detailed the outer edges with Devcon Weldit All Purpose Cement and clamped the edges for a couple of hours. That's not going to come loose! I tried this before on another bike using felt. Didn't work out so well. The felt soaked up the adhesive and turned hard where it did. And the felt didn't wear very well. This liner material is not woven so it won't unravel and it is pretty flexible and easier to shape. Should hold up well in the long run. I hope.
  24. I forgot to mention I added a power lead to the trunk. I wanted to have a light installed in there. You know the game. You lose your keys. lighter, pliers, beer or ice cream money.....whatever, but first you have to find your flash light to find whatever you lost. Where's that at? ......in the trunk. The dark trunk. So I put together a project box with a 6 LED Pod and a flipper switch. It tucked in nicely under the latch panel. Wires run under the pad and though a small hole in the bottom of the trunk. I will patch it into the line for the LED marker lights I installed on the bike last year. I wondered if 6 LEDs would be enough light. Oh yeah! So if you ever come up on a blue glow on the side of the road late at night.......stop by and say hi!
  25. Well. I got the trunk lid pretty much finished up. Couple to things to detail out yet. The top was a lot tougher to fit than the bottom and it shows a bit in the seams but hey, it works. Coulda, shoulda, woulda ya know. But here for your entertainment is the final product.
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