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Everything posted by Snaggletooth

  1. That was what I said! The first time was to install the upgrade stator from Buckeye Performance. Decided as long as I was that far to check the starter engage. That was when I found the damaged springs and cracked body in that one. So ended up doing the stator, pickup coils and the engage. So with all this done......shouldn't have to open that puppy up again. As a side note.......on that Buckeye Stator..... One pic of the stator the day I received it and one pic of it after a year of use. No sign of over heating and looking good. Much unlike the old one that was 1/3 black and melted in spots.
  2. Yep.....Big and beefy! The PO figured out early in the game that the stock springs were junk. You got lucky on that. Saved a few bucks and don't have to do a "Must Do" mod right away. Now see if Condor still has one of his Condor Fork Braces, throw in some new seals and you can pretty much be done with them for quite a while.
  3. Hey Dale. Glad to see you back on. Hope all is going well for the family. Been wondering about you guys. Later Mike
  4. There ya go Dano........ What if our armed forces had a DEMO DAY!!!!? They bring their best of the best toys and we get to take 'em for a spin. Think anybody from here would be interested? I gotta write a letter to somebody and see if we can get this set up. If ya don't hear for me for a while............
  5. Dano.....you would not belive some of things that they put on your trailer and they just refuse to give you the keys!!!! Weird huh? The M-60 tank would have been a trip......but NOOOO!! They even locked the hatches to keep me out.
  6. Looks like the "New and Improved" crash trucks the airports use. I can't count how many of those things, and fire trucks I hauled over the years. They used to coat them with a wax for shipment to protect them. When you caught some rain they turned pink. Got some looks and a lot of radio chatter. Headed for the Gay Bay boys.......LOL!
  7. Pretty much looks like this one and the washer is in the right spot. Pinch bolts stand out.
  8. I've been using them lately for items I wanted to keep stock. Their prices are excellent on the things I have bought and they do a great job of keeping you in the loop on your order. No sitting around wondering if they forgot about ya or not. So far they seem like a great bunch of folks to work with. I'm sticking with 'em.
  9. These are the stock springs I took out of my '84. The Progressives or other upgrade spings will be almost as long as the stock sping AND the stock metal spacer together. The upgrades will be a heavier spring with a tighter wide....more coils. The PVC spacer that came with my Progressives was only about an 1 1/2 long and it was a bear to get the caps back in. But I made it work. HA!!! You use the orginal cupped washer off the top of the stock spings but flip it over on top of the upgrades and then the spacer on top of that. If you cut the spacer shorter than you want it you can always add extra washers later to increase the preload. No more dive on the front far enough to bottom and I plugged off the anti-dives on the bike. No need for them even with 0 pressure to the forks. If you need the spacers let me know. But I hope you have upgrades already. If not.....consider it as a good move. Mike
  10. Yeppers on the sealant!!! I use the NAPA High Temp Black. A thin coat on the cover side to hold the gasket in place while you put it back on and pack the stuff around the wires coming through the rubber gommet inside and out. Done this the last two times I've had it open and not a drop. Works good.
  11. Had me excited for second......... Anything in the works for us MKI ('83-'85) guys? Mike
  12. Hey Tarl. Even at that price you won't be disapointed. Just put mine back the the bike last weekend and it was only down to 95% after sitting since the second week of December. I keep a couple of spare lead/acids for bench testing and store several batteries for friends over the winter. I rotate a tender to the weakest one and check them every couple of weeks. The Deka AGM was the ONLY one that never needed a charge in all that time. Gave it a couple of hours charge at 2 amps and it was back to 100%. Shows 12.8 volts every morning and 100% charged when tested. It's only a year old but it had a tough season with my starting problems ast year but I've never had a lead/acid show this strong after a year of use. Happy cranking. Mike
  13. Nahhh.....nuttins that easy! LOL! What were you using? A 3/4 drive? 8 lbs sledge? :crackup: I'm sorry.......after my first big fight with mine.......I'm just envious. Well congrats on the first step. Going back on is a lot easier. You're going to be happy with it I know. Wish I could have done this mod three years ago. Mine was always the worst when it was cold. Slip and chatter like crazy. Now I go out in the morning, 15 degrees out, full choke, no throttle, hit the button and it's running before I take my finger off the button. Makes me grin. Mike
  14. Check out this site for LED bulbs. I got list going for doing the same thing with the dash and replacing the bulbs in my rear light bar. http://www.superbrightleds.com/cgi-bin/store/index.cgi?action=DispPage&Page2Disp=%2Fmini-wedge.html Hope it helps. Mike
  15. Hey Cap'n... You get that new puller and check it out yet? Mike
  16. You reminded me of that.....thanks. It used to be here in Nebraska you could get antique plates at 25 years old for a fixed lifetime fee. Vintage plates could be had at 30 years old. Looked it up tonight and they have changed things a bit. Only January for you.....beats the dickens out of our new restrictions.... Your vehicle qualifies for historical plates if it is at least 30 years old and displays minimal modifications. Vintage Plates Vintage plates, derivatives of historical plates, correspond to the vehicle’s model year. Unlike historical plates, you only receive one vintage plate to display on the rear of your vehicle. Restrictions You cannot apply if you don’t have at least one other vehicle registered in Nebraska. Your vehicle can only be used for parades, test drives and hobby-related activities. It cannot be used for regular daily transportation.
  17. Getting your full weight onto the center stand is the whole trick to it. Make sure you have both pads hitting the ground and pump that stand leg down with your right leg. Lifting on the bag guard helps but you shouldn't be straining to do it. Let your body weight do the work. You'll be surprised how easy it happens when you get the hang of it.
  18. "Now when i get this done my bike will be done" :rotf: I'm not restoring my bike.....I'm building a new one!!!
  19. Yeah Dano it was the Gremlins I told ya that!!!! That was just pure luck. But this time I just put a cardboard box with two shipping quilts in it under the rotor and let it drop in. Cap'n eddie......I hear ya. I had my old Snap-On harmonic puller and it did get a test. If your's has never been pulled it will put up a fight. I've had mine off 3 times now and it still has a good grip, but not like the first time. Like stated, but a BUNCH of padding under it or like I did with a cardboard box with quilts. The rotor assembly with the old engage will weigh a bit over 12 lbs. You DO NOT want it to land on the floor. When it comes off it is not a gradual thing. It don't slide off like a harmonic balancer. It fires off the crank with a bang and mine went better than a foot and a half away from the bike the first time. You ain't going to catch it in your hand. Well maybe, if you are a receiver for a Shot Put Team and really, really quick. LOL! But I went out this morning and tried it again. Like Christmas ya know. It was 20 degrees and the bike has never liked hooking up in the cold. It grabbed right on and fired after two trys. It's fixed. Hope ya'll like the mod as much as I do. Mike
  20. Hey 86er, Well you missed the first run on this one I guess. It's a new upgrade for the OEM starter engage clutch. It's not a fix for the old one.....it's a whole new assembly installed into the stock rotor....with a minor mod made to it. It gets machined for a 6 bolt mount rather than the stock 3 hole. Our member Squeeze has developed this for high performance racing motors with high compresion and came up with this that works on all the 1st gens and 1st gen V-Maxs. Our Dano here is the man doing the machine work and installing the new clutch assembly here Stateside. It's not the 3 roller engage we have now. It has 19 eliptical sprags that grip the surface of the 72 tooth ring gear, also replaced during this mod. But I got mine done and it grips like bandit. It's quality stuff for sure. But read the post that Dano had going and it will explain everything. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=44547 Mike
  21. Thanks Squeeze Had those pics on file for a long time. Went with best guess. I don't get out much.
  22. Some people just know how to party. These shots were from a rally in Siberia if I remember right. I like the ski outriggers myself........and tire chains...whoohoo! These guys would be fun at Sturgis..
  23. Ain't nuttin safe anymore anywhere. Jokers will grab anything they can carry......or drag away. I keep my bike and car in the garage all the time, even if I've just stopping by the house for a bit. The car goes in, lock the car doors, set the car alarm, check the two security cameras in the garage, check the motion detector for the flood light, close and lock the garage door. Pain in the butt when I'm just stopping in to grab something. And I live in a decent part of town. There was an interesting arrest here the other day. A young kid was busted for a bunch ofl purse snatchings all over town. Kids been a pain to the LEO's for a while. They got him and he's going to trial. He's facing 200 years for the crimes because people got hurt. Bail..........Nice.......$250,000! He's sticking around for court. What he will get far a sentence?......probably be a joke. Time served more than likely.
  24. Some of you have seen the thread on the upgraded starter enage clutch that was the brain child of Squeeze and assembled by Dano. If you have had problems with your engage slipping, chattering or banging this is the answer. I installed mine today and it works great. My bike has not been started since the second week of December and suffered through a lot of subzero temps sitting in the garage. The first crank was solid and no chattering or slipping. The second crank she was turning over like she has never done before. The third try I gave it half choke and it was instant on. Everytime I shut her down and hit the button it was instant on. No hesitation at all. This is my third engage since I bought the bike. And I do think it is going to be the last one the bike will ever need. This thing is a monster!! Pics tell the story. Thanks to Squeeze and Dano for sharing this project. Mike
  25. Hi Squeeze. That's one correct thought for the year so far. LOL! Working on my second one. And I'm shooting you a OM.
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