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Everything posted by Snaggletooth

  1. On the 2nd gear issue, only on '83, '84 and about halfway through '85 before they got it right. After that, no problem. It's a thrust washer on the second gear (too soft material) that wears and allows the bike to jump out of second under acceleration. Best test is to run the bike through first gear under load and shift into second and run up again under load. On a hard pull, if it's bad it will probably jump out. If not ......it hasn't gone bad yet ......or has been repaired. These bikes are so well powered that many just skip second gear and go to third directly. The common identifier is supposed to be a set of marks stamped into the engine case by the shop when repaired. I forget the location but someone will pop in with that. They tend to fail around the 60,000 to 70,000 mile mark. Some don't. I suppose it depends on how it was riden by the previous owners. I bought an '84 three years ago. No regrets. But keep in mind it is great to be mechanically inclined. These bikes are 26 years old, shops don't want to work on them and a lot of parts are available but ya gotta look for them sometimes. Mike
  2. Now that is nice! A lot of Nomads around here but .....they are lacking compared to yours. Mike
  3. Well Jeff ya know one of things we always say is we are waiting for the first good rain to get all the salt and gravel off the roads so we can get to riding again. I think we are in the clear now. I checked the weather this morning at 4:00 am as I planned on riding to work today. Looked good. Clear and sunny all day. Yep....sure.....grabbed the helmet and gloves and opened the front door and couldn't see across the street it was raining so hard. Kinda damp out.
  4. The one on mine had a crack in it so I used some ABS sheeting and made a piece to go over the top and and used ABS epoxy to bond them. Beefed up real well. No worry about the crack letting go now. On my first test ride after I bought the bike I did not know the retaining screw was missing and the dang thing jumped up a bit on me. Got a hand on it before it came completely off. I won't want to fist fight that thing at highway speeds. Mike
  5. I'm just going to mention this because I've seen something like this twice. Once on my own bike (my own mistake) and on one other. Try swapping the #3 & #4 plug wires. I got mine crossed up after an extended time away from working on it and it was was nuts. Popped like crazy, backfire ALL the time and just enough power to get down the road but but nowhere near what it should have been. Went back over what I had done on the bike and figured it out. Now, you would think, maybe.....the shortest plug wire from the coils would go to the closest spark plug...right? Not on mine. Swapped the wires and it was back to what it should have been. D'oh! I was at a local bike shop one day and there was another '84 there and the owner was talking to the guys about the popping, and low power problem the bike had. He had just bought it and was fighting the electronics trying to find the issue. We talked a bit and I asked him to fire it up. Sounded just like mine had. I asked if he could pull the side covers and let me try something and he argreed. Swapped his #3 & #4 wires and it took right off. He ran it around the block and came back with one of those grins. Happy as could be. He only paid like $500.00 for the the bike because of the way it was running. He came out out on that deal. I think there was another member here that got his wires crossed a while back to and had similar problems for a bit. Just sayin......ya know....it's possible. Worth a try. The jumper wire may have been an attempt to get fire on the plugs to get it running. Mike
  6. Never thought much about the stator working loose and making noise other than the bolts hitting inside. I suppose with all three bolts a little loose the magnetic pull of the rotor spinning around a loose stator could set up a heck of a vibration.
  7. Yep on the revs...... I've had a couple of friends that ride V-twins tell me I'm going to blow my bike up. I'm riding next to them at 4,000 rpm. You should see the looks on their faces when I take it up to 6,500 and shift. The V Four is a different animal altogether.
  8. Hey Kelly, Dan covered the stuff pretty well so I'll just add this. I have an '84 VR. It did not have a lower chin when I got it. The MKI's had the metal ones, but I couldn't find on I liked the condition of. But while I was looking for a chin I installed the Rivco spin-on oil filter adaptor on the bike. Great improvement to look at down the road for ya. Now with that done I wanted to make sure the filter had some protection. The chin was the way to do it. I found one off an '86 and hooked it up. I like the looks of it and keeps the road debris from beating on the filter. I've ran in all kinds of temps and I can see no real change in the engine temps even when it's in the high 90's. So be being you around. Mike
  9. Well ......dang. Ok, I checked all my system again and I do have everything current through sp3. I recently blew the hard drive and reinstalled the entire operating system and reinstalled all my programs fresh onto the new drive so there is nothing on here that shouldn't be. I sweep constantly for virus and bugs and it is a clean as a whistle. The one program that I use a lot that has been showing warnings that they will no longer support IE7 is the weather channel. Seems to be an up and up operation. LOL! They do have a button on their site to update to IE8 or Firefox. That was the one I used to download the upgrade software for IE8. That was the BOIE8 MSCOM_XP. EXE file. I just Googled that file and it showed a few odd listings but no Microsoft site. Hummm. There were two other sites that had the same warning and I'm going to check and see what file they set me up with later. Googled the WindowsXP-x86-ENU.exe file and that went right to the site. So that must be the right one. Thanks for the Firefox and Maxthon suggestions. I'm going to be looking at both those shortly. Any thing that offers improvements and more security is a possiblity. Thanks for the feedback guys. STRIKE ANY KEY TO CONTINUE...........ok......where'd I leave my hammer? Mike
  10. Ok....been getting the warnings lately that some programs will no longer be supported with Internet Explorer 7 so it's time to jump to IE8. No biggie right? I download the upgrade file for my Windows XP and go to install it. Dang...... I have the file BOIE8_MSCOM_XP.EXE as the upgrade but when I go to install it I get the message "BOIE8_MSCOM_XP.EXE is not a valid Win32 application" I spent some time on the Windows site and checked that I have all the needed updates installed on my system and it looks like I have everything I need. I can get around a computer pretty well if I know where I'm going but I'm a bit stumped on this one. Any suggestions? Mike
  11. Hi JC. Ok, you are still in the first gen class with an '89. The fuel selector is on the right hand side of the bike at the very bottom of the side panel right by the passeger foot or peg. It will be black plastic T-handle that can be turned to OFF, ON or RES. Most guys just leave them in the RES position as with the fuel pump you don't have any concerns about flooding the bike by leaving the petcock on. Most seem to be stuck there anyway since they don't get moved much. The tank is about 5.3 gallons so if everything is working reasonably well your should be at least 140 miles into the tank before the display warning comes on. That would be about 3 or 3.5 gals down. Ok that's one question........next.......hey! We know you got more...... Welcome to the site and hang around. Ride safe Mike
  12. Check here. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?threadid=49878
  13. This should be the one you're looking for. A pdf file in post #12. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=49729 My daughter got a copy of that. And she went pale when I showed her the You Tube vid just after that. I think she picked up on my point.
  14. Starter engage clutch shouldn't make any racket like that after the bike is running. I've had two fail on my '84 and man they sound like they are beating the motor to death when they split while cranking the motor over. Once the bike is running you would never know there was a problem. Not a sound. The staked bolts you are reading about......are they the ones that attach the engage clutch to the rotor? If ever replaced they should be new and staked in. Don't remember if you ever did an engage clutch......just the upgrade stator right? If the engage/rotor bolts work loose that will cause a rattling noise and slipping when cranking. Now if the stator is coming loose and that would have to be all the bolts, that might be a problem. I'm interested in what you find. Mike
  15. Thinking about a possible warped rotor also. Odds are against it if you are not feeling a pulse when braking but it could be enough to be slapping the pads back against the pistons.
  16. Ran across that before a few times. Best case, pads were shaking. Check the retainers. Worst case.......check the rotor for a hairline crack. Hard to see but will make a tick, tick, tick everytime the pads cross it. Not good. Hoping for pads. Mike
  17. Hey Giga, Yep, Squidley used to make those brackets. I got a set on mine. Work just fine. However, I may be wrong but I do think he is out of them.
  18. Oh yeah......remember that #2 is fixed.....non adjustable. So all you are doing is matching #1 to it. A bit dicey at times so a few minor tweaks back and forth between sides will need to be done along with readjustments to the idle during the process. Now try this to if you want. Once you get them set at 1,000 rpm take the revs up to 3,000 and check the levels again. See if there are any major changes. I dial mine in at 3,000. I figure I'm not running down the road at 1,000 rpm.
  19. In my early days of learning the fine art of syncing carbs I found myself wondering a couple of times....."HEY! Where did the mercury go?" I had people bring me bikes that were so far off one carb would suck the stick dry the second you hooked it up. I learned to slide the hose on slow and watch the stick to make sure it didn't do that anymore. As far a gauges.......great to have IF you want to spend the bucks on quality, oil filled ones that you can have calibrated. I built a bar back in '74 with two, added two more in '76 for the GL 1100 and then two more in '80 so I could do the CBX. And then the GW was a money maker. Don't ask what I had in that bar. Even back then. I think I was paying about $75.00 a crack to have all of gauges calibrated together. Wish I still had the dang thing today. I have a Carbtune now but I still break out the sticks to double check the end results. But glad you got it down to a workable level. Have fun when you get them lined up. It makes a heck of a difference. Mike
  20. Been a while since I looked at the manual on this but if I remember right (A) does #1 & #2. (B) does #3 & #4 and © balances the #1/#2 set against the #3/#4 set. So the (B) screw should be the one to bring #3 down to match #4.
  21. You wanted pics? You sure about that? Try going to sleep now without waking up screaming!!
  22. This is a problem I'm having with my 18 yr old daughter. All the time she has been around me and bikes she has never seen me saddle up without my gear on. I'll admit...in the worst of days in the heat of summer I'll forgo the jacket and ride in my shirt sleeves. That's my only failure for full gear. I have spent a bunch of money providing her with proper gear. She has a better helmet and jacket than I do. I make her wear gloves and boots as well. Her current arguement is "If you are that good of a rider, why do I need this stuff?" Grrrrr! When she asks to go with me it's gear up and lets go! These days she usually changes her mind. She don't ride with me without gear......period. When she has been out with me she see's the crotch rockets with the Joe Rocket guys and the barely clothed girl on the back. She sees the HD boys in thier pirate costumes with the girl on the back with a bikini top, short shorts and thigh high boots and says "At least they look comfortable!" She has a number of guy friends that ride. Rockets, cruisers and a couple of older sport bikes. They hang in my garage sometimes when I'm out there are a few are even interested in actually learning more about their bikes. I have made it clear, in a fatherly sort of way, that if I ever catch any of them with my daughter on the back with less than full gear on, I will personally re-arrange their exhaust system. If they ever have an accident on the bike with her along, I promise them they will have a hospital bed in the next room to hers. So far...so good. They are not letting her ride with them. At all. So far I have had one kid that has asked me if we, me and him, could spend some time riding together. Sure, what ya got in mind? He wants me to know how he rides so I would feel comfortable if my daughter went for a ride with him. Hummmm. This one has a brain or he's working me...... So what is the issue here? Guys wanna look tough and cool. Guys want the girlfriend to look hot. Hell the girls wanna look "Hot". The girls wanna be seen with a cool guy!How many of these guys are accepting responsibity for the safety, or the preservation of "hotness" by letting the girls ride without gear? I couldn't deal with the fact if I caused an injury to my daughter, girlfriend or the neighbor lady across the street if I let them ride without gear and I was involved in some type of mishap......my fault or not. I don't care if they are "hot". They can sweat all they want to in the jacket, long pants and helmet. I just want them unharmed.
  23. The most interesting idiots I've seen so far this year were two young bucks on crotch rockets running about 75 in a 45 zone. Blew past me dressed in the standard safety plaid shorts, wife beaters, tenny shoes and helmets worth far more than the gray matter they were attempting to protect. A Wally World bike helmet would have been more than needed for these two. Their trick was drag both feet on the street surface while running at that speed. They were looking at each others shoes at each traffic light and laughing about it. I was waiting for a sole to rip off. I was curious as to how far one could stay on a moving bike while missing part of a foot. Some people say I'm a bit judgemental as I see no problem with whacking idiots up the back of the head with a nice piece of hickory.
  24. Howdy Jason. I spent a lot more than that on a bike that hadn't run in 9 years and have no regrets. Took me 3 months to get it running and 3 years to get it to where I wanted it, one piece at a time. Once you have the old girl fired up, well that's when the fun begins. For $250.00 bucks........are you still sitting there? Go man GO NOW!
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