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Everything posted by Snaggletooth

  1. Yep, they have. My daughters choice between footwear when she wants to ride along is flip flops or Uggs. She wonders why she gets to sit home while I'm out riding. LOL! The choice has been made. Maybe I'll let her ride more this season. Thanks again Rick. Mike
  2. PM sent.
  3. I got to admit I like the looks of it. It seems the Female Silver Surfers are coming into their own these days. It was last summer I had a triked V-Rod cross the intersection in front of me. Made my turn and followed it for a while. Rider was all leathered up and moving right along. It pulled into a cafe by my place so I pulled in next to it as I'd never seen one. The rider popped the helmet off and it was a gal well into her early 70's. We talked about the trike for a while and she mentioned her husband had it made for her before he passed on. He wanted her to be able to keep riding without him. Now if that ain't love............
  4. I've used them a few times. Good folks.
  5. The Big Crank is just a brand label for the DEKA AGM. I bought one and now going into my 3rd season with it. Asolutley a bullet proof battery. And American made to. Not to mention the price is outstanding for the quality of the battery. Get ahold of skydoc_17 here or check http://www.bohannonbattery.com/html/deka.html for more info. Mike
  6. I have the same set. Works fine in my DVD drive on the computer. Dingys directions should get you running.
  7. Come on now........he's still working on it. When he gets it right and comes back from that first 100 mph blast in 3rd gear with his eyebrows on the back of his head...well...he'll know. Did anybody warn him about the velcro gloves you need for these things? More power......cracked me up.
  8. Not all bad then. And summer is right around the corner. You've seen "Fastest Indian" right. Now he had it made.
  9. Errr..........I got to ask.........Has your "other" seen you in the garage hugging the Blonde yet?
  10. Dang Steve. Not something a parent wants to deal with. I hope she returns home safe and sound in short order. I can only imagine what you and your family are feeling right now. Hang in there and my thoughts are with you. Mike
  11. Yep Kevin........I'm seeing them in a lot of the smaller Mom & Pop shops. The chains for now seem to avoiding them.......for now anyway.
  12. I thought for a while ol Charlie might come out of this alright until I saw the footage of him on the roof with the machette. Yep.....he's gone. Maybe him and Lohan can hook up.
  13. I looked at the Big Red lift at TS also. I never thought I'd say it but the HF lift, the yellow one, was better quality. I've had a couple friends that have bought the Craftman lifts. Both had problems with the release breaking on them. Craftman was of little help as the lifts were not covered under their lifetime warrenty. And no replacement parts were available. That's not right.
  14. The DEA finally banned the sale of this K2 stuff here in Nebraska. It was an over the counter sale in about all the tobacco shops here in the city. The kids, my own teenage daugther included argued it was safe because it was legal. After a long sit down and a bunch of research she figured out that the side affects were more than a little harmful. She's seen the bad side of it. She finds me to be a bit difficult to argue with at times. LOL! I spent 13 years in Transportation Safety and have been involved in overseeing the DOT and non DOT drug testing programs for several companies. Been though the medical classes and trained and certified as a Breath Alcohol Technician. Not to mention I grew up in late 60's and 70's. LOL! Do I trust her? Yes. Do I trust her judgement when her friends are holding this up in her face? I try, I really do. The kids today are faced with marketing programs aimed directly at them for products like this. It's a shame that it's even allowed. Now the new product around here is the "Lazy Cakes". Advertised as the "Ultimate Relaxation Brownie". Yikes........does that sound familiar? But is legal....and harmful. From what I've researched already it has put at least two young ones, a four year old and a two year old in the hospital. A brownie........what lil kid would turn that down? It ain't right. Mike
  15. Windshield..........yep, for sure. Top cover.....the only difference I see in the part#s is 26H-2171A-00-EM for the '83 and 26H-2171A-00-JM for the '85. This is common on the year and model changes so it should be a match.
  16. I have done this on two units I bought off eBay. I opened them up and used contact cleaner on them and set them in the oven, but only at 120 degrees, for about an hour. One went to a member here and last I heard it was doing fine. The other one I kept for my '84 and replaced the diodes in it. It is currenty in the bike and has been for two seasons with no problems. As stated, the temps at operating range on the bike would certainly exceed 120 or even 150. Look at where it mounts. LOL! When it's hot enough to melt the solder........that's another story. Mike
  17. If the screen is fogged more than likely the PO has used a product on it that has already damaged it. If it was just light swirls showing Plexus is a great product to help control that but it takes regular usage to keep it up. These screens have a protective coating on them and once it's damaged ......well.......it ain't going to ever be the same. I put up with the swirls for three season and finally gave in and bought a new one from Cee Bailys. They had a special going on so it was only $117.00 with shipping. There are several supplies out there and aftermaket ones on fleabay all the time. Mike
  18. Just a thought here but I had a similar problem on the tail light assemblies on a Lincoln Towncar. A couple of studs had broken loose in the housing. I picked up a couple of nylon screws from the hardware store and used 2 part epoxy to set them into the housing. When it set up they were as strong as the original studs and they are holding up well. Might work for ya......... Mike
  19. Well then you are pretty close to the original game plan. SWR meters are pretty cheap so picking one up is a good idea. I used to check on the highest and lowest channels and then dial it in on the channel I used the most. But your are hearing stuff now that you didn't hear before so you're good to go. But get that SWR dialed in and you will have it made. Mike
  20. Hey David, Just another thought here. Talk to your local CB shop about this. The coaxial cable that comes with an antenna is cut to the proper size to create the best wave length. You mentioned you cut the new cable down to the original size of the OEM bike coax. You might want to check that length and ask the shop about about any issues with getting a good wave out of that. I'm sure YamaMama had a game plan when they set this all up but was it the right one? I used to use the full length coax on my GWs and wound it in a figure 8 patten and tucked it under the seat. Got good results with that. Believe it or not....there is a huge differnce in performance on winding the coax in a circular loop and a figure 8. 10-7.......Down and out.
  21. The CB should handle two with no risk however............. The problem is with the ground plane. That plays a part in the shape of the signal. One antenna on the rear will work the best. A single antenna on the rear will throw a signal more towards the direction you are traveling and to the rear in an elongated oval pattern. Two antenna require some distance between then. About 8ft. to give an almost circular pattern. Two antenna on the rear within only a 2 1/2 to 3 ft of each other would throw an extremely elongated oval off the the sides with very little reaching to the front and rear. Take look at an over the road semi that you can talk to for the longest time. They have a huge ground plane from the tractor and trailer and more than likely a single anteena on the passenger side mirror mount. That combination would throw a signal forward and and slightly to their left. Towards oncoming traffic. Most OTR's run two. That gives a good circular pattern if they are 8 ft or more apart and have been dialed with an adjustable splitter and the SWRs set properly. Just my from 35 years of using CBs. By the way....The K40 is an excellent choice. My preference. Mike
  22. Thanks for the heads up Steve. Be watching for them. Mike
  23. Hey Shaun, The mysterious switches, indicator lights and odd wires are always fun. The PO's always have something they did that leaves the next guy scratching their head. About all you can do is start at the source and follow the wires. Things to look for would be did he have, and remove any extra lighting? Marker lights? Driving lights? Ahh, almost forgot about this one. Some have added a switch to bypass, or over ride the control for the cooling fan. If they were used to doing a lot of stop and go traffic or riding on a hot climate it can be kicked on before the bike gets too hot. Pretty common mod. Check to see if it affects your fan. You would not believe how much added wire I removed from my '84 when I first got it. Not to mention a can of Scotch Loks! Started over and built an entire new harness for the lights and extra gizmos I wanted. The next owner, if I ever part with it, will be scratching his head and cursing my name over it. LOL! The fuse panel is a good start for avoiding a lot of problems with the electrical system. Poor connections at that point create all kinds of other issues that may be misleading at first. I replaced mine with a blade type before Skydoc_17 came out and offered his upgrade kit. His is a complete setup with everything you will be to make the change. Ah geesh, things to do......... You will see all kinds of upgrades and mods on this site. Pretty much all tried and true. A common problem creates an interesting affect here. People start throwing out ideas and somewhere along the lines somebody comes up with a solution. Check out the classified ads and you will see items made by some of our members that are fast and solid repairs for everything from a leaking coolant drain valve to changing out complete brake systems to upgrade to SS lines and better calipers. We even got a guy than can do wonders for making a seat fit your tail section. But I'll shut up now. You're here, you joined, you already have the picture of what this group is like. And the way you jumped into your bike shows you aren't afraid to get your hands dirty. Welcome to your new home. Kind of like Hotel California....... you ain't getting out now. Muhahahaha
  24. The Progressive Instuctions state: Oil level should be 5.5 inches from the top of the tube with the fork completely collapsed and the spring REMOVED. So top cap off, spring out, push lower fork all the way up and THEN measure the oil level.
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