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Everything posted by Snaggletooth

  1. I got a couple new projects starting up and sending some parts to the platers to have the old chrome stripped so I can clean them up and paint them. The thing is I also have some parts that are plastic that were "chromed" and I need to remove that also. Any suggestions on removing that without damaging the plastic? Other than a lot of scraping and sanding? Thanks Mike
  2. And that is why we call them Stealerships ya know. Don't seem right does it? Like Randy said, dose it with Sea Foam and run it for a bit to let it get into the carbs. Then let it sit overnight and soak. Then take it out and run it like it's a rental. If it's an '07 and only 3200 miles......it ain't been ridden much at all. Carbs and lines are gummed up. Sea Foam it the best product to take care of that. If ya dose it heavy keep in mind a fresh set of plugs will be in order after it clears up. Get that done and do the carb sync and it should in in good shape. Then enjoy the bike. Mike
  3. PayPal sent. Thanks for setting this up. Mike
  4. I went with the Avon Venoms 3 years ago primarly for the grip and the load rating. I'm 285 lbs. and ride solo most the time. I've got over 17,000 miles on them now and just at the wear bar and no signs of cracking. I watch my tire pressure very closely. Seems to have worked ok seeing the mileage I got out of them. I'm ordering another set soon and torn between the Avons again or chaging to the E3's.
  5. There was the time I was stopped at an intersection waiting for the light to turn green and the bike started to rev up all by itself and I started smelling gas. I looked down and saw I was sitting in a good sized puddle of gas. A float had hung up and was blowing fuel out the overflow like crazy. The bike was up to about 4,500 when the light turned green. Time to move or get run over. So off I went with a gas slick rear tire on an asphalt street. Most interesting launch on this bike I have ever had. It had to be entertaining for the folks behind me.
  6. Hi guys. Again thanks for more ideas on this. Royalstar....that was one of the reasons I farmed it out to a friend. Just getting to the pump to pull the rest of the lines and replace the pump involves removing the A/C and other items. Along with the possible other issues line a clogged pickup, a bad line etc. I just don't have the time for it. And my friend has a shop that is set up better to get under the car and chase lines. Piston, good point. I remember now about the there being some problem like that. That is one thing I can check before the tow truck picks it up today. I'm not going to grumble about working on my bike ever again. LOL! Cars are a PITA!!!
  7. What? Work? You poor devil! Sorry to hear that. But after 2 1/2 years you are probably a lil excited. And 5 AM? You better get your butt to bed. Congrats on the job friend. Welcome back to the rat race. Mike
  8. Well it's over. I was convinced the ignition module was heating up and cutting out as he said it only did it after he'd been driving for a while. He came and got the car for a while before I had really dug into it and then called and said it had done it again. He was about 4 blocks away and made it back. It died in my driveway as he pulled in. I threw my tester on it and it was firing like crazy. Lots of good spark. So much for that train of thought. I pulled the fuel filter and it was not clogged with debris as I thought it might be, but nothing was going to go through it either. Dead stop. I had pumped gas out of the feed line this morning to check the gas and it looked fine. I had him spin it and there was no fuel forthcoming from the feed line. Nuttin. So I assume the restriction at the fuel filter was too much for the old pump and killed it off. So I gave him the good news and showed him what would be involved in changing the pump. I even hooked him up with a buddy who has more time on his hands than I do. A lot of work to install a $35.00 pump. The tow truck will be here in the morning to take it over to my friends place. Kids going to need to work some overtime to fix this one.
  9. Hi Earl. I got rid of those anti-dive lines, what, two years ago. Just something else to leak. Never missed them. When I opened up the forks this time I found the preload on the Progressives had compressed a bit. About 1/4 of an inch. I cut a new set of spacers at 3/4 inch and installed them. My daugther said I looked like an angry monkey when she came out while I was putting the fork caps back in. I can imagine. Not easy but got them in. With the added preload and 10 wt oil it sure feels better. Will know more about the way it rides tomorrow.
  10. Ok, I finally got around to installing the Shindegen R/R that Dano hooked me up with a while back. Game plan.....under the seat install. No problem. Yeah right. Seems to be a lil tight under there or maybe my big tail section has just compessed it more than it should be. Maybe. But I ended up installing it inside the left fairing mounted on the black inner fairing. I got rid of the amp for the cassette deck long ago and had a lil room to play with there. So I got it mounted up tonight and ran the new harness and capped the old wire and fired it up. Don't fret about the connectors.....it will all be soldered together tomorrow. I know some of you have done this mod already but I was impressed with the output and how stable the charge was. The OEM R/R would always show a bit on ramping up and down on the digtal volt meter. Not this thing. I didn't get a good reading at idle yet as the bike was cold and I didn't run it very long but when I reved it up it jump right to 14.4 and sat there. No ramping at all. I threw on the two 65 watt driving lights (the true test) and it dropped to 14.2. And sat there. No ramping. Not bad. So between Buckeyes upgrade stator, the Shindengen R/R and the DEKA AGM battery I don't think it can get any better than this. Great combination. Some days ya win one. Mike
  11. I did a fork rebuild on my '84 and polished the fork tubes while I had it torn down. Earl came up with his Block Off Plates for the anti-dives while I was in the middle of all this so I picked up a set. I wanted the ugly butt anti-dives gone. So today I had it all finished up and back on the bike. Got to admit, it slicked the forks up real nice. Thanks Earl for the time and effort you spent on these.
  12. I pumped out about a pint of gas and it looks clean. Going to install a new fuel filter anyway. But at this point it looks like the ignition module is the culprit. Going to replace the distributor cap, rotor and ignition module and that will hopefully resolve the issue. He's getting off cheap. Under $80.00 for parts. I just installed a new ignition module in my Lincoln and that was $240.00 for it alone. Yikes. Thanks for the suggestions and advice. Mike
  13. Nice setup there Earl. Looks good. To bad it only works on the MKII.
  14. As far as the CB.....look and see if somebody stuck a pin though your coax to. That was an old trick to shut somebuddy up in the old days.
  15. There ya go. Now that's what I call service!! Hi Dan!!
  16. PM Dano, He does the starter clutch mod for us. I had him do mine in 2/2010. Perfect fix. No issues anymore at all. I'd blown out two clutches before he did mine. Costs a bit more than a new OEM. but not much more and you will never have to replace it again. There is thread around here some where on it. Mike
  17. Thanks Goat, that's what I needed to know. Now that I've been thinking about it some of that model had issues with toasting the dist rotors to. That would cause similiar problem. Along with the converter, or fuel pump, or ignition module, or ah hell.......let it be something simple this week. Gotta run. Thanks guys Mike
  18. Trying to rescue my daughters boyfriends car. He filled the tank up and shortly after the car started stuttering and stalling and will start again after a few minutes but has no power on a hill and will stall out again. I'm thinking bad gas and/or it is clogging the fuel filter. It's a 1988 Cutlass with the 5 Ltr. Working from memory that car has a fuel fitler that screws into the carb body with either a filter inside of the barrel housing or the barrel housing itself is a filter. I'm pretty sure it has steel fuel lines. Anybody have any info on that. Headed out in a bit to see what I can do. Be nice to grab the right filter on the way. Thanks Mike
  19. Contact has been made. Good going Bob! Give it time to pickup the sludge, it will slow down in time. And you have had it how long? .....it's obsolete by the time you plug it in ya know. Mike
  20. I just checked with SW Moto where I got my last set and they are at $120.95 for the front and $140.95 for the rear. So if they can beat that, even with the $50.00, I'll give them a shot. I'll let ya know what they come up with. Mike
  21. About the same on mine. The guy at the bike shop that mounts mine couldn't believe it until he checked the records on when he mounted them. He never thought they would pull that kind of mileage. I'm getting ready to order another set. Can't complain. Mike
  22. Thanks, I was getting ready to order a new set of Avons for mine. That helps! Mike
  23. One of my riding buddies had called me over to see the new bike lift he had bought. I rode over and just as I pulled into his driveway I saw the bike up on the lift and he waved at me and started to let the bike down. It was weird watching the bike come down and slowly lean to the left and then go completely over against the wall. At least there was a wall to stop it. He just stood there with that old slack jaw expression while I got off my bike and looked over his bike for damage before trying to pick it back up. He just looked at me and asked, "What the H~~L you grinning about?" All I could say was, "Next time you might want to put the side stand down before you lower the lift." Looking at him all I could think of was an old cartoon owl looking at me and blinking. First time in a long time I've seen him speechless. We rode over to Wally World and got him some straps and showed him how to tie the bike down on the lift. Just in case he forgets again. But no damage done except his pride.
  24. Wow~~~~ Speechless........Now that stands out! Most excellent!
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