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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Very Good looking 86 , I think that is the best color on a Mk-2 But I'm biased
  2. Yep ! and We get to WORK ON YOUR NEW TRIKE !!!!! Don , are you trying say something with the smilly bike on a trailer thingy ?
  3. Kewl ! Don , but arn't you taking the car tire thing a little too much ? I'll trade you a 1st gen for it Dear Stanta , I know what I want for Christmas !
  4. Nope this proves you wrong , but it shows part of the build , WARNING THIS IS BEARLY LEGAL ON YOUTUBE , SOME PEOPLE WOULD CLASS IT PG- 13 youtube.com/watch?v=P4RepFk7pIE&feature=fvw
  5. Here is one with the body off and a Star wars bike [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pNrFRmrVKo&feature=player_embedded#]YouTube - Tron Lightcycle Parker Brothers Choppers Update 7 Driving Easyrider Cover Shoot[/ame]!
  6. The tank bag is going to be hard to do because of plastic , and the bag on the back rest will have to be small . go to wally world and check out the camera bags , they come in all dif. sizes . I had to get rid of my knee pouches so I used a small camera bag on the handle bars for my junk .
  7. Can't think of anything to say , but , OK ? [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivPheV77JcU&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Tron Lightcycle Test Drive Parker Brothers Choppers TRON Legacy.wmv[/ame]
  8. Thom

    Mugs arrived

    We got ours today , 1st time boss checked the po box in a week , they are:thumbsup::cool10: great ! Thanks !
  9. Ask Owen , He used mine , It looked like he did a pretty go job the 3 times he used it on the same tire and wheel , somebody has pic's of him using it , Finally a pay back
  10. I have bought from them many of time off ebay , I think 1/3 of my bike is from them , boy am i glad their there , the time i bought a over flow tank and cap , looked almost new in the pic , pad 4.99 plus shipping and got here in 3 days but it was not the same one in the pic and the cap was broken and repaired with black tape , emailed them and the same day got back a email saying " OOPS sorry " and put my money back in paypal even paid back shipping ! and i got to keep the tank ! They # 1 in my book .
  11. Ya your rite , I looked at it and thought it would take a machine shop but i was thinking of using 1.5 to 1 levers but that takes a machine shop too . I've used a thumb lock too but had them slip when i jam them back all the way . I have met 1st geners that have never popped a wheelly and it was because they never used the last 1/4 turn of the throttle It's cold outside , to cold to ride so that why I have the " I Wander if it will work " today I need heated vest , gloves and seat , its only 55 f !!
  12. The thing I hate about a 1st gen is the throttle , it is a long way to get to wot . with my big hands to go full throttle I have to break my wrest , anybody know if there is a shorter throw one that will work on our bikes ? BTW it Snaggaltooth fault ! He was talking about a 1/4 turn throttle on a over powered dirt bike:stickpoke:
  13. The Wife and I spent the afternoon racing through town on these , they get about 30 miles to a charge which is pretty good in a small town , The Wife rides her to work everyday . I may start doing it too , it will save me 11.00 a week in gas money . tomorrow morning it is going to be 40% f. so I'll have to ware leathers and a helmet ,------- Ya Rite , the Lincoln has a heater !!
  14. Before you change amps , pull the left side and clean all the plugs under the tuner and on the amp .
  15. I have no IDEA , and all those pic's is a lie ! but if i knew , you need to cross the straps on the rear and on the front , strapping to the fork brace works good too . Some people in Texas think all I ever do is trailer a 1st gen
  16. Finally got to see it tonite ! it was on amc 3/4 the way through the movie Aliens , you made the big time !
  17. How did you do that ? turn the key board upside down ?
  18. I got the 1st Elec. scooter finished :cool10:and did not want to ride it to work tomorrow , only do's 30 mph , so I'm trailing another bike !
  19. Still thinking of your 1st gen ? remember 2nd gs have it bas acakwards , lol
  20. great pic's !!!!! i figgered out i am way to old to have that much fun ! i am glad i got to see everyone including the new member who after 10 mins. of PK and me trying to get him to join VR.ORG. already signed up ! by the way WELCOME DRKNGAS again ! I hope next time everybody will let me join them for breakfast instead of hiding from me Doodle , you made me sign up on face book just to see the pic's I see you did a lot of editing of the pic's until , toodles Thom
  21. Marsha has to work and , most likely i'll get a motel room in freeport , a friend of mine is setting up a venders trailer , he do's the glow lites on motor cycles . i'll be coming in the back way from Freeport .
  22. If work don't get in the way and creek don't rise , I'm leaving here fri. and coming back sun. where is everybody going to meet , the Mex. rest. ?
  23. I hate say this , but 1 pic of a wing with a bunch of cold riders ? :rotfl: Sorry , but I'm just full of it today . Thom --- who should not be allowed to play with the keyboard oops , there they are ! pretty cool !
  24. Owen , my friend --------------- BITE ME !!!!!!!
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